Prayer for the healing of Father Tardif and Don Amorth very powerful ...

This prayer for physical healing written by Father Tardif is very effective. There are many testimonies of people who reciting this prayer every day with faith and devotion have achieved miraculous results.

Prayer for physical healing
Lord Jesus,
I believe you are alive and risen.
I believe you are really present
in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar
and in each of us who believe in you.

I praise you and love you.
I thank you, Lord,
for coming to me,
like Living Bread descended from heaven.
You are the fullness of life,
you are the resurrection and the life,
you, Lord, are the health of the sick.

Today I want to present you all my ills,
because you are the same yesterday, today and always
and you yourself join me where I am.

You are the eternal present and you know me.
Now, Lord, I ask you to have compassion for me.

Visit me for your gospel, so that everyone will recognize
that you are alive in your Church today;
and that my faith and my trust in you be renewed;
I beg you, Jesus.

Have compassion for the sufferings of my Body,
of my heart and soul.

Have compassion on me, Lord, bless me
and makes it able to regain health.

May my faith grow
and open me to the wonders of your love,
to be a witness too
of your power and your compassion.

I ask you, Jesus
by the power of your holy wounds
for your holy Cross and for your Precious Blood.

Heal me, Lord.
Heal me in the body,
heal me in the heart,
heal me in the soul.

Give me life, life in abundance.
I ask you for the intercession
of Mary Most Holy, your Mother, the Virgin of Sorrows,
who was present, standing by your Cross;
who was the first to contemplate your holy wounds,
and that you gave us for Mother.

You have revealed to us that we have taken our pains upon you
and for your holy wounds we have been healed.

Today, Lord, I present all my evils with faith
and I ask you to heal me completely.

I ask you, for the glory of the Father of heaven,
to heal the sick of my family and friends too.
Let them grow in faith, in hope
and that they regain their health for the glory of your name.

For your kingdom to continue to extend more and more into hearts
through the signs and wonders of your love.

All this, Jesus, I ask you because you are Jesus.
You are the Good Shepherd and we are all the sheep of your flock.

I'm so sure of your love,
that even before knowing the result
of my prayer, I tell you with faith:
thank you, Jesus, for all that you will do for me and for each of them.
Thanks for the sick you are healing now,
thank you for those you are visiting with your Mercy.

(Father Emiliano Tardif)

This is the most powerful Liberation Prayer written and recommended by Father Gabriele Amorth.

It can be recited, in private, in any place, by any person.

Lord, Almighty and Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, expel from me, from my friends and family, from those who can help me financially and spiritually, and from the whole world, every diabolical influence of any Evil Spirit and every Damned Soul of the whole Hell, which has on me and on them, for the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus.

Let the Immaculate and Redeemer Blood break all ties on my body, on my mind, on my work, on those who could offer a job and on all my and others' things and the difficulties of my entire life and that of others.

Oh Most Holy Virgin, Immaculate Mary, oh Nine Angelic Choirs, oh Saint Michael the Archangel, all Saints of Paradise, I consecrate myself and consecrate them and I ask you the Intercession of all the Souls of Purgatory!

Intercede for us all and come quickly to our help and immediately break the "last legs" of Lucifer against the children of the Blessed Mother, Mary Most Holy and the Most Holy Trinity.

I order, at this precise moment, that every Devil and Damned Soul cannot have any influence on me, on the categories of people I have mentioned and on the whole world, so that all Humanity is freed, in this same instant.

For the Flagellation, the Crown of Thorns, the Cross, the Blood and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, for the True God, for the Holy God, for the God who can do everything, I order every Devil and Damned Soul that cannot have influence none on me and the whole world and that all the chains created, which have so far occurred on me and on the whole world, can be broken once and for all.

Bless and free your servant or servant (say the Baptism Name) and bless this Image (raise a blessed Image to God), which I present to you and make this Blessed Image protect me and the whole world and protect us by Satanists, Freemasons, Mafiosi, corrupt politicians and any other infamous category existing on earth, and in the whole world.

Make sure that, in my home and in my things and from every other category and in the things of the whole world, the Devil can never, ever, ever have any influence, even infinitesimal, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Master of History , our Lord and Savior.
So be it.