Prayer to be recited today "Palm Sunday"


By the merits of your Passion and Death, Jesus,

may this blessed olive tree be the symbol of your Peace, in our home.

may it also be a sign of our peaceful adherence to the order proposed to your Gospel.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!


Truly my beloved Jesus,

You enter another Jerusalem,

as you enter my soul.

Jerusalem did not change when it received you,

indeed, it became more barbaric because it crucified you.
Ah, never allow such a disaster,

that I receive you and all passions remaining in me

and the bad habits contracted, become worse!

But please with the most intimate of heart,

that you deign to destroy them and destroy them totally,

changing my heart, mind and will,

that they are always turned to love you,

serve you and glorify you in this life,

to then enjoy them in the other eternally.


Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy

Christ, listen to us. Christ, listen to us
Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us

Heavenly Father, you are God. Have mercy on us
Son, Redeemer of the World, you are God. Have mercy on us
Holy Spirit, you are God. Have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us

O merciful God, who manifests Your omnipotence and Your goodness
have mercy on us

O God, patiently wait for the sinner
have mercy on us

O God, who affectionately invite him to repent
have mercy on us

O God, who rejoices so much at his return to You
have mercy on us

Of every sin
I repent heartily, O my God

Of every sin in thoughts and words
I repent heartily, O my God

Of every sin in works and omissions
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

Of every sin committed against charity
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

For every grudge hidden in my heart
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

For not having welcomed the poor
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

For not having visited the sick and the needy
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

For not having sought Your Will

I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

For not having willingly forgiven
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

For every form of pride and vanity
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

Of my arrogance and all forms of violence
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

To have forgotten your love for me
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

To have offended Your infinite Love
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

Because I have succumbed to lies and injustice
I repent wholeheartedly, oh my God

O Father, look at your Son who died on the cross for me:

It is in him, with him and for him that I present my heart to you, repented of having offended you and full of ardent desire to love you, to better serve you, to flee from sin and to avoid all occasions. Do not reject a contrite and humiliated heart; and I hope, with deep confidence to be heard.


Send on us, Lord, Your Holy Spirit, who purify our hearts with penance, and transform us into a sacrifice pleasing to You; in the joy of a new life we ​​will always praise Your holy and merciful Name. For Christ our Lord. Amen.