Prayer dictated by Jesus himself to Padre Pio

Prayer dictated by Jesus himself (P. Pio said: spread it, have it printed)

"My Lord, Jesus Christ, accept all of myself for the time I have left: my work, my share of joy, my anxieties, my tiredness, the ingratitude that can come to me from others, the boredom, the loneliness that grips me during the day, successes, failures, everything that costs me, my miseries. Of all my life I want to make a bundle of flowers, place them in the hands of the Holy Virgin; She herself will think of offering them to you. Let them become the fruit of mercy for all souls and of merits for me up there in Heaven ”.

Padre Pio and prayer

Padre Pio is intended above all as a man of prayer. By the age of thirty he had already reached the pinnacle of the spiritual life known as the "unitive way" of transforming union with God. He prayed almost continuously.

His prayers were generally very simple. He loved praying the Rosary and recommended it to others. To someone who asked him what inheritance he wished to leave to his spiritual children, his short reply was: "My daughter, the Rosary". He had a special mission for the souls in Purgatory and encouraged everyone to pray for them. He said: “We must empty Purgatory with our prayers”.

Father Agostino Daniele, his confessor, director and beloved friend said: “One admires in Padre Pio, his usual union with God. When he speaks or is spoken to him.

Prayer dictated by Jesus: sleep in the hands of Christ

Each night, as you go to sleep, you are invited to sleep in the grace and mercy of our Lord. You are invited to rest in his arms to be rejuvenated and refreshed. Sleep is an image of prayer and, in fact, can become a form of prayer. To rest is to rest in God. Each beat of your heart must become a prayer to God and each beat of His Heart must become the rhythm of your rest (See Journal # 486).

Prayer dictated by Jesus himself. Do you sleep in the presence of God? Think about it. When you go to bed, do you pray? Do you ask our Lord to surround you with his grace and embrace you with his gentle arms? God spoke to the saints of antiquity through their dreams. He put holy men and women into deep rest to restore and strengthen them. Try to invite our Lord into your mind and heart as you lay your head down to sleep tonight. And as you wake up, let Him be the first to greet you. Allow each night's rest to be a rest in His Divine Mercy.

Lord, I thank you for the pace of each day. I thank you for the ways you walk with me throughout my day and thank you for being with me while I rest. I offer you, tonight, my rest and my dreams. I invite you to hold me close to You, so that Your Heart of Mercy may be the gentle sound that calms my tired soul. Jesus I believe in you.