Prayer to ask for a grace from the Holy Spirit written by Mother Teresa

mother teresa

Holy Spirit, give me the ability
to go all the way.
When I see that there is a need for me.
When I feel I can be useful.
When I make a commitment.
When my word is needed.
When my silence is needed.
When I can give joy.
When there is a penalty to be shared.
When there is a mood to lift.
When I know it's good.
When I overcome laziness.
Even if I'm the only one who is committed.
Even if I'm afraid.
Even if it's difficult.
Even if I don't understand everything.
Holy Spirit, give me the ability
to go all the way.

The Holy Spirit scrutinizes everything
But to us God revealed them by means of the Spirit 1 cor 2,10

The Holy Spirit puts us in communion with the heart of God ...

1 Cor 2: 9-12

Those things that eye did not see, nor ear heard,
nor did they ever enter the heart of a man,
these prepared God for those who love him.

But God revealed them to us by the Spirit; the Spirit in fact scrutinizes everything, even the depths of God. Who knows the secrets of man if not the spirit of man who is in him? So even the secrets of God no one has ever been able to know if not the Spirit of God. Now, we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God to know all that God has given us.

If the Father has given us everything through his son Jesus, how can we access the promises? How can we take part in the plan of salvation? How will we see His will fulfilled in us? Who will change our heart to make it similar to that of his son Jesus?

We can do it through Jesus, or rather by accepting Jesus as Lord of our life: then the Holy Spirit, that is, the Spirit of Jesus himself, will pour out on us, it will be He, the Spirit to realize all that God has promised for us, he will help us to achieve it, to get on the road and to fulfill his will. By receiving the Spirit and starting a personal relationship with Him, He will put us in relationship with the Trinity and He who scrutinizes the depths of the heart of God will allow us to know better the greatness of God with particular regard to what God wants to accomplish in our life . At the same time the Spirit scrutinizes our heart, and goes to grasp our every need for material and above all spiritual life and begins an intercession work with the Father with a prayer in perfect harmony with our need and with God's plan on our life. This is why there is much talk of prayer guided by the Spirit: only he knows each of us intimately and the intimacy of God.

But how come the bible speaks to us of things unseen, unheard and outside the heart of man? Yet the verse clearly explains to us that all these things God has prepared for us. Let's take a step back in the book of Genesis “Then they heard the sound of the footsteps of the Lord God who walked in the garden in the breeze of the day, and the man, with his wife, hid from the presence of the Lord God, in the middle of the trees of the garden "God used to walk with the man in the garden of Eden but one day the man did not show up, he hid, he had sinned, the relationship was interrupted, the word of the snake came true, their eyes opened to the knowledge of the good and evil, but they can no longer hear the voice of God, can no longer see God and therefore everything that He had prepared and was realizing about man was interrupted, a rift was created and the man was driven out by garden of Eden.

This rift was filled by the One who encloses humanity and divinity in himself: Jesus and through Him and his sacrifice on the cross and by virtue of his re-resurrection that we have been able to access that initial plan of God on man. The Spirit, therefore, that we receive from baptism onwards does nothing other than realize God's plan for each one of us, aware that that plan is our happiness because it is the reason why God created us.

So let's deepen our personal relationship with Jesus through the Spirit day by day, only in this way will we be able to penetrate the heart of God.