Prayer of praise to obtain a grace


I praise you or Lord for the love you always give me,
I praise you or Most High because every day you support me,
I praise you Almighty because you love this creature of yours,
I praise you most holy because you are merciful.
I thank you for giving me existence,
for immersing me among other creatures,
for the affection of my loved ones that you put beside me,
for the daily gift of the necessary things.

I praise you because you made me wonderfully,
for the corporal senses that I continuously exercise,
I praise you for the breath that restores my body,
for every heartbeat you give me.

I recognize, O Lord, your great magnificence,
the sublime mystery of your Incarnation
who made you sympathetic to us sinners
to take us to the heights of your divinity.

I praise you, O Lord, for your fruitful Spirit
who is always ready and prompt with us.
I praise you, O Lord, for you never abandon us
even when we abandon you.

Accept my praise, Father

I bless you, Father, at the beginning of this new day.
Accept my praise and thanks for the gift of life and faith.
With the power of your Spirit, guide my projects and actions:
let them be according to your will.
Free me from discouragement in the face of difficulties and from all evil.
Make me attentive to the needs of others.
Protect my family with your love. So be it

Hymn of praise to Mary

Hail, Mary, the most precious creature of creatures;
hello, Mary, most pure dove;
hello, Mary, unquenchable torch;
hello, because the sun of justice was born from you.

Hello, Maria, home of immensity, who
you enclosed in your womb the immense God, the
Only begotten verb, producing without plow and without
seed, the incorruptible ear.

Hi, Mary, Mother of God, acclaimed by the
prophets, blessed by shepherds when with the
Angels sang the sublime hymn in Bethlehem:
"Glory to God in the highest heavens and peace in
earth to men of good will ”.

Hello, Mary, Mother of God, joy of the
Angels, jubilation of the Archangels who Ti
glorify in Heaven.

Hello, Mary, Mother of God, for whom
glory shone and shone
of the Resurrection.