"You can always pray and it's not bad" ... by Viviana Rispoli (hermit)


Jesus urges us to pray always and it seems that this invitation is an impossible undertaking, in reality if Jesus asks us it is because it can be done. I want to give you some ideas to pray even among a thousand commitments. Good thing would be to start the day with a time dedicated only to it. I know that many in the morning have many things to think about besides running to work but the time of prayer is TOO IMPORTANT, it is the time that will never be lost, it is the best part that we will take to the Kingdom of heaven and therefore this time deserves the sacrifice of waking up a little earlier, to recite a rosary or to meditate on the gospel of the day or to recite praise or read the life of the saint of the day, perhaps also invoking his protection.
The beginning of the day is very important because if it starts with prayer it starts with an extra gear. After that, with the heart a little warmed by it, we will have more spirit and we will be more able to grasp every reason and occasion to raise prayers and thanksgiving to our God. And all this in our hearts. In the morning I already thank him for the coffee I love while I say "but you really thought about everything." .. and then also the trip to work could be a good opportunity to recite the Ave or our father and as soon as you enter the workplace, the best thing is to entrust your work to the Lord. This is a way to make it a prayer too and then make a prayer before making a phone call, before an interview, before a visit, make a prayer while entering a place as if to sanctify it too, Make a prayer for the person or the deceased who has just come to mind And then acts of offerings when something goes wrong, when for any reason we suffer we do not waste this pain but offer it to him., and then a prayer while cooking and a prayer before sit at the table and if we finally want to relax, invite Jesus to watch a movie with us in your heart, and then a prayer to entrust him with the night, and gradually you will realize that there have been many reasons for praying and thanking our God, from the beautiful sunny day, to the son you hold in your arms or for the one who returns from school, the husband who returns from work, for the cat that sleeps embraced to you, for the little dog that looks at you like if he looked at God, for the rose that continues to bloom in winter, for the warm greeting of an old man, for the too amusing joke of a colleague, for the goodness of a glass of wine, in a word for the beauty of life.