When a divine punishment is attributed to the disease

Illness is an evil that upsets the life of all those who come into contact with it and, especially when it affects children, is considered a divine punishment. This hurts the faith because it downgrades it to a superstitious practice with a God more similar to capricious pagan deities than to the God of Christians.

The person or child who is struck by an illness undergoes enormous physical and psychological suffering. His family members suffer a spiritual shock that leads them to question any certainty they had up to that moment. It is not unusual for a believer to think that the disease, which is destroying his life and that of his family, is a divine will.

 The most common thought is that God may have given them a punishment for a fault they do not know they have committed. This thought is the consequence of the pain felt at that moment. Sometimes it is easier to believe that God wants to punish us with sickness than to surrender to the obvious fate of each of us that cannot be predicted.

When the apostles meet a blind man they ask Jesus: who sinned, he or his parents, why was he born blind? And the Lord replies << Neither he has sinned nor his parents >>.

God the Father "makes his sun rise on the bad and the good and makes it rain on the just and inguists."

God gives us the gift of life, our task is to learn to say yes

Believing that God punishes us with sickness is similar to thinking that He gratifies us with health. In any case, God asks us to live according to the rules he left us through Jesus and to follow his example which is the only way to deepen the mystery of God and consequently that of life.

It seems unfair to have a positive spirit during illness and to accept one's destiny but …… it is not impossible