Prayer to be recited today on the first Friday of the month to Jesus

My Heart is yours, take it and repair it.

Deep adorations of the Heart of Jesus, join me.

Ardent love of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Fervent zeal of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Thanksgiving from the Heart of Jesus, join me.

Absolute trust of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Ardent prayers of the Heart of Jesus join me.

Eloquent silence of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Humility of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Obedience of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Sweetness and peace of the Heart of Jesus, join me.

Ineffable goodness of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Universal charity of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Deep recollection of the Heart of Jesus, unite me with you.

Tender concern for the Heart of Jesus

for the conversion of sinners, join me.

Intimate union of the Heart of Jesus

with Heavenly Father, join me.

Love of the Heart of Jesus, light our hearts.

Charity of the Heart of Jesus, enter our hearts.

Strength of the Heart of Jesus, support our hearts.

Mercy of the Heart of Jesus, forgive our hearts.

Patience of the Heart of Jesus, do not tire of our hearts.

Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus, dwell in our hearts.

Science of the Heart of Jesus, teach our hearts.

Will of the Heart of Jesus, dispose of our hearts.

Zeal of the Heart of Jesus, devour our hearts.

Immaculate Virgin, pray for us the Heart of Jesus.

Adorable Trinity, we thank you for all the favors with which you have filled your servants Saint Margaret-Mary and Saint Magdalene-Sofia and we ask you, through their intercession, all the graces that we hope to obtain with this prayer.