Prayer to Mary, queen of the family to obtain a grace



Mary, mother of God and our mother, mother of tenderness and love, attentive, solicitous and faithful mother, mother of every man delivered to you at the extreme moment of your child's sacrifice, take us, with your example, to the streets of love, which needs no words, but eyes attentive to the needs of the other.

Teach us, mother, to do all that Jesus tells us, allowing him to enter our house of spouses, where we want to live free from our selfishness and not conditioned by our diversity, but available to welcome us and repeat our yes every day.

Make diversity become wealth, that the crisis is an opportunity for growth, that going together is not an obstacle to the realization of our personal projects, but an incentive to transform them into God's plan.

Queen of the family, guide us to be docile in listening, united in prayer, humble in service, so that our home may become, like that of Nazareth, a yard of holiness.
