Prayer to "Maria along the Via del Calvario" to ask for a grace

Maria on the way to Calvary

1) Jesus sentenced to death
Maria while your son was being laughed at, condemned and outraged by the crowd you looked at him with mother's eyes and lived all his sufferings. When people shouted "Libero Barabbas" your heart was torn, your face filled with tears but you knew you were the mother of the son of God and that the Father had never abandoned him. Mary I too sometimes experience derision, I live failures, I live the condemnation of others but I take your son Jesus as a model, who overcame his adversaries and did the will of God in silence. Mary you were in the midst of the people and you felt all the pain of your son Jesus within you. Please mother you who are the mother and the teacher of all pain relieves my pain and give me the grace I ask you (name the grace ). 3 Ave Maria ...

2) Jesus loaded with the cross and falls on Calvary
Maria you saw your son when the wood of the cross was placed on his shoulders and your heart was torn from all sides. You saw his scourges, the pains of his head crowned with thorns and you followed his every step. Your son Jesus fell to the ground under the cross and you stood beside him, kissed his feet, wiped his tears and cleaned all the blood that fell on the ground. Holy Mother I now before my eyes see you suffering, trembling, with a pale and tormented face but you are strong and accompanied your son on the gallows of the cross without ever protesting against the will of the Father. Mother I too in my life have fallen many times for this reason I ask you the strength to get up again this time if you in your clemency and omnipotence give me the grace that I ask you (name the grace) 3 Ave Maria ...

3) Jesus meets Simon of Cyrene and Veronica
Maria you saw when your son could no longer carry the wood of the cross and suffering after the fall he was helped by Simone di Cirene. Holy Mother at that moment you wanted to take that cross on your shoulders and carry the sufferings and burdens of your son. Together with other women you followed your son on the ordeal and in your flesh you felt all his sufferings. You saw when the face of Jesus was imprinted on the shroud of Veronica and you wanted to hold that shroud on your heart. Mary also to me sometimes the burdens become unbearable and I am looking for someone who helps me to carry them, but I do not realize that you carry my burdens and walk alongside me as you walked near your son Jesus on the way to Calvary. Holy mother you who have known all the pains that a mother can endure please support all those mothers who see their children lost in drugs, in the acool, far from God or imprisoned. Please holy mother you who are the mother of all mothers stretch out your powerful hand and help every mother in difficulty and in your omnipotence give me the grace that I ask you (name the grace) 3 Ave Maria….

4) Jesus is stripped of his clothes and nailed to the cross
Holy Mother now arrived at Calvary you saw when your mocked son was stripped of his clothes and mocked by the people. You as a mother suffered all the shame of your son but for a moment you did not lose faith knowing that Heavenly Father was close to the son and was carrying out the redemption of humanity. You suffered the pains in your flesh when your son was nailed to the cross, you felt the beat of the hammer on the nails in your heart and listened to all the cries of suffering of your son. Holy Mother listens to the suffering cries of many men who see their children leave this world for diseases, road accidents and suicides, gives them strength and consolation. Holy Mother listens to the cries of those mothers who see their children lost in this world, children who have no job or crushed by life and the evil one. Please mother stretch out your merciful hand, cover this suffering humanity under your maternal mantle and give us strength and faith. Mother I beg you with all my heart to give me the grace I ask you (name the grace) 3 Ave Maria ...

5) Jesus dies on the cross and rises
Mary when your son left this world and his soul returned to the Father you were under the cross and Jesus gave you for our mother. Yes, Maria you are my mother. This is why I, as a son, give you loyalty, love. Mary you as mother turn your gaze to all the priests your beloved children who live in solitude and in distress or that many of them have forgotten their vocation and have given themselves to the pleasures of the world. You as a mother open your loving arms and put them all in your heart because in addition to our numerous sins we can reach you in Paradise. You as a mother intercede with your son Jesus and give food to those who are hungry, water to those who are thirsty, company to those who live in solitude, hospitality to strangers and health to the sick. May the Father's will always be done in this world as it happened for you who thought of you before the foundation of the world, made you immaculate and raised your son. Holy mother pray to God for me so that as your son Jesus I after the passion can see the resurrection and obtain the grace I ask you (name the grace) 3 Hail Mary….