Powerful prayer to ask for special protection from Jesus and Mary

Immaculate Conception without original sin,
Mother of God and Almighty by Grace,
Queen of the Angels, Advocate and Coredemptrix
of mankind,
I beg you not to look at my unworthiness,
but to want to welcome me as your son
sorrowful sinner
and never abandon me.
My mother and my trust,
Who else can I turn to for help?
You alone are the Mediatrix of all Graces,
She who in the Light of God
distributes to anyone who wants,
how he wants and when he wants
the fruits of redemption
operated by Your God and Son Jesus.
You can help me in all my needs,
you alone are the health of the sick,
you are the only Mother who wants to save
from eternal damnation all children.

I resort to you because Jesus chose you
Mediator of all Graces,
It gave you universal authority
on the visible and invisible world,
He enriched you with His Divinity,
staying for nine months in Your womb.


I unconditionally consecrate myself to You
because You do everything you want with me.
I abandon myself to Your Love
of Mother of the Lord Jesus,
begging you to welcome me together,
my family, all my loved ones
and those who rely on my prayers.
I invoke your help and your protection on the one
Church founded by the Lord Jesus, the Catholic one.
You are Mother of this Church!
For poor sinners without Divine Light
I ask you to convert them.
On the holy Souls of Purgatory
turn your gaze
and lead them soon to Heaven.

Please support me,
always protect and drive
Your Catholic Association "JESUS ​​AND MARY",
to preserve from dangers and difficulties
all those who work for the glory of God.
To help and guard all members
and how many publish the publications
and they work with love
to make Jesus and You known.