Remember, Holy Child Jesus, of that promise so dear that you made to your tender disciple, the Venerable Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament, when you addressed her the sweet words that infuse a balm of heavenly consolation in the heartbroken soul: "Make use of my Heart, and every time you want to obtain a grace, ask it for the merits of my holy childhood and I will not refuse it. "

Full of trust in your promise, here I am at your feet, Divine Child, to expose my needs. Help me to lead a holy life, so that one day may come to the heavenly homeland; and for the merits of your holy childhood, for the intercession of your most amiable Mother and the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, deigned to grant me the grace that I implore.

I ask you with the greatest hope because you know how much I need it. O sweet Child, do not disappoint my hope! I entrust myself to the tenderness and mercy of your divine Heart, confident that you will listen to my prayer. So be it