Today's prayer: Devotion to Saint Rita and the Rosary of impossible causes

Saint Rita certainly had a difficult life, yet her harrowing circumstances prompted her to prayer and helped her become a holy woman. He began his intercession work for sinners as he lived, starting with those closest to his heart. Through her love and prayers she obtained the grace of conversion for her husband and for both of her children.

Although her life was full of sorrows and disappointments, Rita persevered through her trials and was consoled by joining closely with Christ's sufferings. And he didn't abandon her; rather, he granted his deep and intimate graces. Now holy in heaven, help those who have great needs, just like once in his earthly life.

Santa Rita da Cascia is the patron saint of impossible causes, infertility, victims of abuse, loneliness, marital difficulties, parenting, widows, sick people, diseases and injuries. He is also one of the incorruptible saints of the Church; her body is revered in the basilica called for her in Cascia, Italy.

The uncorrupted body of Santa Rita in the Basilica of Santa Rita in Cascia, Italy.
If you are facing a difficult or impossible life situation, you can resort to prayer after the example of Saint Rita. Below is a prayer to Saint Rita and a novena (to be prayed over the course of nine days for a special intention).


Santa Rita, you now enjoy

In the sky the Supreme Good,

True lover of pains,

That Jesus suffered for us. Pater Noster, etc.

While God grants us life
We all give praise to Rita;

And forever, be praised
Crowned Rita in Heaven.

(Repeat ten times.) Gloria Patri, etc.

You imitated the Nazarene

Forgiving the killer,

And the children with ardor

you incited to forgive. Pater Noster, etc.

While God grants us life

We all give praise to Rita;

And forever, be praised

Crowned Rita in Heaven.

(Repeat ten times.) Gloria Patri, etc.

Widowed, you asked

Sacred Cloister, in which it already holds

D'Agostin the sweet law

To sacrament you to Supreme Ben. Pater Noster, etc.

While God grants us life

We all give praise to Rita;

And forever, be praised

Crowned Rita in Heaven.

(Repeat ten times.) Gloria Patri, etc.


And the body in that kindergarten

You tightened with chains

With fasts and harsh pains,

For the love of Jesus. Pater Noster, etc.

While God grants us life

We all give praise to Rita;

And forever, be praised

Crowned Rita in Heaven.

(Repeat ten times.) Gloria Patri, etc.


That bloody thorn

That pierced your forehead

it is heavenly source for me

Of comfort in pain. Pater Noster, etc.

While God grants us life

We all give praise to Rita;

And forever, be praised

Crowned Rita in Heaven.

(Repeat ten times.) Gloria Patri, etc.


O dear Santa Rita,
our Patroness even in impossible cases and Advocate in desperate cases,
let God free me from my present affliction …….,
and remove anxiety, which presses so hard on my heart.

For the anguish that you experienced on so many similar occasions,
have compassion on my person devoted to you,
who confidently asks for your intervention
at the Divine Heart of our Crucified Jesus.

O dear Santa Rita,
guide my intentions
in these humble prayers and fervent wishes.

By amending my past sinful life
and getting forgiveness of all my sins,
I have the sweet hope of enjoying one day
God in paradise together with you for all eternity.
So be it.

Saint Rita, patroness of desperate cases, pray for us.

Saint Rita, advocate of impossible cases, intercede for us.

3 Pater, Ave and Gloria.