Prayer to be recited on Holy Saturday to ask for the powerful help of Jesus

You are truly the God of my life, Lord.
On the day of great silence, as is Holy Saturday, I would like to abandon myself to memories. First of all, I will remember the Roman centurion, a man of different mentality, unaware of the Law and the Prophets, a concrete and attentive man, who at the end of the terrible drama of Golgotha, exclaimed: "Truly this man is the Son of God". That centurion understood that God is love. He understood that Jesus Christ, the man of unspeakable pain, was God. Only love can make us a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. I will remember the disciples who hastened to ask Pilate for the body of Jesus. That body could not remain prey of vultures. God must not be abandoned in the hands of vultures, of those who do not love him, of those who do not believe in him, of those who condemn and deny him. There is a sepulcher in which it must be placed. It is the tabernacle of the heart of man who can and must welcome the great Martyr who offered himself as the price of our ransom. I will remember the Mother. That strong woman, full of grace, the ever Virgin, transfixed by the spear, partner of Christ, her Son, who at the end of the day fulfilled the rest of her mission: she embraced that begotten Son, embraced the children redeemed by that blood, went to live in the homes of new children. It is not necessary to cover everything with the tombstone, because the stone must be removed and men must be resurrected with the "dead for love". It will be love, the strong one like that of God, the total one like that of Jesus, the infinite one like that of the Holy Spirit, the humble one like that of Mary, the force that must transform everyone to reach "conformity" with Man God, our only ascensional scale, and "conformity" with the three divine Persons.
I ask you for help, Mother of the Incarnate Word, Mother of the immolated Lamb, Mother of the Risen One.


O Jesus, I stop thoughtfully at the foot of the Cross:
I too have built it with my sins!
Your goodness, which is not defended
and let himself be crucified, it's a mystery
that surpasses me and moves me deeply.
Lord, you came into the world for me,
to look for me,
to bring me the Father's embrace.
You are the face of goodness
and mercy:
for this you want to save me!
There is darkness within me:
come with your clear light.
There is a lot of selfishness inside me:
come with your boundless charity.
Inside me there is resentment and malice:
come with your meekness and your humility.
Lord, the sinner to be saved is me:
the prodigal son who has to come back, it's me!
Lord, grant me the gift of tears
to find freedom and life,
peace with you and joy in you. Amen.