When should we “eat and drink and be merry” (Ecclesiastes 8:15)?

Have you ever been on one of those teacup spins? The colorful, human-sized saucers that make your head spin in amusement parks? I do not like them. Maybe it's my general aversion to dizziness, but more than likely it's the link to my earliest memory. I don't remember anything from my first trip to Disneyland other than those teacups. I simply remember the blurring of the faces and the colors circling around me as Alice in Wonderland music played in the background. As I staggered down, I tried to fix my gaze. People surrounded us, as my mother's epilepsy was unleashed. Until now, I can't make out any faces, the world was just a whirlwind, out of control and messy. Since then, I've spent most of my life trying to stop the blur. Seeking control and order and trying to get rid of faint dizziness. Maybe you've experienced it too, feeling like just when things start going their way, a haze comes and dulls your ability to put things right. For a long time I wondered why my efforts to keep life in check were fruitless, but after wading through the fog, the book of Ecclesiastes offered me hope where my life seemed upset.

What does it mean to 'eat, drink and be merry' at Ecclesiastes 8:15?
Ecclesiastes is known as wisdom literature in the Bible. It talks about the meaning of life, death and injustice on earth as it leaves us with a refreshing sight to eat, drink and be merry. Ecclesiastes' repeated main theme comes from the Hebrew word Hevel, where the preacher states in Ecclesiastes 1: 2:

"Not significant! Not significant! ”Says the Master. “Absolutely bland! Everything is meaningless. "

Although the Hebrew word Hevel is translated as "insignificant" or "vanity", some scholars argue that this is not quite what the author means. A clearer picture would be the translation "steam". The preacher in this book is providing his wisdom by stating that all life is a vapor. It describes life as trying to bottle up the fog or catch the smoke. It is an enigma, mysterious and incapable of being understood. Therefore, when in Ecclesiastes 8:15 he tells us to 'eat, drink and be merry,' he sheds light on the joy of life despite its confused, uncontrollable, and unjust ways.

The preacher understands the corrupt world we live in. He looks at humanity's desire for control, strives for success and happiness, and calls it full steam - a chasing the wind. Regardless of our work ethic, good reputation, or healthy choices, the preacher knows that the “teacup” never stops spinning (Ecclesiastes 8:16). He describes life on earth as such:

"Once again I have seen that under the sun running is not for the fast, nor battle for the strong, nor bread for the wise, nor riches for the intelligent, nor favor for those with knowledge, but time and it happens to all of them. Since man does not know his time. Like fish that are caught in an evil net, and like birds that are caught in a snare, so the children of man are caught in a snare at a bad time, when it suddenly falls on them. - Ecclesiastes 9: 11-12

It is from this point of view that the preacher offers a solution to the vertigo of our world:

“And I praise joy, because man has nothing better under the sun than to eat and drink and be joyful, because this will accompany him in his fatigue during the days of his life that God has given him under the sun”. - Ecclesiastes 8:15

Instead of letting our anxieties and the pressures of this world tear us down, Ecclesiastes 8:15 calls us to enjoy the simple gifts God has given us despite our circumstances.

Do we have to "eat, drink and be merry" all the time?
Ecclesiastes 8:15 teaches us to be joyful in all circumstances. In the midst of a miscarriage, a failed friendship, or the loss of a job, the preacher reminded us that 'there is a time for all things' (Ecclesiastes 3:18) and to experience the joy of God's gifts despite the foundation wavering of the world. This is not a dismissal of our suffering or tragedy. God sees us in our pain and reminds us that He is with us (Romans 8: 38-39). Rather, this is an exhortation to simply be present in God's gifts to humanity.

“I have perceived that there is nothing better for [human beings] than to be joyful and to do good while they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and enjoy all his fatigue - this is God's gift to man ”. - Ecclesiastes 3: 12-13

As all mankind staggers off the "teacup" under the effects of the fall in Genesis 3, God grants the solid foundation of joy to those He has called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

“There is nothing better for a person than to eat and drink and find joy in his toil. This too, I have seen, comes from the hand of God, because apart from him who can eat or who can enjoy? he who pleases God has given wisdom, knowledge and joy “. - Ecclesiastes 2: 24-26

The fact that we have taste buds to enjoy rich coffee, sweet candied apples and salty nachos is a gift. God gives us time to enjoy the work of our hands and the joy of sitting among old friends. Because "every good and perfect gift is from above, descended from the lights of the heavenly Father" (James 1: 7).

What does the Bible say about the enjoyment of life?
So how can we enjoy life in a fallen world? Do we just focus on the great food and drink in front of us, or is there more to the new mercies God claims to give us every morning (Lamentations 3:23)? Ecclesiastes' exhortation is to release our perceived sense of control and enjoy the lot God has given us, regardless of what is thrown at us. To do this, we cannot simply claim to "enjoy" things, but we must seek the very thing that provides joy in the first place. Ultimately understanding who is in control (Proverbs 19:21), who gives and who takes away (Job 1:21), and what is most satisfying makes you jump. We can taste a candied apple at the fair, but our thirst for ultimate satisfaction will never be quelled and our fuzzy world will never become clear until we submit to the Giver of all good things.

Jesus tells us that He is the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14: 6). It is in our surrender of control, identity and life to Jesus that we receive life-long satisfying joy.

“Even if you haven't seen it, you love it. Even if you don't see him now, believe in him and rejoice in an inexpressible joy full of glory, obtaining the result of your faith, the salvation of your souls ”. - 1 Peter 1: 8-9

God, in his infinite wisdom, has given us the ultimate gift of joy in Jesus. He sent His son to live the life we ​​could not live, die a death we deserved and rose from the grave by defeating sin and Satan once and for all. . By believing in Him, we receive inexpressible joy. All the other gifts - friendship, sunsets, good food and humor - are simply meant to bring us back to the joy we have in Him.

How are Christians called to live on earth?
That day on the teacups remains burned in my mind. It reminds me at the same time who I was and how God transformed my life through Jesus. The more I tried to submit to the Bible and live with an open hand, the more joy I felt for the things He gives and the things He takes away. No matter where you are today, let's remember 1 Peter 3: 10-12:

"Whoever wishes to love [and enjoy] life and see good days,
keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit;
turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer.
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil “.

As Christians, we are called to enjoy life by keeping our tongue away from evil, doing good to others and pursuing peace with all. By enjoying life in this way, we seek to honor the precious blood of Jesus who died to make life possible for us. Whether you feel like you are sitting on a spinning teacup, or stuck in a haze of dizziness, I encourage you to present the pieces of life you are tearing apart. Cultivate a grateful heart, appreciate the simple gifts God has given, and try to enjoy life by honoring Jesus and obeying his commands. "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17). Let's not live with the “YOLO” mentality that our actions don't matter, but let's enjoy life by pursuing peace and righteousness and thanking God for his grace in our lives.