Do you want to have the Guardian Angel next to you? Here's how to pray to him

Prayer toGuardian angel.

Angelo, my Guardian, zealous advocate who with incessant prayers addressed to Heaven. Intercede for my eternal salvation and remove the deserved punishments from my head. I salute you and thank you, together with all the choir of thrones elected to support the throne of the Most High and to establish men in good.

Please, in your charity, grant me the priceless gift of final perseverance. So that in death he passes happily from the miseries of earthly exile to the joy of the Heavenly Fatherland. 3 times the Angel of God

Angel, my Guardian, benign comforter who with sweet inspirations comfort me in all the troubles of the present life and in all the fears of the future. I salute you and thank you, together with the whole choir of cherubs who, full of the knowledge of God, are chosen to illuminate our ignorance.

I beg you to assist me, with particular concern, and to console me both in present difficulties and in future torments; so that, enraptured by your sweetness, a reflection of the divine one, he turns his heart away from the deceptive earthly flattery to rest in the hope of the future happiness. 3 times the Angel of God

Assist me, holy Guardian Angel, help in my needs, comfort in my misfortunes, light in my darkness, protector in dangers inspiring good thoughts, intercessor with God, shield that repels the evil enemy, faithful companion, very sure friend, prudent adviser, model of obedience, a mirror of humility and purity. Assist us, Angels who guard us, Angels of our families, Angels of our children, Angels of our parishes, Angel of our city, Angel of our country, Angels of the Church, Angels of the universe. Amen.