

Father of kindness, Father of love,
I bless you, I praise you and I thank you
because for love you gave us Jesus.
Thank you, Father, because in the light of your Spirit
we understand that He is the light,
the truth,
the good shepherd,
who came because we have life
and we have it in abundance.
Today, Father, I want to introduce myself to you as your son.
You know me by name.
Here I am Lord, place your Fatherly eyes on my story.Father Emiliano Tardif
You know my heart and the wounds of my life.
You know everything I wanted to do and I didn't do.
You also know what I have accomplished
and the harm they have done to me.
You know my limitations, my mistakes and my sin.
Know the traumas and complexes of my life.
Today, Father, I ask you,
for the love of your Son, Jesus Christ,
to pour your Spirit over me,
because the warmth of your saving love
penetrate the most intimate part of my heart.
You who heal broken hearts
and bundle the wounds,
heal me, Father.
Enter my heart, Lord Jesus,
how you entered that house
where your fearful disciples were.
You appeared among them and said:
"Peace to you".
Enter my heart and give it your peace.
Fill it with love.
We know that love drives out fear.
Go through my life and heal my heart.
We know, o Lord,
that you always do, when we ask you,
and I'm asking you
with Mary, our Mother,
which was at the Wedding at Cana
when there was no more wine
and You answered his wish
changing the water into wine.
Change my heart and give me a generous heart,
an affable heart, full of goodness,
a new heart.
Lord, make me tick
the fruits of your presence.
Give me the fruits of your Spirit,
which are love, peace and joy.
May the Spirit of the Beatitudes descend on me,
so that I can taste and seek God every day,
living without complexes and traumas
together with my bride,
to my family, to my brothers ...
I thank you, Father,
for what you are doing today in my life.
I thank you with all my heart
why do you heal me,
why free me,
because you break my chains and you give me freedom.
Thank you, Lord, because I am the temple of your Spirit
and this temple cannot be destroyed,
because it is the house of God.
I thank you, Lord, for your faith,
for the love you put in my heart.
How great you are, Lord!
May you be blessed and praised, Lord.



Lord Jesus,
I believe you are alive and risen.
I believe you are really present
in the most holy sacrament of the altar
and in each of us.
I praise you and love you.
I thank you, Lord,
to be among us, like living Bread that came down from heaven.
You are the fullness of life,
You are the resurrection and the life,
You, Lord, are the health of the sick.
Today I want to introduce myself to you.
You are the eternal present and you know me.
From now, Lord,
I ask you to have compassion for me.
Visit me for your gospel,
so that everyone recognizes that You are alive,
in your Church today;
and that my faith and my trust in You be renewed;
I beg you, Jesus.
Have pity on me that I suffer in the body,
of the sufferings of my heart
and the sufferings of my soul.
Have mercy on me, Lord,
I ask you now.
and let me regain my health,
that my faith grows
and that I open myself to the wonders of your love,
so that I too can be a witness
of your power and your compassion.
I ask you, Jesus,
by the power of your holy wounds,
for your holy cross
and for your most precious Blood.
Heal me, Lord!
Heal me in the body,
heal me in the heart,
heal me in the soul.
Give me life, life in abundance.
I ask you
through the intercession of Mary Most Holy,
your mother,
the Virgin of Sorrows,
who was present, standing by your cross,
who was the first to contemplate your holy wounds,
that you gave us for Mother.
You have revealed to us
to have taken all our pains on you
and for your holy wounds we have been healed.
Today, Lord,
I present all my ills with faith
and I ask you to ease my suffering
and to make me health.
I ask you, for the glory of the Father of heaven,
to heal all the sick ...
Let us grow in faith,
in the hope
and that we regain health
for the glory of your name.
For your kingdom to continue to extend more and more into hearts
through the signs and wonders of your love.
All this, Jesus, I ask you because you are Jesus;
You are the good shepherd
and we are all the sheep of your flock.
I'm so sure of your love,
that even before I know the result of my prayer,
with faith I say to you: «thank you, Jesus, for all that you will do for me and for every sick person.
Thank you for the sick people you are healing at present, that you are visiting with your Mercy.
Glory and praise to You, Lord! ».