What is the sin preferred by the devil?

The Dominican exorcist Juan José Gallego answers

Is an exorcist afraid? What is the sin preferred by the devil? These are some of the topics covered in a recent interview granted to a Spanish newspaper by the Dominican priest Juan José Gallego, exorcist of the archdiocese of Barcelona.

Nine years ago Father Gallego was designated an exorcist, and said that in his opinion the devil is a "totally embittered" being.

In the El Mundo interview, the priest assured that "pride" is the sin that the devil loves most.

"Have you ever felt afraid?" Asked the interviewer to the priest. "It's a rather unpleasant task," replied Father Gallego. “At the beginning I was very afraid. I looked back and saw demons everywhere ... The other day I was carrying out an exorcism. 'I command you!', 'I order you! ... And the Evil one, with a terrible voice, shouted:' Galleeeego, you are exaggerating! '. Then I trembled. "

The priest knows that the devil is no more powerful than God.

“When they named me, a relative said to me: 'Ouch, Juan José, I'm worried, because in the film' The Exorcist 'one died and the other threw himself out the window'. I laughed and replied: 'Do not forget that the devil is a creature of God' ".

When people are possessed, he said, "they lose consciousness, speak strange languages, have an exaggerated strength, a profound malaise, we see highly educated ladies who vomit, who say blasphemy ...".

"A boy in the night was tempted by the devil, he burned his shirt, among other things, and he told me that the demons made him a proposal: 'If you make a pact with us, this will never happen to you'".

Father Gallego also warned that New Age practices such as reiki and yoga can be gateways to the devil. "It can get in there," he said.

The Spanish priest complained that the economic crisis that has plagued Spain for some years "brings us demons. The vices: drugs, alcohol ... Basically they are a possession ".

“With the crisis, people suffer more. They are desperate. There are people who believe that the devil is within them, "concluded the priest.