Prayer to Maria Assunta in Cielo to be recited today

O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and Mother of men,

we believe in your assumption in body and soul to heaven,

where you are acclaimed by all the choirs of angels and by all the hosts of saints.

And we join them to praise and bless the Lord who exalted you above

all creatures and to offer you the yearning for our devotion and our love.

We trust that your merciful eyes will lower themselves on our miseries

and on our sufferings; that your lips smile at our joys

and to our victories; that you hear the voice of Jesus repeat for each of us:

Here is your son.

And we call on our mother and take you, like John, for guidance,

strength and consolation of our mortal life.

We believe that in glory, where you reign dressed in the sun and crowned with stars,

you are the joy and gladness of angels and saints.

And we in this land, where we pass pilgrims, look towards you,

our hope; lure us with the softness of your voice to show us one day,

after our exile, Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb, or lenient,

or pious, sweet Virgin Mary.