Prayer against negativity, envy and evil spirits


Father, deliver us from evil, that is, from the evil one, the person and the power that is all bad.

The evil one has been defeated by your crucified and risen Son Jesus, and by his Mother, the Virgin Mary, the New Eve, the Immaculate.

Now he rushes against his Church and against all humanity, so that it does not reach salvation.

We too are under his pressure, we are in a time of struggle.

Free us from all its presence and influence. Let us not fall under his slavery. Father, deliver us from evil.

Father, free us from all the evils that the evil makes us. Deliver us from the true great evil of our souls, sin, which tempts us in every way.

Free us from the diseases of the body and psyche, which he causes or exploits to make us doubt your love and make us lose faith.

Free us from the evil that magicians, sorcerers, followers of satan make us.

Father, deliver us from evil.

Father, free our families from the evils that come from the evil one: divisions between spouses, between parents and children, between brothers, damage to work and profession, moral corruption and loss of faith.

Free our homes from all pitfalls, from every infestation, from every presence of the devil, sometimes sensitive with noises and disturbances.

Father, deliver us from evil.


Jesus, on the eve of your Passion, in the garden of olives, for your mortal anguish, you sweated Blood from the whole body.

You shed Blood from your scourged body, from your head crowned with thorns, from your hands and feet nailed to the Cross. As soon as you expired, the last drops of your Blood came out of your Heart pierced by the spear.

You have given all your Blood, O Lamb of God, immolated for us.

Blood of Jesus, heal us.

Jesus, your Divine Blood is the price of our salvation, it is the proof of your infinite love for us, it is the sign of the new and eternal covenant between God and man.

Your Divine Blood is the strength of the apostles, martyrs, saints. It is the support of the weak, the relief of the suffering, the comfort of the afflicted. Purify souls, give peace to hearts, heal bodies.

Your Divine Blood, offered every day in the chalice of the Holy Mass, is for the world the source of all grace and for those who receive it in Holy Communion, it is a transfusion of divine life.

Blood of Jesus, heal us.

Jesus, the Jews in Egypt marked the doors of houses with the blood of the paschal lamb and were saved from death. We too want to mark our hearts with your Blood, so that the enemy cannot harm us.

We want to mark our homes, so that the enemy can stay away from them, protected by your Blood.

Your Precious Blood free, heal, save our bodies, our hearts, our souls, our families, the whole world.

Blood of Jesus, heal us.


Jesus, we are gathered to pray for the sick and afflicted by the evil one. We do it in Your Name.

Your Name means "God-save". You are the Son of God made man to save us.

We are saved by you, united with your person, inserted in your Church.

We believe in you, we put all our hopes in you, we love you with all our hearts.

All our trust is in Your Name.

Name of Jesus, defend us.

Jesus, for your Passion and your Wounds, for your Death on the Cross and your Resurrection, free us from diseases, sufferings, sadness.

For your infinite merits, for your immense love, for your divine power, free us from any harm, influence, trap of Satan.

For the glory of your Father, for the advent of your Kingdom, for the joy of your faithful, perform healings and wonders.

Name of Jesus, defend us.

Jesus, for the world to know that there is no other name on earth in which we can hope for salvation, free us from all evil and give us all true good.

Only Your Name is the health of the body, peace of heart, salvation of the soul, blessing and love in the family. May Your Name be blessed, praised, thanked, glorified, invoked on all the earth.

Name of Jesus, defend us.


O Holy Spirit, on the day of Baptism you came to us and you chased away the evil spirit: always defend us from his constant attempts to return to us.

You have instilled in us the new life of grace: defend us from his attempts to bring us back to the death of sin.

You are always present in us: free us from fears and anxieties, remove weaknesses and abatements, heal the wounds inflicted on us by satan.

Renew us: make us healthy and holy.

Spirit of Jesus, renew us.

O Holy Spirit, Divine Wind, drive all the forces of evil away from us, annihilate them, so that we can feel good and do good.

O Divine Fire, burn the evil spells, the sorceries, the bills, the bindings, the curses, the evil eye, the diabolical infestation, the diabolical obsession and any strange disease that can be in us.

O Divine Power, command all bad spirits and all presences that harass us to leave us forever, so that we can live in health and peace, in love and joy.

Spirit of Jesus, renew us.

O Holy Spirit, come down to us, so often sick and afflicted, agitated and upset: give us health and comfort, serenity and calm.

Get down on our families: take away misunderstandings, impatience, discord and bring understanding, patience, harmony. Go down to our Church to fulfill with fidelity and courage the mission that Jesus has entrusted to her: proclaim the Gospel, heal diseases, free from the devil.

Come down to our world that lives in error, sin, hatred and open it to truth, holiness, love.

Spirit of Jesus, renew us.


Augusta Queen of Heaven and Lady of the Angels, who received from God the power and mission to crush Satan's head, we humbly ask you to send the heavenly legions, so that under your orders they will chase demons, fight them everywhere, repress the their audacity and push them back into the abyss. Who is like God?

O good and tender Mother, you will always be our love and our hope.

O divine Mother, send the Holy Angels to defend us and to repel the cruel enemy away from us.

Mother of Jesus, protect us.


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our support against the devil's snares and snares. May God exercise his dominion over him, we beg you to beg him. And you, o Prince of the celestial militia, with divine power, send Satan and the other evil spirits back to hell, who roam the world to lose souls. Amen.

Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us, guard us. We say to our Guardian Angel:

Angel of God, who are my custodian, illuminate, guard, rule and govern me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. So be it.

Let us recommend ourselves to all the saints and blessed who fought and were victorious over the evil one:

Saints and Blesseds of God, pray for us.

Prayer against envy

My God, look at those who want to hurt me or disrespect me, because they are envious of me.
Show him the uselessness of envy.
Touch their hearts to look at me with good eyes.
Heal their hearts from envy, from their deepest wounds and bless them so that they are happy and no longer need to envy me. I trust you, Lord. Amen.