Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague to obtain a grace revealed by the Madonna

O Baby Jesus, I appeal to you, and I pray that through the intercession of your Holy Mother, you will want to assist me in my need (it can be explained), because I firmly believe that your Divinity can help me. I hope so confidently to obtain your holy grace. I love you with all my heart and with all the strength of my soul; I sincerely repent of my sins, and I beg you, good Jesus, to give me the strength to triumph over them. I propose not to offend you anymore, and to you I offer myself willing to suffer everything, instead of giving you the slightest disgust. From now on I want to serve you with all fidelity, and, for your love, Divine Child, I will love my neighbor as myself. Almighty baby, Lord Jesus, I again beg you, assist me in this circumstance ... Give me the grace to possess you eternally with Mary and Joseph, and to adore you with the holy Angels in the Court of Heaven. So be it.

revealed by Mary Most Holy to VP Cyril of the Mother of God Carm. Barefoot first apostle of devotion to the Holy Child of Prague

PRAYER TO BABY JESUS ​​OF PRAGUE for desperate causes

O beloved Jesus, who love us tenderly and who form your greatest pleasure in dwelling among us, although I am unworthy of being looked upon by you with love, I also feel drawn to you, because you love to forgive and grant your love. .

Many graces and blessings have been obtained from those who have invoked You with confidence, and I, kneeling in spirit before your miraculous Image of Prague, here I lay my heart, with all its questions, its desires, its hopes and specially….

I enclose this question in your small, but most merciful Heart. Rule me and dispose of me and my loved ones as your holy will will please, while I know that you do not order anything that is not for our good.

Almighty and lovable Child Jesus, do not abandon us, but bless us, and always protect us. So be it. Three Glories to the Father ...