Prayer to Maria Santissima Rosa Mystica to obtain a grace


(The novena is prayed for twelve days and the thirteenth day is the day of Grace required).

Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Grace, Mystical Rose In honor of your Divine Son, we prostrate ourselves before You to implore mercy from God: not for our merits, but for the goodness of Your motherly heart, we ask you for help and thanks, sure that we will and help.

Ave Maria

Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Holy Rosary and Mother of the Church Mystical Body of Christ, we implore for the world parched by discord the gift of unity and peace and all those graces that can convert us and the hearts of so many children.

Ave Maria

Rosa Mystica, Queen of the Apostles makes numerous religious and priestly vocations flourish around the Eucharistic Altars which with the sanctity of life and ardent zeal for souls can extend the Kingdom of Your Jesus all over the world, we too fill your heavenly favors.

Hello Regina

Mystical rose, Mother of the Church, pray for us