Prayer to Santa Barbara to be recited today to ask for his help

God, who illumines the heavens and fills the depths,
burn in our breasts, perpetual,
the flame of sacrifice.
Make more ardent than the flame
the blood that flows through our veins,
vermilion as a song of victory.
When the siren screams through the city streets,
listen to the beat of our hearts
devoted to renunciation.
When competing with the eagles towards you
go up, support your folded hand.
When the irresistible fire burns,
burn the evil that lurks
in the houses of men,
not the wealth that increases
the power of the homeland.
Lord, we are the bearers of Your cross e
the risk is our daily bread.
A day without risk is not lived, since
for us believers death is life, it is light:
in the terror of the collapses, in the fury of the waters,
in the hell of the bonfires, our life is fire,
our faith is God.
For Santa Barbara martyr.
So be it.