Prayer to Sant'Anna to be recited today to ask for a grace

Anna, truly blessed woman, from the fruit of your womb we have the joy of contemplating the Mother of God made man.
Mother Anna, what mind does not feel lost thinking about the honor and privilege that the highest God has reserved for you by choosing you as the mother of Mary.
Mother Anna, you kept yourself small and hidden, gathered in a humble house and in the secret of the temple, united with your husband Joachim and you waited with trepidation for the complacencies of Heavenly Father who bending over you prepared you to be Jesus' grandmother.
Mother Anna, truly blessed woman, we entrust our prayers, our needs, our anxieties to you, share them with us and present them to your nephew Jesus.
Close to you, carry us in your arms as you did with Mary and do not leave us until we reach you in the Blessed Motherland.

Glory to the Father ..
St. Anne, mother of the Mother of God, pray for us.