Very effective prayer for job seekers


This prayer must be recited by everyone. For those looking for a job, those experiencing an economic crisis, by young people but also by those who suffer in the workplace.

Lord Jesus, you who are good and merciful,
you who can do anything and deny your help to anyone;
I stand here before you with my heart in my hand
ask for your help. You who multiplied
"That bread" and you said "take it and eat it all",
now more than ever Lord I need to be satisfied.
Please help me find a job; remove from my heart
all worries and give me that stability
I've been looking for for some time; I don't want riches,
but only what is enough to live with dignity
and to be able to provide for the good
of all my loved ones and all the people who
they have been entrusted to me. Lord Jesus have mercy on me,
grant me this grace; I will be grateful to you
helping others in need
and I will raise a thanksgiving
for your mercy without limits.