Prayer to SAN GABRIELE DELL'ADDOLORATA to ask for a grace


O God, who with an admirable plan of love you called St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows to live the mystery of the Cross together with Mary, the mother of Jesus, guide our spirit towards your crucified Son because by participating in his passion and death we achieve glory of the resurrection. For Christ our Lord. Amen.


O Lord, who taught San Gabriele dell'Addolorata to meditate assiduously on the pains of your most sweet Mother, and through her you raised him to the highest peaks of holiness, grant us, through his intercession and his example, to live so united to your sorrowful Mother that she always enjoys her maternal protection. You are God, and live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

O angelic young Gabriel, who with your ardent love for Jesus Crucified,
and with tender compassion to the Virgin Mother of Sorrows,
you made yourself a mirror of innocence and exemplary of every virtue on earth;
we turn to you full of trust and implore your help.
Deh! target how many evils afflict us, how many dangers surround us,
and as everywhere there are dangers to youth in singular ways,
to make her lose faith and customs. You, who always lived a life of faith,
and even among the inceptives of the century you kept yourself pure and free.
turn a pitying gaze upon us, and help us.
The graces you continually granted to the faithful who invoke you,
they are many, which we cannot and do not want to doubt
the effectiveness of your patronage.
Get us finally from Jesus Crucified and Mary of Sorrows,
resignation and peace; for constantly living as good
Christians in all the events of the present life, we can one day be
happy with you in the heavenly homeland. So be it.

O saint of the young and of those who seek God
in the sincerity of their heart, teach us
to put God first in our lives.
You who left the world, where you lived
A peaceful, serene and cheerful life,
attracted by a special vocation
to consecrated life, guide our young people to hear
the voice of God and to consecrate oneself
to him through radical choices of love.
You, who at the school of San Paolo della Croce,
you fed yourselves at the sources of crucified Love
teach us to love Jesus, who died and rose for us,
how you loved him with all your heart.
You, who chose the Virgin of Sorrows,
as a safe guide to Calvary,
teach us to accept the trials of life
with holy resignation to the will of God.
O Gabriel of the Virgin of Sorrows,
than on the Gran Sasso Island
faithful calls and pilgrims from all over the world,
bring to Christ the lost souls, disheartened and without God.
With your spiritual charm,
with your youthful and jovial holiness
target people who have already undertaken
the path of perfect charity
on the path of true union with God
and sincere love for every man in this world.