An important prayer before God dictated by Our Lady


Now send your SPIRIT to the earth.

Let the HOLY SPIRIT live in the hearts of all peoples,

so that they are protected from corruption,

from calamities and war.

That the Lady of All Nations, who was once Mary,

is our lawyer. Amen.

In these times Mary wishes to be THE LADY, THE MOTHER OF ALL PEOPLES. Under this title he appeared in the years 1945-1959 to a woman in Amsterdam, Ida Peerdeman. Mary taught her the above prayer to implore the coming of the Holy Spirit. Mary appeared before the Cross of her Son, with whom she was intimately and painfully united, as "Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate". Rays of 'grace, redemption and peace' flow out of his hands for all peoples. She is allowed to distribute these graces of the cross to all those who pray her prayer every day.

'The Lady' says: “This prayer is given for the salvation of the world. This prayer is given for the conversion of the world. Recite this prayer in everything you do! ... You do not know, how powerful and important this prayer is before God. ... Who or what you are, come to the Lady of All Nations. "