Today's prayer: Devotion to Maria Desolata to obtain thanks

The most serious and least considered pain of Mary is perhaps the one she felt at separating from the sepulcher of the Son and in the time in which she remained without him. During the Passion she certainly suffered excruciatingly, but at least she had the consolation of suffering with Jesus. his sight increased her pain, but it was also of some relief. But when Calvary descended without his Jesus, how lonely she must have felt, how empty her house must have seemed to her! Let us console this sorrow so forgotten by Mary, keeping her company in her solitude, sharing her pains and reminding her of the next Resurrection which will repay her for all her worries!

The Holy Hour with the Desolata
Try to spend all the time in which Jesus remained in the sepulcher in a holy sadness, consecrating as much as you can to keep company with the Desolate. Find at least an hour to consecrate totally to console the one who is called the Desolate par excellence and who deserves your mourning more than any other.

Better if the time is made in common, or if a shift can be established between various people. Think of being close to Mary, of reading in her Heart and hearing her complaints.

Consider and console the pain you have experienced:

1) When he saw the Tomb close.

2) When it had to be torn almost by force.

3) When returning he passed near Calvary where the cross still stood.

4) When he went back to the Via del Calvario looked perhaps with contempt by the people as the mother of the condemned.

5) When he returned to the empty house and falling into the arms of St. John, I felt the loss more.

6) During the long hours spent from Friday evening to Sunday with always in front of her eyes the horrible scenes of which she had been a spectator.

7) Finally, Mary's sorrow consoled in thinking that many of her pains and of her divine Son would have been useless for so many millions not only of pagans, but of Christians.


Introduction To facilitate a more active participation in the COMFORTING HOUR, it was decided to assign the various parts to five Readers. This especially meets the interest of the children who are the most sensitive to the pain of the Madonna: not for nothing did she turn to Fatima for them. Whoever directs the Hour can increase its number in the recitation of the individual Mysteries of the Rosary and Chaplets.

1. He directs the Ora, intones the songs and makes the readings; 2. The Heart of Mary; 3. The soul; 4. Recite the Rosary; 5. Recite the Chaplets

Jesus wants it: «The Heart of my Mother has the right to the title of Addolorato and I want it in front of that of the Immaculate, because the first bought it herself.

The Church has recognized in my Mother what I have worked on her: her Immaculate Conception. It is time, now, and I want it, that my Mother's right to a title of justice is understood and recognized, a title she deserved with her identification with all my pains, with her sufferings, her sacrifices and with his immolation on Calvary, accepted with full correspondence to my Grace, and endured for the salvation of humanity.

it is in this co-redemption that my Mother was above all great; and this is why I ask that the ejaculatory, as I have dictated it, be approved and propagated throughout the Church, in the same way as that of my Heart, and that it be recited by all my priests after the sacrifice of the Mass.

It has already obtained many graces; and he will obtain even more, pending that, with the Consecration to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my Mother, the Church is lifted up and the world renewed.

This devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary will revive faith and trust in broken hearts and destroyed families; it will help repair the ruins and ease many pains. It will be a new source of strength for my Church, bringing souls, not only to trust in my Heart, but also to abandonment in my Mother's Sorrowful heart ».