Prayer to Saint Gregory to be recited today to ask for a grace

Saint Gregory, you have been a distinguished pastor of the Church of Christ, with your life you have poured out on the world Christian piety and doctrine.
You have tried to show everyone, believers and non-believers, the face of Jesus, as a humble and Good Shepherd!
Teach us today, to put ourselves at the service of our brothers with simplicity of heart, not by trying to show ourselves better in the eyes of men, but as we really are in the eyes of God.
Guide us on the journey of life, to come one day to contemplate that long-awaited mystery of God.
St Gregory encourage us to seek Christ in the worn body of a sick person, in the empty eyes of a scruffy, in the dark face of a sinner, in the reception of a prisoner, in the proximity of an excluded person, in helping someone less fortunate than us, in our neighbor.

St. Gregory the Great pray for us