Powerful prayer to the Holy Cross. Promises for his devotees

"We bless you, Lord, Holy Father,
because in the richness of your love,
from the tree that had brought man death and ruin,
you brought forth the medicine of salvation and life.
The Lord Jesus, priest, teacher and king,
the hour of his Easter has come,
voluntarily climbed on that wood
and made it the altar of sacrifice,
the chair of truth,
the throne of his glory.
Raised off the ground he triumphed over the ancient opponent
and wrapped in the purple of his blood
with merciful love he attracted everyone to himself;
open your arms on the cross he offered to you, Father,
the sacrifice of life
and infused his redemptive force
in the sacraments of the new covenant;
dying revealed to the disciples
the mysterious meaning of that word:
the grain of wheat that dies in the furrows of the earth
it produces an abundant harvest.
Now we pray to you, Almighty God,
make your children worship the Cross of the Redeemer,
draw the fruits of salvation
which he deserved with his passion;
on this glorious wood
nail their sins,
break their pride,
heal the infirmity of the human condition;
take comfort in the test,
safety in danger,
and strong in his protection
they walk the roads of the world unharmed,
until you, oh Father,
you will welcome them in your home.
For Christ our Lord. Amen".

PROMISES of our Lord to those

who honor and venerate the Holy Crucifix

The Lord in 1960 would make these promises to one of his humble servants:

1) Those who exhibit the Crucifix in their homes or jobs and decorate it with flowers will reap many blessings and rich fruit in their work and initiatives, together with immediate help and comfort in their problems and sufferings.

2) Those who look at the Crucifix even for a few minutes, when they are tempted or are in battle and effort, especially when they are tempted by anger, will immediately master themselves, temptation and sin.

3) Those who meditate every day, for 15 minutes, on My Agony on the Cross, will surely support their sufferings and their annoyances, first with patience later with joy.

4) Those who very often meditate on My wounds on the Cross, with deep sorrow for their sins and sins, will soon acquire a deep hatred for sin.

5) Those who often and at least twice a day will offer my three hours of Agony on the Cross to Heavenly Father for all the negligence, indifference and shortcomings in following good inspirations will shorten his punishment or be completely spared.

6) Those who willingly recite the Rosary of the Holy Wounds daily, with devotion and great confidence while meditating on My Agony on the Cross, will obtain the grace to fulfill their duties well and with their example they will induce others to do the same.

7) Those who will inspire others to honor the Crucifix, My most precious Blood and My Wounds and who will also make known My Rosary of the Wounds will soon receive an answer to all their prayers.

8) Those who do the Via Crucis daily for a certain period of time and offer it for the conversion of sinners can save an entire Parish.

9) Those who 3 consecutive times (not on the same day) visit an image of Me Crucified, honor it and offer Heavenly Father My Agony and Death, My most precious Blood and My Wounds for their sins will have a beautiful death and will die without agony and fear.

10) Those who every Friday, at three in the afternoon, meditate on My Passion and Death for 15 minutes, offering them together with My Precious Blood and My Holy Wounds for themselves and for the dying people of the week, will obtain a high level of love and perfection and they can be sure that the devil will not be able to cause them further spiritual and physical harm.