Prayer to SAN LUIGI GONZAGA to ask for a grace



It was among the Saints who most distinguished themselves for innocence and purity. The Church gives him the title of "young angelic" because he, in his life, resembled the Angels, in thoughts, affections, works. He was born into a princely family, grew up amidst the comforts and was exposed to many temptations in the various courts he attended but, with the most rigid modesty and the most severe penance, he knew how to keep the lily of his virginity so untouched that he never tarnished it, not even with a small mole. He had not yet approached his First Communion which had already consecrated his virginity to God.

I. O dear St. Louis, who emulated the purity of the Angels of Heaven on earth, having preserved the stole of baptismal innocence until his beautiful and candid death, for that great love you brought to all the virtues, and especially to the the young, as many angels in the flesh, impetrateci from God a great purity of mind, heart, customs, and the grace to never lose his precious friendship. Glory.

2. O dear St. Louis, who well knowing the necessity of obedience to achieve eternal health, you have always recognized the will of God in the will of your superiors, submitting yourselves with joy and promptness, let us also imitate you in so beautiful virtue, to enjoy its merits with you forever. Glory.

3. O dear St. Louis, that although you lived a life as a true angel of heaven on earth, you also wanted to chastise your body with the most austere mortification, obtain for us who have stained our souls from many sins, to overcome our delicacies and to exercise the works of true and sincere penance, by willingly enduring the inconveniences and sorrows of life, in order to achieve that eternal reward, which the merciful God grants in paradise to true and sincere penitents. Glory.