Very powerful prayer to implore thanks to the Mother of God

1 - O Mary, powerful Virgin, you whose nothing is impossible, by this very Power which the Almighty Father has given you, I beg you to assist me in the necessity in which I find myself. Since you can help me, don't abandon me, you who are the Advocate of the most desperate causes! It seems to me that the glory of God, your honor and the good of my soul are united with the granting of this favor. If, therefore, as I think, this is in conformity with the most amiable and most holy Will of God, I pray you, or you who are the Supplicant Almighty, intercede for me with your Son who can deny you nothing. I ask you again, in the name of the limitless Power that Heavenly Father has communicated to you, His beloved Daughter. In your honor I say, in union with Santa Matilde to whom you have revealed the salutary practice of the Three "Ave Maria" Ave, o Maria ..

2 - Divine Virgin, who are called the Throne of Wisdom, because the in-created Wisdom, the Word of God, has inhabited you, to whom this adorable Son has communicated the whole extension of his divine science, to the extent that the most perfect creature could receive it, you know the greatness of my seriousness and what need I have for your assistance. Trusting in your divine Wisdom, I abandon myself entirely in your hands, so that you may dispose everything with strength and sweetness, for the greater glory of God and the greater good of my soul. Therefore, deign, Mother of divine Wisdom, deign, I implore you, to obtain for me the precious grace that I seek; I ask you in the very name of this in-comparable Wisdom with which the Word, your Son, has enlightened you. You are His beloved Mother, and in your honor I say, in union with Saint Leonardo da Portomaurizio, the most zealous preacher of your Three "Hail Marys". Ave, o Maria ...

3 - O tender and good Mother, true Mother of Mercy, you to whom the Spirit of Love embraced the heart with limitless tenderness for the poor humans, I come to beg you to use your compassionate goodness towards me. The greater the misery, the more it must excite your compassion. I know, I do not deserve at all the precious grace that I desire, because so often I have grieved you by offending your divine Son. But, if I am guilty, very guilty, I sincerely regret having hurt a heart so tender as that of Jesus and like yours. Besides, isn't it you, as you revealed it to one of your servants, Saint Brigida, "the Mother of repentant sinners"? Forgive me, therefore, for my past ingratitudes, and considering only your merciful goodness, the glory that will come to God and you, obtain for me, from divine mercy, the grace that I implore through your intercession. O you, whom no one has ever begged in vain, "merciful, or merciful, or sweet Virgin Mary", worthy to help me, I implore you, for this merciful goodness with which the Holy Spirit has filled you for us, you who are His Bride dearly loved, and in honor of which I say, with St. Alfonso de Liguori, the Apostle of your mercy and doctor of the Three «Hail Marys». Ave, o Maria ...