Liberation prayer and to obtain thanks "the seven offerings to the precious Blood"

The seven offerings of the Precious Blood
I offer you, O eternal Father, the merits of the Precious Blood of your beloved Son, my divine Redeemer, for the glory and recognition of the holy Church my Mother, for the conversion and prosperity of his visible head, the sovereign Pontiff, for cardinals, bishops, pastors of souls, and for all ministers of the sanctuary.

Always be blessed and thanked, Jesus, for saving us at the cost of your Blood.

Glory to the Father.

I offer you, O eternal Father, the merits of the Precious Blood of your beloved Son, my divine Redeemer, for the peace and harmony of our rulers and for the happiness of the Christian people.

Always be blessed and thanked, Jesus, for saving us at the cost of your Blood.

Glory to the Father.

I offer you, O eternal Father, the merits of the Precious Blood of your beloved Son, my divine Redeemer, for the eradication of all heresies, for the conversion of sinners.

Always be blessed and thanked, Jesus, for saving us at the cost of your Blood.

Glory to the Father.

I offer you, O eternal Father, the merits of the Precious Blood of your beloved Son, my divine Redeemer, for my parents, my friends and my enemies, for the destitute, the sick and all those who suffer, and also for all those who need my prayers.

Always be blessed and thanked, Jesus, for saving us at the cost of your Blood.

Glory to the Father.

I offer you, O eternal Father, the merits of the Precious Blood of your beloved Son, my divine Redeemer, for all those who will pass on to another life today, so that you free them from the pains of hell to admit them to the total joy of Heaven.

Always be blessed and thanked, Jesus, for saving us at the cost of your Blood.

Glory to the Father.

I offer you, O eternal Father, the merits of the Precious Blood of your beloved Son, my divine Redeemer, for all those who are so devoted to this great treasure, for those who are with me in the adoration that I give them, and finally for those who seek to promulgate this holy devotion.

Always be blessed and thanked, Jesus, for saving us at the cost of your Blood.

Glory to the Father.

I offer you, O eternal Father, the merits of the Precious Blood of your beloved Son, my divine Redeemer, for all spiritual and temporal needs, and for the relief of the souls of Purgatory, especially of those who have been more I owe you to the price of our redemption and to the pain of Mary, our Holy Mother.

Always be blessed and thanked, Jesus, for saving us at the cost of your Blood.

Glory to the Father.

Eternal Father, I offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, in expiation for my sins and for the needs of the holy Church. So be it.