Prayer to ask for the grace of a sick person


O Lord Jesus,
during your life on our earth
you showed your love,
you were moved by the sufferings
and many times you have restored health to the sick
bringing joy back to their families.

Our dear (name) is (seriously) ill,
we are close to him with all this
which is humanly possible.
But we feel helpless:
really life is not in our hands.

We offer you our sufferings
and we combine them with those of your passion.

Cause this disease
help us understand more
the meaning of life,
and give our (name) the gift of health
because we can thank you together
and praise you forever


O Christ, physician of bodies and souls
watch over our sick and suffering brother;
and, like the good Samaritan, he sheds on his wounds
the oil of consolation and the wine of hope.
With the healing grace of your Spirit
illuminates the difficult experience of disease and pain,
because relieved in body and soul
join all of us in giving thanks
to the Father of mercies.
You live and reign forever and ever.

God the Creator and Savior,
You dominate creatures with affection and lead them to salvation.
We pray to you: heal the wounds of this dear patient of ours,
relieve his pain and give him body health.
Forgive his sins and free him from the anguish of illness.

We trust you:
You healed many sick people,
you freed your apostles Peter and Paul from prison,
and you commanded your priests to assist the sick.
Lord, let this dear patient of ours
be released from prison of illness
and who can thank you in your Church.
So be it.