You can start the Novena in Sant'Antonio to ask for an important grace for you

Saint Anthony, you who sought solitude in your apostolic lessons to abandon yourself to contemplation, preserve us from agitation and noise. Give us the taste of prayer. Teach us to praise God as you praised him, to speak to him as you spoke to him. May our heart, following the example of yours, open itself to the richness of divine love.
Father, Ave, Gloria

Saint Anthony, out of fidelity to the Gospel, you have become the salt of the earth, the light of the world and of the Church. Grant us this same generous fidelity so that our life, far from weakening, is filled with good works and in this way all the glory is given to the Father in heaven.
Father, Ave, Gloria

Saint Anthony, you, whose language has never known corruption because it has never stopped blessing the Lord or inviting men to bless him, grant us the grace to participate in your praise and to announce Jesus Christ every day of the our life.
Father, Ave, Gloria

Saint Anthony, who asked Brother Francis to teach theology to the first brothers of the order by inciting them to the spirit of prayer and devotion, open our intelligence and our heart to the knowledge of the mysteries of God. Help us to always seek truth and to live in obedience of the Church.
Father, Ave, Gloria

Saint Anthony, recognized as the "saint of the whole world", you particularly loved the little ones and the poor. Make us fraternal to all those who suffer and who are afflicted because they are reborn in hope and find the path of joy.
Father, Ave, Gloria

Saint Anthony, you have drawn your goodness from the heart of the Child Jesus whom you held in your arms. With the sweetness of the humble, give us also the ardor of the artisans of peace, the clarity of the pure and the generosity of the merciful. Teach us to look at our fellow men with benevolence and to love them wholeheartedly.
Father, Ave, Gloria

St. Anthony, in the cross of Christ, you invited us to discover the value of our life and to measure the depth of our wounds that only the blood of the Son of God will be able to heal. Help us understand what love we are loved and offer our sufferings for the salvation of the world.
Father, Ave, Gloria

Saint Anthony, you loved Mary, the Mother of Jesus, tenderly. You invoked her as "Glorious Lady and Gate of Heaven", and you resorted to her every day, especially in difficult hours. With you, we want to pray to her humbly and give her our trust by recommending us to her good help.
Father, Ave, Gloria

St. Anthony, raised to the glory of heaven, intercede for us with Jesus and Mary. Be for all the faithful friend attentive to our needs. In the midst of our joys and our sufferings, guide us on the path that leads to God. And that the doors of the Kingdom may finally open for us.
Father, Ave, Gloria

the novena was taken from the site: