Prayer to Our Lady of good advice "what should I do?"

Blessed Virgin Mary, most pure Mother of God, faithful dispenser of all graces, oh! For the love of your divine Son, illuminate my mind, and assist me with your advice, so that I can see and want what I must do in every circumstance of life. I hope, oh Immaculate Virgin, to receive this heavenly favor through your intercession; after God, all my confidence is in you.

Fearing, however, that my sins might prevent the effect of my prayer, I detest them as much as I can, because they infinitely displease your Son.

My good Mother, I ask you this thing alone: ​​What should I do?


by Pope Pius XII

Holy Virgin,
at whose feet it leads us
our frantic uncertainty
in research and achievement
of truth and good,
to invoke you with the sweet title
of Mother of the Good Council,
come, please, to our rescue,
while, through the streets of the world,
the darkness of error and evil
conspire to our ruin,
misleading minds and hearts.

You, seat of wisdom and star of the sea,
it gives light to doubters and wanderers,
lest false goods seduce them;
secure them against hostile and corrupting forces
of passions and sin.

Get for us, O Mother of Good Counsel,
from your Divine Son, the love of virtue
and, in the uncertain and difficult steps,
the strength to embrace
what is appropriate for our salvation.

If your hand holds us,
we will walk unharmed on the signposted paths
from the life and words of the Redeemer Jesus;
and after following free and safe,
even in earthly struggles,
under your maternal star,
the Sun of Truth and Justice,
we will enjoy with You in the port of health
full and eternal peace.
So be it.