When God speaks to us in our dreams

Did God ever speak to you in a dream?

I've never tried it alone, but I'm always fascinated by those who did it. Like today's guest blogger, Patricia Small, writer and regular contributor to many blogs. You may remember his dream of a comforting and healing puddle of water from Mysterious Ways magazine.

It wasn't the only time Patricia found solace from God in a dream, though.

Here is his story ...

"All that I need, your hand has provided, great is your fidelity, Lord to Me". How many times have I offered these words as a prayer of thanksgiving, as I look back on God's faithfulness to me.

Like when I was 34 and I recently found myself divorced, alone, having to start over financially and realize how desperately I wanted the children. I was scared and asked for help and comfort from God. And then the dreams came.

The first one arrived in the middle of the night and it was so amazing that I woke up immediately. In the dream, I saw a partial rainbow arch just above my bed. "Where is he from?" I was wondering before I put my head back on the pillow. Sleep quickly passed me, as did a second dream. This time, the bow had grown and was now the equivalent of half a rainbow. "What in the world?" I thought when I woke up. "Sir, what do these dreams mean?"

I knew that rainbows can be a symbol of God's promises and I felt God was trying to tell me his promises in a personal way. But what was he saying? "Sir, if you're talking to me, please show me another rainbow," I prayed. I knew that if the sign came from God, I would have known.

Two days later, my 5 year old niece Suzanne came to sleep. She was a sensitive and spiritual child. Our favorite moment together was reading stories before going to bed and then saying our evening prayers. He was looking forward this time as much as I did. So I was surprised when, at bedtime, I heard her rummaging through my art supplies instead of getting ready for sleep.

"Can I watercolor, Aunt Patricia?" He asked me.

"Well, now it's time to go to bed," I said softly. "We can watercolor in the morning."

Early in the morning I was woken up by Suzanne who was examining my art materials. "Can I do watercolor now, Aunt Patricia?" She said. The morning was cold and once again I was puzzled that she wanted to get out of her warm bed to go to watercolor. "Sure, honey," I said. I tripped sleepily in the kitchen and came back with a cup of water to dip her brush.

Soon, because of the cold, I went back to bed. I could have easily gone back to sleep. But then I heard Suzanne's sweet little voice. "Do you know what I'll do to you, Aunt Tricia?" She said. "I'll make you a rainbow and put you under the rainbow."

This was. The rainbow I've been waiting for! I recognized my father's voice and tears came. Especially when I saw Suzanne's painting.

I, smiling with a giant rainbow above me, my hands raised to the sky. A sign of God's promise. That he would never leave me, that he always had. That I was not alone.