by Padre Courtois

PRESENTATION of the Italian edition

A year and a half before his death, Father Courtois had portrayed his way of conceiving the priesthood in an eloquent image. He was in Rome for the priestly jubilee of a confrere.

"The priest - he said on that occasion - must be a Man of God, a Man of Men, a Man of the Church".

This lapidary formula can constitute a definition of his own life.

Man of God. This man of ever new ideas, this apostle of innumerable initiatives was, above all and above all, the man of prayer. He was continually renewed in "heart to heart" with the Lord. No commitment, however urgent it might appear, made him renounce that "strong time" reserved for God which is prayer. This man of action was a great contemplative, and this explains the extraordinary fruitfulness of all his undertakings. He knew and proclaimed that "the priest could not be a man in all similar to others". He tried to live, and he used to say, "in persona Christi". To those who questioned him, he tirelessly repeated the same directives: prayer, prayer, a weekly day of silence, during which, once every activity was interrupted, we "recharge" ourselves with God in order to better express and give him.

Man of God, certainly, in all his being, he considered himself a consecrated person and regulated his way of life on that initial gift to his Lord, in response to an early call that he himself places in February 1909, when he was not yet twelve. This aspiration to a life of intimacy with God, tried since adolescence, grew together with him, to the point that prayer was the real engine of all his pastoral action.

For a long time he had been in the habit of writing, "almost under the Lord's dictation," his notebooks: he always had one in his pocket. In addition to what Father Cour-tois has already spread throughout the world, through an abundant production of works, unfortunately largely out of print, one finds in these notebooks the expression of more intimate relationships with the One who was his everything. Even if he avoided hearing any "voice". «I express only in my vocabulary - he said - what I believe He wants to tell me».

Men's man. By living for God in the most total way possible to the human condition, Father Courtois, by logical consequence, always showed himself available to all the needs of his brothers. In this spirit he conceived his priesthood: "It is certainly not for us that we have been ordained priests, but for others," he declared. The spirit of service was almost natural to him, since it originated directly from the One who declared that he had come "not to be served, but to serve".

In this spirit, while still a student, he dragged his comrades to the apostolate among the boys of a Parisian oratory. As a young priest, he gathered his brothers in a "Priestly Help Group" which met regularly for fruitful exchanges.

Deputy parish priest in a popular parish, he worked with Father Guérin on the foundation of the French JOC (Catholic Youth Opera).

Entered among the Sons of Charity to better realize, in religious life, the "total gift" to which he aspired, and soon destined for the organism of the Union of Catholic Works of France, he founded the newspaper "Coeurs Vail-lants" (Hearts Valorosi ) - from which originated the Movement of the same name - followed later by the newspaper "Ames Vail-laintes" (Valiant Souls).

Concerned with helping consecrated souls, he preached numerous retreats to priests and nuns, and gave life to the Union of Religious Parish Educators.

Elected Attorney General of his Institute in 1955, he spent the last fifteen years of his life in Rome. Called, since 1957, to the Congregation "De Pro-paganda Fide" (currently called "for the Evangelization of Peoples") as a permanent member of the Higher Council for the Propagation of the Faith, in 1960 he became Secretary General of the Pontifical Missionary Union of Clergy, and founded, as such, the "Documents-Omnis Ter-ra", which still today are published in Rome in three languages. A man of men, Father Courtois was so both on a personal level and on that of great achievements. Cardinal Garrone underlined this in his homily at the mass of his funeral: «Father Courtois' friendship was immediate, universal, always fervent. It could even astonish, precisely because of this often unexpected fervor. But it was impossible to deny, even for a moment, the sincerity, and the first occasion provided the proof that his heart did not lie and that he was capable of any sacrifice ».

How many people could confirm this authoritative testimony! Father Courtois was kindness personified, always ready, in joy, to help those who turned to him, even if unknown. It can be said that he put into practice, in a completely natural way, the formula: "Every man is my brother". This universal benevolence and friendship, which were his characteristics, led the Father to never allow criticism or backbiting to be expressed in front of him. He managed skillfully to divert the conversation and cut short if necessary. Such a deep love, drawn from the very Heart of God, was expressed in all ways and on all occasions.

A man of men, Father Courtois appreciated the saying: "Nothing that is human is foreign to me." Born educator, he applied the laws of psychology. Among his numerous works, "Pour réussir auprès les enfants", "L'art d'éle-ver les enfants d'aujord'hui", "L'art d'étre Chef", "L'E-cole des Chefs ”are mines that can still be tapped effectively today. While tirelessly insisting on the spirit of prayer, which nothing can replace, he insistently advised us to ask faithfully for the grace "of right judgment, solid common sense, perfect balance", values ​​with which he was abundantly endowed. He cultivated good humor, the fruit of the intimate joy of loving God and serving him.

Church man. "It is in the Church, with the Church, and for the Church that we priests carry out our mission", he said in 1969.

He had always thought this way, and the shocks that were already being felt at that time did not in any way tarnish the trust and love he professed for the Church of Jesus Christ. "It is good for us, he said, in moments like these, in which the Church is criticized with such ease and lack of historical sense ... to be one with it, to affirm our pride in belonging to her, to reiterate our joy of being able to work -to stay close to his Head ».

A loyal man, Father Courtois considered it normal to push himself to the end of his commitments; his fidelity was flawless. His natural optimism made him overcome contingencies and tied him to the only truth that was worth it: “There is no Jesus Christ on the one hand and the Church on the other. It is something of Him. Indeed, it is mystically his Body in a state of growth, nourished and vivified by Him to the extent that each accepts to be it, but each in his place, according to his function, in his complementary role for the good of the whole Body ».

The missionary sense of Father Courtois became very intense during the years of his stay in Rome. Refusing none of the long journeys (despite the warnings of the evil that would lead him to his grave), he went and returned from America to Africa, continents he traveled numerous times, bringing, with his open smile, a sure comfort to all those who they worked in evan-gelization, often in difficult conditions. The Middle East also saw him often, and the substantial spiritual retreats he preached have not yet been forgotten. His fraternal dedication to the Greek-Melkite Church earned him the title of Great Iconomos and the then Patriarch, Maximos IV, designated him with the affectionate title of "son of the West with an Eastern heart".

A directional thread intimately linked all the initiatives of Father Courtois and fertilized all his activities: the need to make God known and loved.

Of these notebooks, almost materialization of his constant "listening to God" (title, also this, of one of his books), he was not stingy and, according to the occasion, he communicated some passages. It even seems that he glimpsed the eventuality of their publication, as can be seen from these lines that are found there:

“You have to grasp the ideas I put in you and express them in your vocabulary as I inspire them. Otherwise they will vanish into the fog of oblivion. If I make them rise in your spirit, it is above all for yourself, since they will help you to think as I think, to see things as I see them, to translate the signs of the times as I want to be understood in the chiaroscuro of faith. And then, there are all your brothers and all your sisters in humanity. Each one needs the light that I give you ».

"At the feet of the Master" was the general title he had first given to these notebooks. However, in one of the last ones (1967-1968), he wrote this other title on the cover: "When the Master speaks to the heart". For the publication, we chose the latter title, thinking, in this way, to better respect his intention.

It was difficult to group these notes according to a specific plan. In fact, each "conversation" very often dealt with various topics, which complemented one another in a mutually complementary manner. However, to make them easier to use, we have tried to divide them under some general headings.

It should be added that, being the material very abundant (eight notebooks of 200 pages each and full of dense writing), we were forced to choose, and this, as we know (and as the Father used to repeat), "always means sacrifice something ". There were, moreover, many repetitions in these pages. Perhaps it will be said that there are still some left. But, even if, in fact, the same ideas return with a certain constancy - which is natural, after all, in a man in whom the spiritual life was of great simplicity - the expression that characterizes these "talks" presents a diversity of coloring quite rich and that can be fruitful.

After all, when you love, don't you find the means to repeat it in a thousand ways, even with the same words? Well, let us repeat it, Father Courtois did not want and did not seek anything but this: to love the Lord as best he could, and to work with all his might to make him loved.

May this posthumous message continue what was the work of his whole life!



Listen. Understand. Collect. Assimilate. Put it into practice. it's hard, I know, to listen to me when my head is full of noise. silence is needed, desert is needed. One is terrified of aridity and emptiness. But if you are faithful, if you persevere, you know, your Beloved will make his voice heard, your heart will burn and this interior ardor will give you peace and fruitfulness. Then you will savor to what extent your Lord is sweet, to what extent his weight is light. Beyond the time you dedicate exclusively to me, you will experience the reality of Dilectus meus mihi et ego illi.

The more they multiply, despite the obstacles, despite the repugnance or temptations of cowardice, the moments in which you seek me and find me to listen to me, the more sensitive my response will become, the more my Spirit will animate you and suggest you will not only what I ask you to say, but what I offer you to do: really, then, what you say and do will be fruitful.

My Word and the light that derives from it give the right place to all things in the synthesis of my immense love, in function of eternity, but without diminishing in anything the value of every being and every event.

Your mission does not consist only in trying to insert myself in every human reality, but to facilitate the assumption of every human reality so that I consecrate it to the glory of my Father.

Watch me. Talk to me. Listen to me.

I am not only a witness of truth, but the Truth. I am not only a channel of life, but Life itself. I am not only a ray of light, but the Light itself. Whoever communicates to me communicates to the Truth. Whoever receives me receives Life. Whoever follows me walks on a road of light, and the light that I am grows in him.

Yes, speak to me spontaneously about anything that worries you. I leave a lot of space to your initiative. Do not believe that what concerns you can leave me indifferent since you are something of me. The essential thing for you is not to forget me, to turn to me with all the love and with all the trust you are currently capable of.

I am speaking to you in the depths of your soul, in those regions where your mentality is enriched by communicating to mine. It is not necessary for you to distinguish immediately and clearly what I am telling you. The important thing is that your thoughts are imbued with mine. After you can translate and express.

Those who never understand me and wither miserably are to be pitied. Ah! if they approached me with a child's soul! I thank you, Father, for you have hidden these things from the proud and revealed them to the little ones and the humble. If anyone is feeling small, come to me and drink. Yup; drink the milk of my thoughts.

Be more listening. Only I can give you that light you need so urgently. In my light your spirit will be strengthened, your thoughts will become clear, the problems will be solved.

I would like to use you more fully. For this, continually direct your will towards me. Get rid of yourself. Become a member mentality that has only me as the reason and purpose of life.

Call me for help, gently, calmly, with love. Don't think that I remain numb to the delicacies of affection. You love me, certainly; but try it more.

Tell me about your day. Of course I already know her, but I like to hear you tell her, just like the mother likes the chatter of her child after returning from school. Express your desires, your plans, your hassles, your difficulties. Maybe I'm not able to help you overcome them?

Tell me about my Church, the bishops, the confreres, the missions, the nuns, the vocations, the sick, the sinners, the poor, the workers; yes, of that working class that has too many virtues not to be Christian, at least at the bottom of the heart. It is perhaps not with the workers, often derided, often suffocated by worries and setbacks, that there is the greatest generosity and the greatest willingness to answer "yes" to my appeals, when they are not rendered inaudible by the bad testimony of those who do they bear my name?

Tell me about all those who suffer in their spirit, in their flesh, in their heart, in their dignity. Tell me about all those who are dying right now, those who are going to die and know it and are terrified of it, or are serene, and all those who are going to die and do not know it.

Tell me about me, about my growth in the world and about what I work in the depths of hearts; and of what I accomplish in heaven for the glory of my Father, of Mary and of all the blessed.

Do you have any questions for me? Do not hesitate. I am the key to all problems. I will not give you the answer immediately, but if your question comes from a loving heart, the answer will come in the following days, both through the intervention of my Spirit and through the events.

Do you have any desire to make, for yourself, for others, for myself? Don't be afraid to ask me too much.

By doing so you will hasten to some extent, albeit invisibly, the hour of the assumption in me of all humanity and you will raise the level of love and of my presence in the hearts of men.

As for Mary Magdalene on Easter morning, my heart calls you continually by name; I'm anxious about your answer. I say your name softly and wait for your exception adsum: "here I am", testifying to your attention and your availability.

I still have many things to make you understand and on this earth you will know nothing but a small part. But to understand these truths, however limited, it is necessary that you come closer to me. If I made you more welcoming I would talk to you more. Being welcoming means being above all humble, considering yourself as an ignorant who has a lot to learn. It means making oneself available to come to the feet of the Master and above all close to his heart, where everything is understood without the need for formulas. It means being attentive to the movements of grace, to the signs of the Holy Spirit, to the mysterious breath of my thought.

Continue to converse with me even after our meetings in the chapel. Think that I am present close to you, with you, in you: while carrying out your duties, from time to time cast a look full of love towards me. It is certainly not this, you know well, that will disturb your activity and your apostolate. Is it not to the extent that I am in your spirit that you will see your brothers with my eyes and love them with my heart?

That your life is an uninterrupted conversation with me. Today there is a lot of talk about dialogue. Why don't you log in with me? Am I not present within you, alert to the movements of your heart, attentive to your thoughts, interested in your desires? Speak to me very simply, regardless of building sentences. I appreciate much more what you want to express than the words you use to do it.

I am the Word. He who is, continuously and in silence, in the state of the Word. If one really knew how to pay attention, one would recognize my Voice in the humblest things of nature as well as in the greatest, through the most diverse beings, through the most normal circumstances. It is a question of faith, and you must ask me for this faith for all your brothers and sisters who have not received the gift or who have lost it. it is above all a question of love. If you lived more for me than for yourself, you would be attracted by the soft whisper of my inner voice and intimacy with me could be established more easily.

Invoke me as the Light that can illuminate your spirit, as the Fire that can ignite your heart, as the Force that can expand your energies. Call me above all as the Friend who wishes to share your whole life with you, as the Savior who wishes to purify your soul from selfishness, as your God who aspires to take you into Himself from here below, waiting to welcome you. in the fullness of the light of Eternity.

Call me. Love me. Let yourself be invaded by the certainty of being loved with passion, just as you are, with all your limitations and your weaknesses, to become what I desire you, a glowing ember of divine charity. Then you will instinctively think of me and others more than you, you will naturally live for me and for others before living for you, in the hour of small daily decisions you will choose for me and for others instead of yourself: you will live in divine communion with me and in universal communion with others… identified with me and at the same time with others. Then you will allow me to carry out in a better way the connection between the Father of heaven and the brothers of the earth.

Talk to me before talking about me. Talk to me simply, with familiarity and with a smile on your lips: Hilarem datorem diligit Deus. What can they say about me without me talking to them, what can they say about me? There are so many false ideas about me, even among Christians, even more among those who say they don't believe in me.

I am not an executioner, nor a ruthless being. Ah! if they acted with me as with a living, intimate and loving person! I would like to be everyone's friend, but how few are those who treat me as a Friend! They judge me and condemn me without knowing me! I am expelled from their horizons. For them, in reality I do not exist, yet I am present and I do not fail to fill them with all sorts of benefits without them imagining it. All that they are, all that they have, all that they do good they owe to me.

Only those who have made silence in themselves listen to me.

Silence of the inner demons that are called pride, the instinct of power, the spirit of domination, the spirit of aggression, eroticism in any form which obscures the spirit and hardens the heart.

Silence of secondary worries, of undue worries, of sterile evasions.

Silence of useless dispersions, of the search for oneself, of reckless judgments.

But this is not enough. You must also desire that my thought penetrate your spirit and gently impose itself on your intelligence.

Above all, neither impatience, nor agitation, but a lot of concentration and availability, with the full good will to keep my Word and implement it. It is a seed of truth, of light, of happiness. It is a seed of eternity that transfigures the most humble things and gestures on earth.

When it has been assimilated, savored, tasted deeply, its value and taste can no longer be forgotten: its price is understood and one is ready to sacrifice many things that seemed necessary.


I do my work of peace and love in the Church through the souls of prayer, docile to my action. Prayer: think of God by loving him.

1. Eye dialogue.

2. Dialogue of hearts.

3. Dialogue of wishes

with each of the Persons of the Trinity.


1. a) Immersed in Jesus, Son of the eternal Father, contemplating the Father with availability, action of grace, love.

b) The Father sees me in his Son: Hic est Filius meus dilectus; he sees all the souls linked to mine, in the synthesis of the plan of love, and he also sees all my misery. Kyrie eleison!

2. a) Immersed in Jesus, in communion with his feelings, I love the Father. I don't say anything, I love. Abba, Patera Laudamus te, propter magnam gloriam tuam.

b) The Father loves me. Allow myself to be loved by the Father. Ipse prior dilexit nos. God loved the world so much.

3. a) Desire of the Father, in union with Jesus: gift of physical and moral, intellectual and apostolic health.

b) What do you want me to do for you? Veni et vide. Pray and work. - Be peaceful, be joyful, be confident.


1. a) Seeing Jesus in his mysteries.

b) He sees my misery, poverty, indigence. Chri-ste eleison!

2. a) Love Jesus with all my soul, with all my heart, with all my strength, in union with Mary, the angels and the saints. Love comforter, repairer.

b) Let me love him: Dilexit me et tradidit semen-tipsum pro me.

3. a) What I desire: that He make me alter Chri-stus and alter minister Christi.

b) Let me manage as he wishes: availability, docility, adhesion.


1. a) Contemplate all that the Holy Spirit does, gives and forgives in the world. Everything that purifies, inspires, illuminates, inflames, fortifies, unites, fecundates.

b) Show my misery. Kyrie eleison! Begging him to move obstacles to the realization of the Father's plan.

2. a) Loving Love. Ignis ardens.

b) Let me ignite him. Caritas Dei diffused east in cordibus nostris for Spiritum Sanctum.

3. a) Ask for the gift of profound prayer of interior embrace.

b) Let me invade him. Call it. Offer me. Fill.

it is very useful to live in strong times during which my presence becomes perceptible to your soul.

The first thing is to ask me more intensely to get rid of everything that prevents you from listening, understanding, collecting, assimilating, putting into practice my Word. For I am the one who speaks to you. But you can't understand me if you don't listen to me. You can only listen to me if your love is truly pure from any retreating on yourself and takes on the characteristics of an oblative love in communion with mine.

The second thing is to be faithful in consecrating to myself exclusively some strong times in the depths of yourself, where I am and I live with an ever present, always active and loving presence.

The third is to smile at me more. You know, I love the one who gives and gives himself with a smile. Smile back. Smile everyone. Smile at everything. In the smile is present, more than you think, the expressive grace of true love made of the gift of self, and the more you give it, the more I give myself in return to you.

You must not live only before the Lord, but in your Lord. The more you act like this, striving to have no other feelings than mine, the more you will become aware of the wonderful exchange that through me unites you to the whole Trinity, to all the saints and to all the members of my mystical body. You are never alone. Your life is essentially communitarian.

Think, pray, act in me. I in you, you in me. You know, this is my desire for intimacy with you. I am continually at the door of your soul and knock. If you listen to my voice and open the door for me, then I go into your house and have dinner together. Don't worry about the menu. Every time I provide for the banquet and my joy lies in seeing it savored so as to be more and more suitable for giving me to your brothers. Think about them thinking about me. Collect them in your prayer, giving yourself to me. Assume them by letting them absorb me.

Live with me as with the Friend who never abandons himself. Do not leave me with the will, do not leave me with the heart, try to leave me as little as possible even with your mind.

Be attentive to my Presence, to my Gaze, to my Love, to my Word.

In my Presence. You know well that I am present near you, in you and in others. But knowing it is one thing, trying it out is another. Ask me for this grace often. It will not be refused to your humble and persevering prayer. It is the most concrete expression of a living faith and an ardent charity.

At my look. You know well that my eyes do not turn away from you. If I could see this look of mine full of goodness, tenderness, desire, attentive to your profound choices, always benevolent, encouraging, ready to support you and help you! But behold: you must meet him in faith, desire him in hope, predict him in love.

To my love. You know well that I am Love, but I am even more so than you know it. Adore and trust. The surprises I have in store for you are much more beautiful than you can imagine. The time of the after-death will be that of the victory of my Love over all human limits, as long as they have not been deliberately wanted as an obstacle against it. From today, ask me for the grace of a more acute, more intuitive perception of all the delicacies of my immense Love towards you.

To my Word. You know that I myself am the one who speaks, the one of whom the Word is Spirit and Life. But what is the use of speaking and manifesting the Father's riches, if the ear of your heart is not attentive to listen, so as to welcome and assimilate them? You know my way of speaking, through the ideas that I make blossom in your spirit under the influence of mine. From the start you must be faithful to my Spirit. Upon arrival, you must be careful to collect the divine dew. Then your life will be fruitful.

The time you spend exposing your soul to the divine radiations of the Host is worth more to you than the work performed feverishly outside of me.

it is from within that I rule the world, thanks to the faithful souls in listening to me and in responding to me. There are many thousands around the world. They give me great joy, but they are still too few in number. The need for Christification of humanity is immense and the workers are few in number.

How much simpler and more fruitful your life would be, if you left me in your spirit and in your heart all the place that I wish to occupy! You crave my coming, my growth, my take of pos-sex, but all this must not remain an abstract desire.

First of all, realize that you are nothing and you cannot do anything from yourself to increase the intimacy of my presence in you by one degree only. You have to humbly ask me for it, in union with the Virgin Mother.

Then, according to all the measure of grace that is granted to you, do not miss any opportunity to join explicitly to me, to hide in me. Penetrate into me with confidence and then let me act through you.

It is not as a joke that I said: «I want my Life to feel throbbing with you. I want my love to feel burning in your heart ». And this morning I add: "I want people to see my light shine in your spirit." But this presupposes that your self is eclipsed as much as possible.

My gaze on you is true, lucid, deep. Don't escape it, search for it. It will help you find out how much attachment and how much personal research remains in you. It will stimulate you to forget more and more for others.

You shouldn't know how to do without me so that I can pass through you as much as my heart desires. But human nature is so made that, if it is not continually stimulated, it slows down its effort and scatters its attention. This explains the need for a continuous resumption of contact with me. As long as you are on this earth, there is never anything acquired, you have to continually start over. But each new momentum is like a rebirth and a growth in love.

Desiderami. Am I not He who fully answers the aspirations that I have placed in your heart?

Desiderami. I will come to you. I will grow in you. I will exercise my dominion over you according to your desire. Desiderami. Why want anything other than to live in intimate exchange with me? How futile and scattered are all desires that do not converge on me!

Desiderami. Yes, in all your occupations, from dawn to dusk, in prayer and work, in food, in rest, let me feel now strongly, now in a nuanced way, the intensity of your desire.

Desiderami. May your breast aspire me, that your heart will seek me, that your whole being yearns for me.

You desire me for yourself, because without me you cannot do anything effective and useful on the level of spirit. You desire me for others, since you will communicate me with your words, your examples, your writings only to the extent that I will act through you.

Live in me: you will live for me, you will actually act for me, and your last years will effectively serve my Church.

Live in me as in your favorite abode. Remember: He who dwells in me ... bears much fruit.

Live my prayer. It penetrates the incessant flow of desires, praises, thanksgiving that emanate from my Heart.

My will lives. Join my will on you and all my love designs.

Inhabits my wounds. They are always alive until the world is fully reconciled in me. Draw on them the power of sacrifice and painful choices in the name of your brothers. Your decisions can be decisive for many souls.

My heart lives. Let yourself be ignited by its warmth of charity. Ah, if you really could become incande-scente!


Think a little more often about the things that make me happy: my coming into the souls of children, the purity of their hearts and their looks, their sometimes generous sacrifices of love, the simplicity and totality of self-giving. themselves. I pour myself out in numerous souls of children in which there is still no harmful fog that obscures the crystal of their innocence, since good educators have been able to lead them, guide them, encourage them towards me.

Who rejoices me is the priest faithful to the Holy Spirit and to my Mother, who has gradually acquired an almost constant perception of my presence and acts accordingly. Those who make me happy are, in all environments and in all countries, simple souls, who do not give rise to pride, who do not care about their person, who do not think so much about themselves as about others, in a word, who spontaneously forget to live in the service of my love.

Love me as I want to be loved and that it feels. Love your brothers as I want you to love them and feel that. Detach yourself from yourself, walk away from yourself to focus on me and let it feel!

Do not forget me. If you only knew how often I am forgotten, even by my best friends, even by you! Ask me often for the grace not to forget me. You perceive what enrichment it would bring to a soul, and through it to all the souls that depend on it, the fact of never forgetting me, at least as far as circumstances permit.

Do not forget my presence near you, in you, in your neighbor, in the Host.

The fact of remembering my presence transfigures everything you do: you illuminate your thoughts, your words, your actions, your sacrifices, your pains and your joys with divine light.

Don't forget my wishes:

- those that concern the glory of my Father, the advancement of my Kingdom in the hearts of men, the sanctification of my Church;

- those that concern you, that is, those that concern the fulfillment of the Father's wishes for you ... his eternal plan for you, concerning your place in the sacred history of humanity.

I guide you. Be in peace, but don't forget me. I am the one who transforms everything and transfigures everything as soon as you call me for help. When you invite me to join you, everything you work or everything you suffer takes on a special value, a divine value. Profit, therefore, as this gives your life an authentic dimension of eternity.

Sometimes you have to shake yourself up not to let yourself be reabsorbed by your personal problems. I continually act in you and with you, relieving the uncertainty and struggle of your life whenever you invite me to do so. Don't think what I have to ask you is so difficult. I want to guide you more with this constant and loving communion in my divine Presence in you, than with suffering heroically endured.

Share everything with me. Put me in everything you do. Ask me for help and advice more often. You will double your inner joy, for I am a fountain of lively joy. What a pity that I am presented as an austere, inhuman, opposing being! Communion to my love goes beyond all pains and transfigures them into calm and soothing joys.

He constantly tries to please me. Let this be the essential orientation of your heart and your will. I am more sensitive than you think to small delicacies and constant attention.

If you knew how much I love you, you would never be afraid of me. You would throw yourself madly into my arms. You would live in trusting abandonment to my immense tenderness and above all, even among the most absorbing activities, you could never forget me and you would accomplish everything in me.

To listen to my voice you have to put yourself in a disposition of mind that facilitates the agreement of our thoughts.

L. First of all, open your soul loyally towards me: loyally, that is, without reticence, with the intense desire to listen to me, with the will to make the sacrifices that my Spirit can suggest to you.

2. Forcefully banish from your spirit everything that is not me and is not in my opinion. It removes unnecessary and untimely worries.

3. Humiliate yourself. Tell yourself - and you must often remind yourself that by yourself you are NOTHING - that you are not capable of any good, of any profoundly faithful and lasting work.

4. Awaken in you all the love that I have made you capable of. As a result of your outer life, the embers tend to cool down. You must regularly rekindle the fire of your heart and, to do this, generously throw the twigs of your sacrifices into it; often invoke the help of the Holy Spirit, repeat to me those words of love which will attract me to you and will make your spiritual hearing finer.

5. Then, worship me in silence. Stay calm at my feet. Listen to me as I call you by name.

Make yourself all capacity, all desire, all aspiration of me: I alone can fill you without ever satiating you. You feel lost all the time it takes to love me. This does not mean that you should be aware of it, but that you have the will and deep desire for it.

it is in the "silent and familiar" conversations with me that you will meet me most. Trust. Each soul has its own form of conversation with me.

Join all the unknown mystics currently living on earth. You owe a lot to one and the other without knowing it, and your adherence to their spirit can be of help to many. It is they, in truth, who arouse my graces of redemption for humanity. He deeply desires that authentically con-templative souls multiply in the world.

Your thoughts and especially your heart should be directed towards me, like the magnetic needle of the compass towards the pole. Work, human relationships prevent you from thinking about me explicitly and constantly, but if, as soon as you have a free moment, you are careful to give me even a simple glance, such acts of love will gradually affect everyone. your daily activities. They are certainly for me, I know, even when you don't say it, but how much better I say it!

I never leave you alone. Why do you leave me alone too often, while you could, with a little effort, seek me, if not find me, in you and in others? Don't you think about it? But think about asking me for grace. It is a preferential grace that I always grant to anyone who asks for it with loyalty and insistence. Then repeat to me often: "I know you are close to me and I love you." These simple words spoken with love will inspire you with renewed fervor. Finally, make an effort in your heart to live with me: gradually you will live more with me in the hearts of others. Then you will understand them better, you will participate in my prayer for them and you will help them more effectively.

it is in the intensity of your union with me that your prayers, activities, sufferings will bear fruit. I myself am in you the One who adores, who praises the Father, who gives thanks, who loves, who offers himself, who prays. Make my adoration, my praise, my thanksgiving, my outbursts of love, my redemptive oblation, my immense desires yours; you will experience the radiation of your interior prayer merged into mine. In fact, there is only one prayer that is valid: it is my prayer that I am expressing interiorly in you and that will emerge in different feelings, in words and silences of varying intensity, which are valid only for my incessant prayerful presence.

This is worship in spirit and truth.

Only constant contemplation allows this interiorization of prayer, faith, charity, and at the same time the radiance of my goodness, my humility and my profound joy.

It alone allows me to exercise my gentle dominion over the soul, to re-tighten my divine grip and to impress my progressive imprint on it.


Call me. I don't ask if not to come, but tell me more often: «Come, Jesus, so that I can fully realize all that you expect from me! ».

«You come, Jesus, so that I help the souls, as you desire, to realize your plan of love on them! ».

«Come, Jesus, so that I love you as you want to be loved by me! ».

There is a litany of love that I expect from you:

Jesus, my love, I love you!

Jesus, my Fire, I love you!

Jesus, my Force, I love you!

Jesus, my Light, I love you!

Jesus, my Sufficiency, I love you!

Jesus, my Host, I love you!

Jesus, my Prayer, I love you!

Jesus, my All, I love you!

Don't waste your time acting without love.

Develop in you, under the influence of my Spirit and my Mother, the three divine virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity. For them adhere to me with all your strength, be hungry for

me with all your being, join me with all your heart.

They must feel me in you, almost on the skin.

I am the sap of your soul.

My love has harmonic sounds as varied as they are powerful. To feel them, you have to live in constant and profound harmony with me. Then the symphony develops in multiple variations in the depths of the heart that sings in unison with mine.

Intimacy with me never tires and never tires. If you feel any tiredness, it comes from having lost my rhythm and from not being in agreement with my measure anymore. Then you gasp and you soon find yourself without strength and breathlessness. Call me softly, with faith and trust, and you will find the continuation of the inner melody.

There are colors, for example during a sunset, that no painter can fully render. There are inner joys that only I can give. My love is inexhaustible, it has a thousand faces and a thousand always new inventions.

Ah! if you would like to take advantage of it, first of all for yourself and then to better reveal myself to multitudes of souls.

When you love me deeply, an irradiation of me is produced in you that allows you to invisibly give me to all who approach you.

The quality of your relationships with me: this is what matters above all. Your day is worth what your ties to me are worth. Were they infrequent or loose? Were they fervent, lovers, full of attention? I don't fail to pay attention to you, but what about you? Why do you attach more importance to the things that go by than to me not passing by? And then, to solve the problems that everyday life presents to you, why don't you think that an appeal to me can be profitable for you; that in me there are all the solutions that take into account all the data, even the invisible ones? Don't you think it would be time and effort saved to have recourse to me a little more often? And it would be an opportunity for me to give and to give myself more: and this is, you know well, the longing of my heart.

I am "useless", since I am not used in many lives, including priestly ones.

My dream consists - behind your impulse, with your initiative and intelligent collaboration, enhancing the gifts and talents received - in spiritualizing the activities and lives of men, through the growth of my charity in each of you.

Live on me. Live with me. Live for me.

Live of me. Nùtriti of my thoughts. These thoughts are the expression of my Spirit. I am light and life. They are also strength to the extent that you assimilate them.

Feed on my will: what I want from you, what you have to do. Act without worrying about knowing where I will lead you. In you everything will serve the glory of my Father and the good of my Church, if you insert your will into mine.

Live with me. Am I not the best travel companion for you? Why do you forget my presence? Why don't you meet my gaze more often?

So ask me for my opinion, advice, help and you will see how much importance I attach to the fact that you treat me as a Friend. The irradiation of this familiar and constant friendship, founded on an ardent spirit of faith, will give your life the stamp that I like.

Don't waste your time forgetting me. Thinking of me means multiplying your fruitfulness.

Live for me. Otherwise, who would you live for if not for yourself, that is, for nothing? If you only knew what you deprive yourself of and what you deprive the Church of when you don't live for me! Indeed, to love means above all this: to live for the loved one.

Act, work, pray, breathe, eat, rest for me. Continuously purify your intention. Honestly, don't do what you can't do for me. Isn't this the essence of love? And it is a test of love to demand this of you. But you know well, the sacrifice bears fruit, and you will find again in a hundredfold joy what you have deprived yourself of for me.

Insert me deeply into your life and convince yourself that the most useful hour for your business is the one you dedicate exclusively to me. It helps you, you know well, to support and enrich your inner life for the time of action; it makes you attentive to the signs that I do to you during the day; it allows you to decipher the symbols I sow along your way.

A Christian who understood what I long to be for him, would find me in everything, would listen to me, would discover me and would go from wonder to wonder in perceiving my presence always alive, current, active and, above all, infinitely loving.

Nourish in your spirit only thoughts of love, in your eyes only lights of goodness, on your lips only words of charity, in your heart only feelings of friendship, in your will only wishes of benevolence.

May your life be totally impregnated with true love, and your death itself will be smelling of love. That alone matters. For all eternity, you will be confirmed in the degree of love you have achieved in life.

it is the measure of the oblative love that you present at the offering of your mass, which at the moment of communion gets you a new inoculation of my Charity. From mass to mass, it is possible for you to grow in my love, but it is a love that strips, immolates and gives without measure. The only thing that is worthwhile, since it is the only value that has run in eternity, is true charity. When I observe men, here is what I immediately judge in each one: the charity that expects no reward or gratitude, the charity that ignores itself, the charity that expresses in a personal style what is best in a to be. This is the great lesson that must be learned from me.

Come to Me and watch. In my gaze, read and draw. In my heart, penetrate and take.

In my will, abandon yourself and burn.

I am FLAME I am Fire, I am LOVE.

To love is so simple, but men who know this secret are rare, even among the consecrated. There is true love only where there is self-forgetfulness. Too often we love only ourselves through those we believe we love.

Above all, don't complicate anything. Draw into your heart all the reserves of affection that I have placed on you and orient towards me, that's all.

Put yourself under the influence of the Holy Spirit. He will make you more glowing. Ah, if you were truly a fiery furnace, how many souls would you save! My true growth in souls is measured by the warmth of their love for me and for others.

You know to what extent I am the infinite, passionate, devouring love; or rather you know it in an intellectual, theoretical way, not concrete enough. The fact is that I cannot exercise my love on you except to the extent that you authorize me, thanks to the full availability of your whole person to the action of my Spirit, through which my divine is spread in the hearts. dilection. If you knew what a God is who longs to give and give himself, penetrate, invade, enrich, impregnate a loved being, conform him to the plan of love for the Father, aspire to him, assume him, inspire him, take charge of him, unite him, identify him! ... But the condition is unique, irreducible: it is the jam not ego, I no longer live ... All that is self-centeredness, pride, self-love, spirit of possession, research. subtle of the human self, it is inadmissible from the fire of love.

Give me a love of quality.

The more humility there is in a soul, the purer the love.

The more there is spirit of sacrifice in a soul, the more love is true.

The more there is communion with the Holy Spirit in a soul, the stronger the love is.

If you lived more in the obsession of my love, many things would find their rightful place, their relative value. How many times you let yourself be disturbed by shadows of no importance and you miss the only realities that matter!

I am in you He who loves the Father.

Can you imagine the pressure or the intensity of the fire of my love for the Father which generates me incessantly, as the Spirit generates the Thought? This Thought becomes a substantial reality and is a Person equal to that of the Father who thinks it and generates it. Mystery of the gift, mystery of perfect love, object of contemplation and praise of the blessed in heaven.

I am in you He who loves the Holy Spirit, the living nexus that binds me to the Father, the substantial kiss of our love. We are distinct and at the same time linked as Fire and Flame. He is the Father's gift to me, and the thanksgiving praise of me to the Father.

I am in you He who loves Mary.

Creator love because together with the Father and the Spirit we conceived her from eternity and she did not disappoint us.

Filial love because in truth I am his son more than anyone else on earth is his mother's son.

Redemptive love which has preserved her from original sin and closely associated her with the work of the salvation of the world.

I am in you the One who loves all the angels and all the saints. You can list them, from your angel to your favorite saints and to your ancestors who have entered blessed eternity. May your conversation, through me, always be in the skies where they await you.

I am in you the One who loves all men living now on earth, all the souls that involve your numberless posterity, all those who one day I will reveal to you have been the most direct beneficiaries of your renunciations, your sufferings, your works. and then ... all the others, all, without exception.

Only what you impregnate with love has value in my Kingdom and in my eyes. Things are worth only for their love content. Men are worth nothing but their dose of oblate love. This alone counts and so that everything in you is impregnated with my love you must recharge yourself and practice yourself; recharge yourself, since divine love is a gift that must be invoked continuously and with intensity; exercise yourself, since charity is a virtue that requires a lot of courage.

Ah, if men really wanted to rectify their scale of values ​​in this sense! If they knew how to discover the importance of love in their life!

To love is to think of me, to look at me, to listen to me, to join me, to share everything with me. Your whole life is an almost uninterrupted succession of decisions in favor or against this love, which aims to make you give up yourself for the benefit of others. The more such love grows in a soul, the higher the level of humanity rises; but when a soul says "no" to the proposal of this love, there is an impoverishment of the divine in the world and a delay in the spiritual development of all the peoples of the earth.

He who strives to love according to my heart sees all beings and all things with my eyes and internally perceives the divine message that all beings and all things are able to bring him.

Did you not realize that the more you remained faithful to prayer, the less heavy it was for you? We only get tired of what we abandon; but if one is constant, one obtains the grace to taste, indeed to savor, in any case to persevere and, eventually, to endure.

The more you perceive my love in a living, experimental way, the more you will be able to reveal it to others. This is the form of testimony that I expect from you.

That mysterious fluid which gives men's faces an indefinable reflection of the divine, arises from the profound intimacy of the prolonged encounter with me.

I am not only the bond, but the home of souls, where they can meet and communicate with each other through me.

In me you can first of all find the Father and the Holy Spirit with certainty, since the Father is in me and I am in the Father, and the Holy Spirit unites us with one another in ineffable mutual communication.

In me you can find my Mother Mary who is united to me in an incomparable way and through which I continue to give myself to the world.

In me you find your angel, faithful companion of your wandering life, devoted messenger and attentive protector.

In me you find all the saints of heaven, the patriarchs and apostles, the prophets, the martyrs ...

In me you find all the priests who joined me in a particular capacity, by virtue of their priestly ordination which identifies them to me, the One in whose name they speak.

In me you find all Christians, and all men of good will, whoever they are.

In me you find all the suffering, all the sick, all the sick, all the dying.

In me you find all the deceased of Purgatory who draw from my dark presence the foundation of their ardent hope.

In me you find the whole world, known and unknown, all the beauties, all the riches of nature and science, all that exceeds what the greatest scientists cannot and will never be able to glimpse.

In me you find above all the secret of the total offering love, since I am the One who loves and who desires to bring fire on the earth through men, in order to make humanity incandescent with joy and happiness for eternity.

I am constantly waiting for you; without impatience, of course, knowing that you are weak and fragile, but so eager to hear you and to see you listening to my Word. Don't let your spirit flicker on ephemeral and useless things. Don't waste the little time you have in so many futility. Think that I am present, your Master, your Friend, your Servant: turn to me! How much more lively and extended would your influence be if you were more attentive to me and with more love!

Remember this well: whatever the activity one does and the sufferings one endures, it is the union of love present in them that constitutes its value.

Make an effort to join me more. Join my prayer. Join my offer. Join my activity in the world in the depths of hearts. See how it is hindered by all conscious and unconscious selfishness. You see instead how powerful it is in the generous souls who abandon themselves to it with docility.

Join me to do everything you need to do, and you will do everything better and easier. Join me to be good, friendly, understanding, open to others and I will pass part of me in your relationships with men. If you don't want to be separated from me, join me more often and more intensely, during all the bright and gray hours of every day.

It is not in vain if during the day you manage to multiply the positive acts of love and desire, since in this way the Father's charity for me is expressed in you and this brings about the increase of my presence in you: and I I will manifest myself through your carnal shell. Your love must be active and vigilant. If he falls asleep, out of cowardice and neglect, there will be a pause from the irradiation of my life in you.

In the knowledge of my love for you and for the world there are several concentric areas whose penetration can only revive your faith and your charity.

First of all there is the experimental perception of my loving presence that involves you internally and externally. Am I not in you, in the most intimate of yourself? Perhaps I am not continually near you and I have no reason to repeat to you often: «Look at me looking at you. Act as my member. Treat with me as if you see me, and smile at me. '

Then there is the intellectual knowledge of the infinite love that loved you to the point of madness, the madness of the crib, the madness of the cross, the madness of the host, the madness of the priesthood, with all that this entails. humility and tenderness on my part: make me a creature, make me small, make me dependent on you and on your collaborative good will.

Finally, there is what you can neither know nor perceive at present: it is the fire of Trinitarian love that will lift you up, inflame you, nourish you in eternity and for eternity, making you share in our substantial joy. , in an exalting universal charity.

If you knew how much I desire to be finally taken into account in the life of every day; not only be the One who invokes himself according to the rites, but the true and intimate Friend in whom one confides in and in whom one can trust. Am I not the One who feels what you feel, who assumes your moods, who transfigures and fecundates your desires, your gestures, your words? ... Everything that fills your days must be a chance to let all my love pass into your soul.

We are together.

We are united as the branch is united to the vine stock, as each member is united to the body.

Together we pray.

Together we are:

to work

to talk

to be good

to love

to offer

to suffer

to die

and one day to see the Father, the Virgin, and be in joy. The awareness of being united is a guarantee of security, fruitfulness, joy:


Here habitat in adjutorio Altissimi, in protectione Dei coeli commorabitur.

He inspires, guides, leads with his Spirit. With him I implement the Father's eternal plan of love for me for the benefit of all.

Christus in me manens ipse facit opera.

What can I fear for the great passage? We are together.


Qui manet in me et ego in eo, hic fert fructum multum:

visible irradiation and invisible visitation

virtus de illo exibat et sanabat om-nes.


I'm ad ostium et pulso… coenabo cum illo et ille mecum. Intra in gaudium Domini.

I want my joy to shine in your soul.

I am in you the One who speaks in your stead and never ceases to ask for the graces you need to realize, in the place destined for you, in the vital organism of the Mystical Body, the eternal plan of love of the Father upon you. you.

I am in you the One who offers himself and who, giving himself without reserve to the Father, longs to include in his oblation the offering of you and of all your brothers.

I am in you He who offers all the souls who live on earth to the blessing and purification of the Spirit.

I am in you the One who adores, praises and thanks the Father, burning with the desire to recompose in me the adorations, the praises, the thanks of all humanity.

My love is delicate, tender, attentive, merciful-know, strong and divinely demanding.

My love is delicate. I loved you first and all you are is me who gave it to you. I don't remember it too often, out of delicacy. I wait for you to realize it, to thank me and to deduce the consequences yourself!

My love is tender. I am the infinite tenderness. If only the riches of my heart and the immense desire I have to fill you with them were known! Come to me, my son. Leave your head on my shoulder and you will understand better quam suavis est Dominus tuus.

My love is attentive. Nothing about you escapes me. No feeling of your soul is foreign to me. I make all your desires mine to the extent that they conform to my Father's plan of love and therefore to your true interest. I make all your intentions my own and I faithfully say all the souls you entrust to me.

My love is merciful. I know better than you the mitigating circumstances and the reasons that excuse your faults, your mistakes, your discards.

My love is strong. it is strong in my power. it is strong to support you, to get you up, to guide you to the extent that you cling to it. Those who rely on it can never be disappointed.

My love is divinely demanding. You understand it. Since I love you for you, I want to be able to give myself to you more and more, and I can do it only if you yourself answer faithfully. lie to the invitations of my grace, to the impulses of my Spirit.

Since I love you for your brothers, I want to be able to go through you. You must reflect on me, reveal me, express myself, but I can do this only if you open the doors of your heart to me and respond generously to my invitations.

Anything, joyful or painful, simplify it with love. How I would like to see you live every day a quarter of an hour of pure, positive, explicit love, in union with me: excite yourself progressively. Start with one minute, then two, then three. If you persevere, under the influence of the Spirit, you will easily reach fifteen. Then you will see how many things will return to their right place, and you will have a taste of what I reserve for you for the hour of your eternity. So you will gradually enter my immensity without fear of sinking, since it is I who invade you.

You need a love stronger than your busy schedule, stronger than your worries, stronger than your suffering.

What matters in my eyes is not the love you feel, but the love you feel in me.

During the day he often renews the short silent adorations towards me. Ask me insistently to make you desire me, the taste of me, the joy of me grow. this is a prayer that I like to answer, but be patient and do not want to be faster than my grace.

My Kingdom is built from within and I need more generous souls in the internal struggles to the advantage of their brothers, than of propagandists or businessmen, even if at the service of my Church.

What matters is the fire of love that grows in hearts, more than the showy external activities, the beautiful organizations, so remarkable from the institutional point of view, but often empty or almost empty of my living and active presence.

Don't resign yourself to the monotony of love. Seek and you will find new ways of manifesting it to me. Mine are never monotonous. Let me hear more often that you want me and repeat me in your name and in the name of others: Maran atha! Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Believe me: I always respond to invitations.

The letter serves no purpose except to the extent that it esteems and facilitates love, not to the extent that it suffocates and opposes it.

In spiritual life some fixed points are necessary, but as a test and guide, not as an obstacle and as "trees that hide the forest".

Let me guide you as I want. Don't worry about the future. Have you ever missed something in the past? Nor will you ever lack anything, since I will always be present, and nothing can be lacking to the one who does not lack me. My presence and my tenderness will always be close to you, in order to arouse in tenations of grace, love and zeal. I was also present in the dark and difficult hours of your life. After all, you have heard it well, and the darkness has dissolved into the light.

If the souls decided to come closer to me more often, with more availability, they would draw new energies from the con-templation of my divine presence. I am the "Fountain of youth"; through me every true updating takes place, in souls, in families, in all societies. The world devitalizes itself for lack of authentic contemplative life.

The contemplative life is not a life of ecstasy but a life in which it is I who count, with me you can count and you can count on me. it is also a life of confluence in which, with thought or more simply with a virtual union, all my outbursts of love, adoration, praise, thanksgiving, my incessant, redemptive and spiritualizing oblation are assimilated, and my immense desires corresponding to your immense needs. From this vital conjunction with me depends, for the whole world, the effectiveness of my grace, of the divine benefits, in particular of the progressive assumption of all humanity in need, humble and generous, by my divinity.

The duration of love must aim at the total impregnation of your existence, not that this always has the same shape, the same color and that the conscience is continually lucid towards it. In love, the essential is not total consciousness, but the fact of loving: thinking of the other before thinking of oneself, living for the other before living for oneself, getting lost in the other to the point of forgetting himself: and He grows to the extent that the "I" diminishes. When one truly loves, one does not reflect that one loves. You just love it.

I want to tell you how much I appreciate the prayer you make every day when you receive me in Holy Communion: "O Jesus, make the desire for you grow in me, the desire to possess you, the desire to be possessed by you and to live more and more in persona Christi ».

And add: "Exercise your power over me, tighten your grasp, mark me with your divine imprint".

Do not be surprised if you are not fulfilled in a sensitive and perceptible way soon. Continue with perseverance. it is something that is accomplished little by little: it takes a long time and certain preliminary conditions of purification that are achieved only day after day.

The value of a life lies in the quality of the love that inspires it. This love can undergo some moments of relaxation; but if it is loyal, it resurrects and transfigures everything it touches, just like the sun which may be hidden by a cloud but continues to shine and illuminates again at the first lightening. Love that enlightens, love that warms, love that penetrates, love that heals, love that cheers!

Every human being embodies immense possibilities of love. Under the influence of the Spirit, this love is sublimated and expressed in marvelous acts of generosity, up to the sacrifice of oneself. But under the influence of egoism, it can degrade and reach the worst excesses of bestiality, according to all the forms that human ignorance can take. To the extent that humanity purifies and intensifies its affective powers, it rises and surpasses itself, and is assumed by me. I am the infinite tenderness and I can assimilate all that is of authentic love in a human heart.

I am the affectionate and discreet friend, who rejoices in the initiatives of those he loves, is saddened by their mistakes, their blunders, their resistances, their ambiguousness, their obscurities, but always ready to forgive and cancel the sins of those who return to him with love and humility.

I see all the possibilities of good present in each one and I am ready to favor their development, but I cannot do anything without your collaboration. To the extent that you remain attentive to my presence, you attract upon yourself the effectiveness of my divine vitality.

I am the Light, I am the Life. What is not conceived, carried out, made in union with me, is destined to perish.

You know very well that you are NOTHING yourself, you can NOTHING, but one day you will marvel at seeing what we have achieved TOGETHER.

Seek me: I am in you, at the bottom of you; place yourself freely, with total generosity, under my divine influence. Even if it doesn't make itself heard, it is in action and inspires you without your knowledge. You regret not having a constant and clear awareness of my presence; but what matters is that I am present and listen to your testimonies of love. Give me the proof: with small sacrifices, with slight sufferings endured in union with mine, with brief and frequent interruptions of your work and your readings, and you will see gradually increase in yourself a state of loyalty and availability to everything that I will ask you.


Faith is a gift that I never refuse to anyone who asks me for it with perseverance. For you it is the only normal way to have an antenna in the afterlife.

As long as you live on earth, the normal climate of the soul is a climate of faith and meritorious faith, made up of a certain divine mixture of clarity and shadow that allows you to reasonably adhere to me without perceiving me in the fullness of evidence. that's what I expect from you. Where would your merit be if I appeared as I am, transfigured, before you? However, the more you exercise your faith in love, the more you will come to perceive my divine presence in the darkness.

"The righteous lives by faith." Its richness is the invisible realities that become perceptible to it. His food is my presence, my gaze, my help, my needs for love. His ambition is to make me be born and grow in many souls, so that there is a little more of me on earth. His society is my Mystical Body. His family is the Trinitarian family from which everything begins and where everything ends for me, with me and in me. As for you, live this program more and more. it is above all to this that I call you.

Faithfully ask me for a deep, luminous, solid, illuminated, radiant faith. A faith that is not only an intellectual and voluntary adherence to abstract dogmatic truths, but a perception of my living presence, of my inner word, of my loving tenderness, of my unspoken desires. Know that I want to hear you, but ask more insistently. May your trust testify to me your love.

You don't ask enough, because you don't have enough faith. You don't have enough faith to believe that I can fulfill you, that it is spying on your desires. You have no faith enough to ask for perseverance, without giving up on the first obstacle, without getting tired, because to prove this faith and increase your merit, I seem to be silent.

You do not have sufficient faith to realize the importance of the graces you have to obtain for yourself and for others, for the Church and for the world. You do not have sufficient faith to desire with intensity and ardor what today would be necessary for so many souls. You don't have enough faith to come and spend an hour with me from time to time.

You don't have enough faith to not feel a little humiliation being left aside; and you, don't you leave me aside too often? In your life, am I always present, with full rights? You don't have enough faith to deprive yourself of unnecessary little gluttony, while with your sacrifices you could raise many graces for souls.

I am pleased that you know how to discover me, recognize me, perceive me through your brothers, through nature, through small or large events. Everything is grace and I am there.

As long as you live on earth you are like one with well-given eyes. Only by faith, under the influence of my Spirit, can you be sensitive to my presence, to my voice, to my love. Act as if you see me, beautiful, affectionate, loving as I am, yet so misunderstood, so isolated and neglected by many beings to whom I have given so much and am so willing to forgive.

I have such great respect for your people! I don't want to ruin anything. This is why I am so patient, despite being attentive and sensitive to the smallest gesture of love and attention.

Expand your heart to the dimensions of the vast world. Don't you know that I have to fill it?


Invoke the Holy Spirit more often. He alone can purify you, inspire you, enlighten you, inflame you, "mediate" you, fortify you, fertilize you.

it is he who can free you from every mundane spirit, from every superficial spirit, from every spirit of retreating on you.

it is he who makes you appreciate in their right value the humiliations, the suffering, the effort, the merit in the synthesis of the Redemption.

it is he who projects a reflection of divine wisdom on all your joyful or painful moods, according to the plans of Providence.

it is he who assures the meritorious phase of your existence its full productivity in the service of the Church.

it is he who suggests what you need to do and inspires you what you need to ask so that I can act through your activity and intercede through your prayer.

it is he who in the course of your activities purifies you from your own spirit, from your own judgment, from self-love, from your own will. it is he who keeps your life in the axis of my love. it is he who prevents you from attributing to yourself the good that He makes you do.

it is he who puts the fire in your heart and makes it vibrate in unison with mine; it is he who makes certain thoughts appear in your mind that nothing could arouse. it is he who, insofar as you are docile to him, inspires you with an opportune decision, a healthy behavior, and perhaps even a return to the desert.

it is he who gives you the strength to start and the courage to continue, despite obstacles, contradictions, oppositions.

it is he who keeps you in peace, calm, serenity, stability, security.

You need the Holy Spirit to make the filial spirit towards the Father grow in you: Abba, Pater and the brotherly spirit towards others.

You need the Holy Spirit so that your prayer is regulated on mine and can make all its effectiveness its own.

You need the Holy Spirit to want firmly, tenaciously, powerfully. You know that without him you are only weakness and infirmity.

You need the Holy Spirit to have that fruitfulness that I desire for you. Without him you are nothing but dust and sterility.

You need the Holy Spirit to see all things as I see them and to have a right index of reference on the value of events, in the synthesis of history seen from within.

You need the Holy Spirit to prepare yourself for what will be your final life and to prepare yourself to pray, to love, to act as if you have already arrived in Paradise.

Believe in the presence of the Holy Spirit in you; however, he can act and make you perceive his divine reality only if you invoke him in union with Our Lady.

Invoke him for you, but also for others, since in many hearts he is as gagged, tied, paralyzed. For this reason, too often the world goes wrong.

Invoke him on behalf of everyone you meet. He will come in each according to the measure of their availability, and will make the signs of his power grow in each one.

Invoke him on behalf of all the unknown souls that I entrust to you and to whom your loyalty will procure precious graces.

Invoke him above all in the name of priests and consecrated souls, so that authentic contemplatives may increase in today's world.

For the Church, the post-conciliar period is a delicate period in which, at night, the weeds are sown among the good wheat by the inimicus homo.

He who aspires my Spirit breathes the charity of my heart.

How better the world would be, how more alive and united the Church would be if the Spirit were desired more ardently and more faithfully obeyed!

Ask my Mother to insert you in that cenacle of souls, poor and small, which under her maternal direction procure to the Church and to the world a more abundant and effective outpouring of my Spirit of love.

Trust, my son. I want you to feel my life throbbing more and more.

Everything you offer me, everything you do, everything you give me, I receive as Savior, and in the unity of the Holy Spirit I offer it in turn to the Father purified from all human ambiguity, enriched with my love for advantage of the Church and humanity.

If you knew the unifying and unifying power of the Holy Spirit, Spirit of unity! He acts suaviter et fortiter in the depths of hearts which place themselves loyally under his influence. There are relatively few people who really invoke him and it is for this reason that so many nations, so many communities, so many families are divided.

Invoke him to make "our Trinitarian joy" grow in your soul, that ineffable joy that arises from the full gift that each divine Person reciprocally, while remaining fully himself, does without reservation to the others. Total joy of the gift, of exchange, of unceasing communion, in which we wish to insert all of you into freedom.

Fire of love is only waiting to invade you, but it is limited in its action in you and in its intensity by your inattention and your refusal to abandon yourselves to me.

Fire that would like to devour you, not to destroy you but to transform and transfigure you into him, so that whatever reality you touch ignites your contact.

Fire of light and peace, since I pacify everything I conquer and let everything I welcome participate in my luminous joy.

Fire of unity in which, respecting the legitimate and precious potentials of each one, I suppress all that divides and all that is obstacle, in order to assume everything in my love. But it is necessary to desire even more strongly my coming, my growth, my possession; it is necessary to desire fidelity to sacrifice and humility; it is necessary that you allow me to use you to manifest the delicacies of my Goodness.

May you become an in-cendiary of love under the influence of my Spirit!

You always save time when you use it to put yourself under the influence of my Spirit and you give me the time I ask for.

The Holy Spirit does not cease to work within every being as well as within every human institution.

But apostles faithful to his inspirations are needed, in the docility to the Hierarchy that represents me and continues me among you. Active collaboration which means dynamism in my service, making the most of the talents and means that I have given you, even if they are limited. Active collaboration, dare to be faithful in working in union with me and in communion with all the brothers. And all this, in serenity. I am not asking you to make the miseries of the world or the crises of my Church weigh on your nerves, but to bring them to your heart, your prayer, your oblation.

My Spirit is with you. My Spirit is Light and Life.

He is inner Light on everything you need to know and perceive. He does not want to reveal all the plans of the Father in advance, but he gives you in faith the lights that are necessary for your interior life and for your apostolic activity.

He is Life, that is, movement, fruitfulness, power. Movement, since it acts with its discrete but precious impulses, moves your aspirations, inspires your desires, directs your options, stimulates your efforts. Fruitfulness, since it is He who increases my vitality in you and increases your already innumerable posterity. He uses your poor life and your weak means to act through you and attract towards me. Power, since it does not act in a noisy way, but like the oil that penetrates, impregnates, strengthens and facilitates human activity, avoiding friction.

When the Holy Spirit descends on a human being, it changes him into another man, as this man is under divine action.

May your desire for a more abundant coming of the Holy Spirit in you and in the Church be intensified. You yourself will marvel at the results it will produce in you and in all those for whom you will invoke it.


I am the one who offers. Join my offering to the Father all human joys, in homage of praise: joys of friendship, joys of art, joys of rest, joys of completed work, joys above all of intimacy with me and of dedication. at my service through others.

Offer me the myrrh of all human sufferings, sufferings of the spirit, sufferings of the body, sufferings of the heart, sufferings of the agonizing, of prisoners, of sin-strata, of the abandoned.

Call me to help gently, calmly, with love, for all those who suffer and you will enhance their pain by joining them with mine, obtaining for them thanks for relief and comfort.

Offer me the gold of all the acts of charity, goodness, benevolence, kindness, dedication that are carried out in one way or another on this earth. I look at things with the eyes of love and I await the human manifestations of true love, made up of self-forgetfulness.

Offer them to me, so that I encourage them and can feed on them for my growth in the world.

The oblation is the power that releases waves of grace for souls.

the gesture, the thought of offering me those who suffer, those who are lonely, those who are discouraged, those who struggle, those who fall, those who cry, those who die, and even those who ignore me is apparently a trivial matter. and who abandoned me after following me ...

Offer me the whole world ...

all the priests of the world ...

all the sisters in the world ...

all the fervent souls in the world ...

all the souls of prayer ...

all lukewarm,

all sinners,

all the suffering.

Offer me every day of this year, all joy-hours and all painful hours:

Offer them to me, so that a ray of hope may pass through them and thus grow in many souls, who will freely adhere to me, the only one who can fulfill their deep aspirations towards immortality, towards justice, towards peace. .

Live more and more in favor of others, in union with everyone. Collect them in you in the hour of prayer and in the hour of rest. In you and through you I attract to me the souls that you represent in my eyes. He longs in their name that I be their light, their salvation and their joy. You firmly believe that none of your desires are ineffective, if they come from your inner being. it is with desires of this type, multiplied by the world, that my Mystical Body is gradually constituted.

It is not enough to offer me the sufferings of men for me to relieve them and calculate them to their profit. Offer me also all the joys of the earth to purify and intensify them, uniting them with mine and those of the saints in heaven.

It is not enough to offer me the sins of the world to forgive and erase them, as if they had never been committed. Offer me also all the acts of virtue, all the choices made for me or for others, so that they give them their dimension of eternity.

It is not enough to offer me everything that is not good on earth (I know the shortcomings of beings and things better than anyone) to put us in good order and repair the breaches. Offer me also all that is good, starting with the purity of the little ones, the courage of the young, the exquisite modesty of the girls, the self-denial of the mothers, the equilibrium of the fathers, the benevolence of the elderly, the patience of the sick, the oblation of the dying and, in a general way, all the acts of love that blossom in the hearts of men.

There is good, more than you think in the soul of many of your brothers, and all the more excellent the more often they do not realize it. But I, who see in the depths of everyone and judge with benevolence and tenderness, discover gold coins under heaps of ashes. It is up to you to offer them to me, so that I value them. Thus, with your gesture of offering, Love will grow in the hearts of men and will finally be the winner of hatred.

Do not be discouraged from living, acting and suffering in the name of others, known or unknown. Down here you don't see what you do, but I can assure you that nothing gets lost from what you do, when you reach with your offer, albeit modest, my own prayer, my oblation, my thanksgiving. In so doing, you allow many unknown souls to converge on me, and through the jolts of the earthly journey, they will be facilitated, at the moment of transit, their definitive assumption in me. In the face of the immense and anonymous multitude, which would discourage the most zealous wills, I grant you the means to collaborate effectively in their spiritualization, in a way much safer than the ministry itself of preaching or confession. Let me do it. It is I who determine for each one the way of collaboration that I expect from him.

Always be a faithful collaborator, who conveys all the prayers, all the activities, all the gestures of goodness, all the joys and all the penalties, all the sufferings and all the human agonies, so that, assumed by me, they can be purified and serve the life of the world.

Fortunately, the present world has many generous souls; many others could become, if they were supported and encouraged. Then they too would help the others to meet me, to recognize me and to listen to me. My messages would be listened to more and many, turning to me in the depths of their hearts, would find, finding me, their salvation and their fulfillment.

That you waste less time in sterile meetings and come to me more often.

I am the substantial Oblate. I give myself totally to the Father and the Father gives himself totally to me. I am, at the same time, the one who gives himself and the one who receives in an outburst of love, which is also substantial and has the name of the Holy Spirit. I would like to draw and take on all men in this immense and joyful offertory. If I have chosen you, it is precisely so that you reach my oblation and help introduce many of your brothers into it.

Come to me, and stay calm before me. Even if you do not perceive my ideas, my "radiation" reaches you and penetrates you. It will affect your whole life, and this is the essential.

Come to me, but don't come alone. Think of all those crowds, of which I had so much greater pity the more I distinguished the elements that made up their missions, worries, deep needs.

There is not a single being that does not interest me, but I do not want to do anything for them without the collaboration of those whom I have especially consecrated to their service.

The task is immense, the harvest is truly abundant, but the workers, the true faithful and shrewd workers, those who out of love put the search for my kingdom and my holiness at the top of their concerns, are too few in number. May your prayer to the Father, master of the harvest, be inserted more intensely into mine, and you will see the number of contemplative apostles and, at the same time, spiritual educators grow and multiply. Everywhere in communities and in the world, I inspire the same question to generous souls.

Of course, those who understand and respond are not in sufficient quantity, but the quality of their appeals compensates for their small number.

The essential thing is that they pray in me and unite deeply with the prayer that I myself do in them.


Consider yourself as a member of my Body, bound to me with all the fibers of your faith and heart, with all the orientation of your will. Act as my member, aware of all your personal limitations, of your inability to achieve something truly effective on your own. Pray as my member, uniting yourself to the prayer that I myself do in you and uniting yourself to the prayer of all your brothers. Offer yourself as my member, not forgetting that for love I am in a continuous state of oblation to my Father and I wish to unite the greatest possible number of men living on earth to this act of offering. Receive as my member. My Father, to whom I give myself, continually gives himself to me in the unity of the Holy Spirit. To the extent that you are one like me, you share the divine riches ad modum recipientis. Love as my member, striving to love all those I love and with the same love with which I love them.

What matters is not the noise, being in the foreground, the advertising, but the faithful and generous bond with me.

What would you think of a ray that broke away from the sun, a river that deviated from the source, a flame that separated from the hearth?

Work in me. You are my servant. Better yet, you are a member of me, and the more you work for you, the more you act for me. Nothing that is accomplished for me is lost.

Participate in my eternal thinking about all things. You cannot welcome it in its entirety, as it is infinite, but such a communion will be worth some light, or at least some reflection that will make your way down here safer. The idea I have about men and about the realization of the plans of divine love will help you to conceive them with greater respect and esteem. And then remember that one day you yourself will attribute to the beings and things of the earth a very different value from the one you currently attribute to them.

Through love my Mystical Body grows. Through love I recover and take on every human being to the point of divinely transfiguring him, to the extent that he has become pure charity. Work with example, words, writings to arouse ever more intense charity in the hearts of men. This is the goal to be fixed continuously in your prayers, in your sacrifices, in your activities.

I direct everything in your life, but I need your active cooperation to help you freely do what my Father wants. I direct everything in the world, but, in order to actually carry out the plans of the Father, I wait for men to accept to work freely under the conscious or unconscious influence of my Spirit.

I await the world. I am waiting for him to come to me freely, not only physically, but morally.

I am waiting for you to agree to join me, to combine your misery with what I have experienced in your stead in Getse-mani.

I am waiting for you to combine the inseparable sufferings of his human condition with those that I endured in his stead during my earthly stay, especially during my passion.

I am waiting for you to join your prayer to mine, your love to my Love.

I await the world. What prevents it from coming to me and, above all, from listening to my voice that sweetly but tirelessly calls it? it is the sin, which like a viscous tar dulls all the spiritual senses, makes his soul opaque to the things of heaven and clogs his movements, weighing down his path. it is the superficial spirit, the lack of attention, the absence of reflection, the whirlwind of life, of business, of notices, of relationships. it is the lack of love; yet, the world thirsts for it. He has only this word in his mouth, but too often his love is nothing but sensuality and egoism, when it does not lead to hatred.

I am waiting for the world to heal it, to purify it, to cleanse it and restore the true notion of values ​​in it ... But I need collaborators, and that's why I need you. Yes, I need contemplatives who help me to erase my faults, uniting their life of prayer, work and love with mine, completing my redemptive oblation with the generous offering of their providential sufferings. I need contemplatives, who unite their invocations to my prayer, to obtain those missionaries and spiritual educators, penetrated by my Spirit, for which the world is unconsciously thirsty.

The important thing is not to do much, but to do well; and to do well it takes a lot of love.

To become a saint it takes courage, since I don't want to do anything without you; and it takes humility, since you can't do anything without me.

I am the river which purifies, which sanctifies, which spiritualizes and which, flowing into the Trinitarian ocean, divinizes what is best in man regenerated by love.

The streams, the streams and even the streams, if they do not flow into the river, get lost in the sands, stagnate in the marshes and form nauseating swamps. All you have to do is throw everything you do and all you are into me. You must also lead all your brothers to me: their sins, so that you forgive them; their joys, to purify them; their prayers, to take it into account; their labors, so that they attribute to them a value of homage to my Father; their sufferings, so that they communicate redemptive power to them.

Confluence! it is a password that can save humanity, since it is for me, with me, in me, in the unity of the Holy Spirit that total glory is given to the Father, through the reunification of all men.

Yes, I am the Omega point: all human tributaries tend towards me, or should tend towards me, under pain of dispersion. Among these are the gentle and tranquil streams; the torrents that roll impetuously and reach me in a gurgle of foam, with all that they have dragged along; there are muddy waters, yellowish and dirty in appearance. But after a few leagues, thanks to the oxygenation of my Spirit, all that is infected in them is purified: they become perfectly healthy and wholesome and can reach the waters of the sea.

this is all the great work that is done invisibly in the life of men.

I am in a state of constant growth, both from a qualitative and a quantitative point of view. In the immense mass of humanity, in which I identify each one with his name and call him with all my love, I work and act, spying on the smallest answer to my grace. In some, my grace is fruitful and intensifies my presence: they live by my friendship and text-moniano my reality and my love among their brothers. In others, the most numerous, I have to wait a long time before they give me a sign of assent, but my mercy is inexhaustible, and if as soon as I find a modicum of goodness and humility, I penetrate and transfigure.

For this I am happy that you are not too worried because of the current sucks in the Church. There is what appears, like the furrow left by a ship on the ocean, but there is much more deeply everything that is lived in the silence of conscience, taking into account all the extenuating circumstances that excuse many conflicting attitudes.

Sow optimism around you. Of course, I ask you to work, to spread my light with words, writings and above all with the witness of a life that expresses the good news of a God of love, who summarizes all men in himself in order to assume them, in measure of their free adhesion, in an eternal life of happiness and joy. But, first and foremost: trust. I am always present, I, the Eternal Winner.

Don't complicate your spiritual life. Give yourself to me very simply, just as you are. Be with me without blurring, without smudging, without shadows. Then I can grow more easily in you and go through you.

This world passes and goes towards annihilation, waiting for new skies and new lands. Of course, even if ephemeral, it retains its value. I wanted you and I have chosen you in the middle of the world, this world, in this age. This does not mean that, even if you serve it to sacralize it, you must not remain entangled by it. Your mission is different. For you, it is a question of helping him to implement the plan of love that the Father conceived in creating him. This design still remains mysterious, but one day you will see how wonderful it was.

There are already many of your brothers and friends who have entered eternity. If I could see the look of pity, yet so full of indulgence, with which they consider what so many men consider values! Too often we are dealing with only transitory "appearances", which hide from their eyes the lasting realities, the only ones that are important.

The world is suffering terribly from lack of spiritual education and this is largely the result of the shortcomings of those who should be guides and drivers. But he cannot be an authentic spiritual educator except the one who humbly makes use of my light and, assiduously contemplating my mysteries, translates my Vange-lo throughout his life.

I need more apostles who are contemplatives and witnesses, than of sociologists and desktop theologians, who do not pray to their theology and do not agree their lives with what they teach.

In this era, too many men, too many priests proudly believe themselves authorized to reform my Church, instead of starting by reforming themselves and forming, around themselves and with humility, faithful disciples not to what they think, but to what what I think!

It has already been said to you and you have been able to ascertain it: humanity is going through a crisis of madness and is agitated in every sense, without any spiritual idea, which would also help it to breathe again in me and to stabilize itself.

Only a small group of contemplative souls can prevent this profound imbalance which leads to catastrophe, and thus delay the hour of the great atonements. How long will it still last? This depends on the availability of the souls I have chosen.

I have conquered the world, evil, sin, hell, but for my victory to be evident, humanity must freely accept the salvation I offer it.

As long as you are on earth, you can intercede on behalf of those who do not think about it, you can grow in my friendship in favor and in reparation for those who reject me and turn away from me, you can offer physical and moral sufferings in union with mine, on behalf of those who suffer them in a spirit of revolt.

Nothing you allow me to take on for love becomes useless. You don't know where all this goes, but be assured that it produces fruit.

Let's recap together all the efforts and all the steps, even if they are wavering, of humanity towards me. Join their prayers to mine, even if unspoken; their movements, even if ambiguous; their acts of goodness, even if imperfect; their more or less pure joys, their more or less accepted sufferings, their more or less conscious agonies, in the hour of truth and, above all, their deaths that are identified with mine: thus, together , we will provoke an increase of tension towards the One who alone can give the secret of peace and true happiness.

Thanks to this trilogy: recapitulation with the assumption of co-responsibility, union by confluence and arousal, in faith, of invisible spiritual benefits, I am victorious in many who are surprised by the simplicity of my ways and the strength of my divine tenderness.

There is nothing petty, nothing small when one works or suffers in union with me who unites all men. The universal dimension is essential to every Christian, even more so to every priest. Besides you, I see all the souls that I have linked to yours. I see their miseries, the need they can have of my help through you; I adapt your kind of life both to the Father's plan of love and to present needs, modified by human freedom. Everything happens in the synthesis of divine designs that know how to draw good from evil and make love zam-pillare, even where human wickedness and stupidity seem to be an obstacle.

The world of Christians is too agitated, too turned outward, even that of many priests and nuns. And yet, only to the extent that you welcome me, desire me, try to open yourself totally to my love, the Christian life and the apostolic life are full of joy and fruitfulness.

Only I do the good that lasts: I need servants and tools that are channels of graces and not an obstacle to my spiritual benefits, with their dissipations and with the ambiguities of the search for themselves in their work.

Of course, I want my faithful to be free creators, but together with me, according to the plan of my Father. However, never forget that, even if I call them to collaborate with me, in themselves they are only poor servants.

Only to the extent that they dwell in me and allow me to act in them is their life fruitful.

Each has its own itinerary. If he is faithful, in abandonment and serenity, we will walk together; and if he invites me to stay with him, he will re-know me through the most ordinary details of his life and his heart will burn with love for my Father and for men.

Summarize suffering humanity in you and throw all the miseries of the world into me. In this way you allow me to make them fruitful and to open many hearts that are still hermetically closed. I have all the means to invade, penetrate, heal, but I want to use them only with your competition. There is certainly the concurrence of the word, of the action, of the witness: but above all I need that of the silent union with me, in joy as in suffering. Fill yourself with me to the point that, even without suspecting it, you feel me in you and benefit from my divine influence through you.

There are more possibilities for good among young people than previously believed. What they need is to be listened to and taken seriously.

How many gaps in their education! But most of them wonder, want to reflect and are happy to be understood.

Think of the millions of young people in their twenties who will build the world of tomorrow and who are looking for me more or less consciously. Offer them often to the action of the Holy Spirit. Even if they do not know it very well, its luminous and sweet action will penetrate them, it will direct them towards the construction of a more fraternal world, instead of wanting stupidly to destroy everything.

The time to create, to organize, to realize is no longer for you. But I reserve you a hidden mission from which the youngest will benefit and from which they will draw dynamism. This inner and invisible mission is to serve as a link between me and them, to obtain the charisms necessary for them for true apostolic efficacy. Take them all together, every age, every condition, every race, and offer them joyfully to the radiation of my humility and my Eucharistic silence.

Meekness and humility go hand in hand and without these two virtues the soul becomes sclerotic, despite the fact that its human and spiritual qualities make it externally shine.

What is the use of man showing off, gathering publicity, applause and compliments, if he loses the secret of his beneficial influence in the service of the world and the Church?

Nothing is more subtle than the poison of pride in a priestly soul. You yourself have often experienced this.

Welcome your confreres, especially those whose successes, apparent and ephemeral, risk making your head spin.

If, instead of thinking only of yourself, you thought a little more of me! It is on this point that the contemplative life, lived faithfully, brings a precious security and balance.


Forgotten. Renegades. Come out of yourself. I offer you the grace. Ask me insistently. I'll give it to you even more.

If I accept to immerse you in my suffering, I do it to allow you to work effectively for the conversion, purification, sanctification of many souls linked to yours. I need you and it is normal that in this meritorious phase of your life (it is only a transitory phase) you can communicate to my redeeming Passion. These are the most fruitful hours of your existence. Years pass quickly. What will remain in your life is the love with which you have offered and suffered.

On earth there is nothing fruitful without pain accepted with humility, endured with patience, in union with me, that I suffer in you, I feel in you, I feel through you.

To pray, to suffer, to offer is equivalent to letting your life pass in mine, and thus allowing my life of love to pass into your life.

You suffer with my suffering. There are not only the unspeakable sufferings of my passage on earth, and in particular of my Passion, but all the pains that I experience and take on in all the members of my Mystical Body.

Thanks to this offer, humanity is purified and spiritualized. It is up to you to penetrate the movement of my love, communicating from within to my redemptive suffering.

The three dear apostles I had preferred and carefully chosen, who had witnessed my glory on Tabor, had fallen asleep while sweating blood in Getse-mani.

Spiritual fruitfulness should not be evaluated with human criteria.

I want your love to be stronger than your suffering; your love for me, which I need to allow mine to be effective; your love for others, through which you orient my salvific action in their favor.

If you love with passion, suffering will seem more bearable and you will thank me for it. You help me, more than you think, but the more love you put into accepting what I give you to suffer, the more it will be I who will suffer in you.

Those who suffer in union with me are the first missionaries in the world.

If you saw the world from within, as I see it, you would realize the need for there to be beings of good will down here, in which I can continue to suffer and die in order to spiritualise and vivify humanity.

Faced with the heap of selfishness, lust, pride that makes souls opaque to my grace, preaching and even testimony are no longer enough: we need the cross.

To have the strength to make a sacrifice when the opportunity arises during the day, do not look at what the sacrifice deprives you of, look at me, and welcome the strength that I am ready to give you through my Spirit.

It is not necessary to feel my presence and my peace; for this reason I sometimes allow spiritual proof and a certain painful dryness, a condition of purification and love. But having a sensitive perception of my presence, of my kindness, of my love, is certainly a precious encouragement, not to be disdained. For this reason you have the right to desire it and to ask for it. Don't feel stronger than you are. Without such support, would you have the courage to continue for a long time?

Come to me with confidence. I know better than you what is in you and you are something of me. Call me for help: I ​​will support you and you will learn to support others.

Be faithful in offering me some voluntary sacrifice, at least three times a day, for the glory of the three divine persons. it is a small thing, but such smallness, if you remain faithful to it, will be truly precious, and will get you a greater help than my grace in the hour of the greatest suffering.

Your first reaction, when you suffer, is to join me, who share with yourself the pain you feel. Your second reaction is to offer it with all the love you feel capable of, uniting it with my incessant oblation. And then, do not think too much about yourself: you are just passing by ... Think of me, who does not neglect to assume until the end of time the sufferings of men on earth, to use for the benefit of all those in which at least one little gush of love.

When you feel poor and weak, get closer to me. You may not have great ideas, but my Spirit will invade you and what you have assimilated, without your knowledge, will flow at the right time, for the greater good of many souls.

Repeat to me, with all the ardor you are capable of, your desire to make me loved.

Repeat your desire to live only for me in the service of your brothers and to be possessed by me.

Be generous in this "search" for me, since it presupposes a minimum of asceticism. Whatever it is said, without this minimum, a contemplative life is not possible; and without a contemplative life, there is no authentic and fruitful missionary life. Then there is sterility, bitterness, disappointment, darkening of the spirit, hardening of the heart ... and death.

My ways are sometimes disconcerting, I know, but they transcend human logic. In humble submission to my conduct you will find more and more peace and, moreover, you will be granted a mysterious fruitfulness.

Being, when I want it, diminished, left aside, not used, does not mean to be useless, on the contrary. I never act as much, as when my servant does not see what I operate through him.

As far as you can, think of all the human sufferings endured on earth right now. Most of those who try them do not understand their meaning, do not understand the treasure of purification, redemption, spiritualization that they constitute. Those who have received the grace to understand the saving power of pain when it has fallen into mine are relatively rare.

Through all the sufferers of the earth, I am in August until the end of the world; but that my apostles do not let go of all this effort of human oblation, which allows my divine oblation to bring down on humanity the rain of spiritual benefits that it so much needs.

I warned you that you were going to suffer a lot; that I would have been close to you, in you; and that you would not have suffered beyond your strengths supported by my grace.

Isn't it I who supported you, continually suggesting this triptych: "I assume ... I re-join ... I arouse ..."?

Yes, assume in yourself all human sufferings, even with what they may have ambiguous - all the insomnia, all the agonies, all the deaths - and then combine them with mine; according to the principle of confluence, rejoin the great purifying and divinizing river that I am for the world; and finally be truly convinced that by means of this conjunction you bring about multiple spiritual benefits to a large number of unknown brothers.

How many unknown souls are pacified, comforted, comforted. How many spirits can you thus open to my Light, how many hearts to my Flame! And they will never know where such a supplement of grace came from.

Can one be a complete priest without being a host in some way? The spirit of immolation is an integral part of the priestly spirit: if the priest has not understood this, he will live a mutilated priesthood. In revolt at the first test, he will pass from frustration to bitterness and will lose the treasure I have placed in his hands. Sacrifice alone is productive. Without it, the more gene-pink activity becomes sterile. Of course, Gethsemane is not there every day, Calvary is not there every day, but the priest worthy of the name must know that he will meet one and the other, in a form suited to his possibilities, at various times of its existence. These moments are the most precious and the most fruitful.

It is not with beautiful feelings that the world is saved, but by communicating everything to Me, even to my redemptive oblation.

The last years of life, when old age, with its procession of infirmities, limits the human being more, are the most fruitful for the service of the Church and the world. Accept this situation and teach those around you that they possess, precisely in this, the secret of an unexpected spiritual power.

Whoever suffers with me always wins.

Those who suffer alone are really sorry. Therefore I have often asked you to collect all human suffering, and to combine it with mine, so that they can acquire value and efficacy. This confluence is the great way to get relief.

Far from locking your heart within itself, your suffering must open it to all the other sufferings you encounter, as well as to all human pains that you don't even suspect. With this participation and oblation you carry out your priestly ministry in the best way. There is no ambiguity in all of this, no search for yourself, but total availability to the wisdom of my Father.

For about a month you have often been on the cross, but you have been able to note that, despite the small and large inconveniences that result from it, you have never lacked my presence, to complete in your flesh what is missing from my Passion, for the benefit of the my Body which is the Church. You have not had to suffer beyond the bearable, and if you feel somewhat weakened, especially in certain moments, I will make up for your shortcomings in you: many things are better adjusted than if you personally dealt with them.

I accept the long sleepless hours when you strive to join my prayer in you. Even if your ideas are confused, if you find it hard to find the words to express them, I read within you what you want to tell me and I too speak to you silently, in my own way.

During this time you need a lot of calm, understanding and goodness. Let this be the memory that remains of you. You are in the hour in which the essential must take the place of the urgent and, even more so, of the accessory. Well, the essential is me and my freedom of action in the hearts of men.

Perhaps it is good to remember that these words were written by Father Courtois two days before his death, which occurred on the night of 22-23 September 1970.


Forgotten. Renegades. Be interested in me and you will find yourself in your place, without having looked for it. What matters is the path forward, the ascension of my People. What matters is the whole and each as a whole. Let me direct my great work as I understand it. I need your humility much more than your outward action. I will use you as best I believe. You have no account to ask me, nor do I have any account to account for. Be malleable. Be available. Be totally in my mercy, in ambush of my will. Along the way, I'll show you what I expect from you. You will not immediately see the purpose, but I will work through you, it will be discovered in you more and more often. Without your being aware of it, I will let my light and my grace pass through you.

Almost all human difficulties come from human pride. Ask me for the grace of detachment from all vanities and you will feel freer to come to me and fill yourself with me. everything that is not me is absolutely nothing, and human dignities often screen my presence, to the extent that those who are clothed with them become prisoners.

I welcome you when you feel "nothing", "of little importance", when physically you feel weak, annihilated. Fear not, then I am your remedy, your help and your strength. You are in my hands. I know where I'm taking you.

I let you go through humiliation. Accept it with love and trust. is the best gift I can give you. Even and above all if it is harsh, it involves such elements of spiritual fruitfulness that, if you saw things as I see them, you would not want to be humiliated less. If you only knew what can come from your humiliations united with mine! The great work of love is accomplished by dint of suffering, humiliation and self-giving charity. The rest is so terribly illusory! How much time lost, how many sufferings wasted, how many jobs in pure loss, because they were damaged by the worm of pride or vanity!

The more you understand that it is I who act in others through what I inspire you to tell them, the more your influence on them will intensify and you will see your opinion of yourself diminish. You will think: «It is not the fruit of my personal effort, Jesus was in me. The merit and the glory must return to him ».

Do not worry about the weakening of some of your faculties, such as memory. It is not by their intensity that I judge the worth of men; my love makes up for human deficiencies and shortcomings. This is part of the limits imposed by age on human nature, and makes you better understand the contingency of what passes and, therefore, of what is not necessary.

it is also good that you convince yourself, resizing yourself, that by yourself you are nothing and you have no right to anything. Use with joy all the little I leave you, with a sense of gratitude for the small possibilities that are still granted to you. Nothing will be taken from you of what you need to fulfill your mission day after day, but you will use it in a purer way, because you are more aware of the absolute gratuitousness and the precariousness of the gifts placed at your disposal.

It is normal that sometimes you are misunderstood, that your most honest intentions are deformed and that you attribute feelings and decisions that do not come from you. Stay calm and don't be influenced by things like this. The same happened to me, and this contributes to the redemption of the world.

Be meek. There are many opportunities to assert your good right, but divine logic is not human logic. Sweetness and patience are daughters of true love, which knows how to grasp extenuating circumstances and establishes justice in true fairness.

Imitate my mildness as much as possible. My sweetness is not sweetness. My Spirit is at the same time union and strength, goodness and fullness of power. Remember: blessed are the myths, since they will possess the earth and retain their dominion over themselves. Better yet, they already own me and are able to reveal myself more easily to others.

My degree of irradiation in a soul depends on the intimacy of my presence. Well, I am never so present as when I find my sweetness and humility in a human heart. In the measure in which you renounce any idea of ​​superiority you allow me to grow in you, and this, you know, is the secret of all true spiritual fruitfulness. Ask me to be humble as I desire you, without a shadow of coquetry, but in all simplicity.

Humility facilitates the encounter of the soul with its God and throws a new light on the problems of everyday life. Then I really become the center of your life. For me you act, write, speak and pray. It is no longer you who live, it is I who live in you. I become everything for you and you find me in all those to whom you turn. Your welcome, then, is more benevolent, your word is more genuine bearer of my thought, your writings are more justly the expression of my Spirit: but how much you must undress yourself of your self!

Your humility be loyal, confident and constant. Ask me for grace. The more humble you are, the more you will penetrate into my light, and the more you will spread it around you.

Without already sharing the fullness of the eternal joy that will be yours, from now on you will be able to make some reflections fall on your soul and make them shine around you.

Be ever more a servant of my goodness, of my humility, of my joy.

Your humiliations are even more useful to me than your successes. Your waivers are far more useful to me than your satisfactions. How can you be proud of what doesn't belong to you? All that you are, all that you have is given to you only on loan, like the talents of which the Gospel says. Your own collaboration, so precious in my eyes, is only the fruit of my grace, and when I reward your merits, it will actually be my gifts that I will reward. On your own belong only your mistakes, your resistances, your ambiguities, which only my inexhaustible mercy can erase.


Let me do it. You will have all the necessary illuminations and help if you make your fusion of will more intense with me. Do not be afraid. I will inspire the solutions according to my heart in good time and I will also grant you the temporal means to achieve them. Don't you think it's a good thing if we work together?

You still have a lot of work to do for me, but I will be your inspiration, your support, your light and your joy. Have only one desire: that I can use you as I mean, with no accounts to make or explanations to give you. This is the secret of the Father and of our love plan. Do not be upset either by contradictions, oppositions, misunderstandings, slanders, or by obscurity, fog, uncertainty: these are things that come and go, but they serve to strengthen your faith and give you the opportunity to make my redemption happy to advantage of your innumerable posterity.

I want your life to be a testimony of trust. I am the one who never disappoints and always gives more than he promises.

I am close to you and I will not abandon you:

- first of all because I am the Love: if you only knew how far you can be loved!

- and also because I use you so much more than you think.

Since you feel weak, you are strong with my Strength, powerful with my Power.

Don't count on you, count on Me.

Don't count on your prayers. Count on my prayer, the only one that is worthwhile.

Join it.

Don't count on your action, nor on your influence. Count on my action and influence.

Do not be afraid. Trust me. Worry about my concerns.

When you are weak, poor, in the night, in agony, on the cross… offer my essential, incessant, universal offering.

Join your prayer with my prayer. Pray with my prayer. Combine your work with my works, your joys with my joy, your pains, your tears, your sufferings with mine. Join your death with my death. Now, for you, many things are "mystery", but they will be light and reason for thanksgiving in glory. Indeed, it is in this chiaroscuro of faith that options are made in my favor and the merits are acquired for which I myself will be the eternal reward.

He wants everyone to love me. Your acts of desire are worth all apostolates.

The years you have left to live on earth will not be the least fruitful. They are a bit like autumn, the season of fruits and the splendid colors of the leaves that are about to fall; they are a bit like the splendor of the sunsets: but you must gradually disappear in me; in the ocean of my love you will find your eternal refuge; in my life of glory you will abandon your soul intoxicated with light.

Be more and more available. Have faith. I have led you along apparently disconcerting roads, but I have never abandoned you and I have used you, in my own way, to realize the stupendous design of love that we have woven from all eternity.

Convince yourself that I am the perfect sweetness and goodness - and that does not prevent me from being right - because I see things in depth, in their exact dimension, and I can measure well to what extent your efforts, however small , they are meritorious. For this I am also meek and humble of heart, full of tenderness and mercy.

Ah! that they are not afraid of me. Preach trust, optimism and you will gather new impulses of generosity in souls. Excessive fear saddens and closes. Confident joy opens and expands.

Ask with faith, with strength, even with confident insistence. If you are not answered immediately, according to your expectations, you will be one day not far away and in the way that you yourself would have desired, if you saw things as I see them.

Ask for yourself, but also for others. Let the sea of ​​human misery pass in the intensity of your invocations. Assume them in you and bring them to my presence.

Ask for the Church, for the Missions, for the Vocations.

Ask for those who have everything and for those who have nothing, for those who are everything and for those who are nothing, for those who do everything - or believe they do everything - and for those who do nothing, or believe they are. do not do nothing.

Pray for those who are proud of their strength, their youth, their talents, and for those who feel diminished, limited, exhausted.

Pray for the healthy who do not realize the privilege of the integrity of their body and spirit, and for the sick, the weak, the poor elderly who are beset by what is wrong.

Especially pray for those who die or are about to die.

After each storm, silence returns. Am I not the One who calms the waves unleashed when you invoke me? Therefore, trust always and first of all. When you suffer, you think that I suffer with you, that I feel in myself what you feel. I always send you my Spirit at the right time. If you know how to welcome him, he will help you to pass through that trial with love, drawing from the cross its maximum redeeming efficacy. I repeat, trust: I am in you to weave the threads of your life and weave them, according to the designs of the Father, to those of your brothers. The tapestry will be discovered in all its beauty only in the sky, when its plot is revealed and resolved.

Trust is the expression of love that most honors and moves me.

Nothing makes me suffer as much as discovering a residual of distrust in a heart that would like to love me.

So, don't torment your conscience too much. You re-skinned. Humbly ask my Spirit to enlighten you and help you eliminate all the miasms that poison you. Don't you know for sure that I love you? And shouldn't this be enough for you?

I want you at my service full of joy. The joy of servants honors the Master, and the joy of friends honors the great Friend.

In every moment I have attention for you. You only notice it sometimes, but my affection for you is constant and if you saw what I do for you you would be amazed ... You have nothing to fear, even when you are in suffering: I am always present and my grace supports you, so that you can use it for the benefit of your brothers. And then, there are all the blessings that I fill you with during the day, the protection I surround you with, the ideas that I make germinate in your spirit, the feelings of goodness that I inspire you, the sympathy and trust that I pour out around you. to you and many other things that you don't even imagine.

Under the influence of my Spirit you make both the trust in my merciful power and the desire to invoke it in your help and in aid of the Church grow.

You don't get more because you don't put enough trust in my mercy and my tenderness for you. The trust that is not renewed weakens and vanishes.

You do well to react against the pessimism of conversations. History shows how far I know how to bring good out of evil. You don't have to judge by appearances. My Spirit acts in hearts invisibly. Often it is in the great trials and catastrophes that my work takes place and my inner kingdom extends. Yes, nothing goes better than when things go wrong, since nothing happens without me enduring it with you and to the advantage of my people.

Trust me confidently. Don't even try to know where I'm going. Hold on to me and proceed without hesitation, with my eyes closed, abandoned to me.

Place yourself with confidence in the following of my vicar, the successor of Peter. You are not mistaken if you strive to live and think in accord with him, as in him it is I who are present and teach what humanity needs in present times.

There is nothing more dangerous than separating, even if only internally, from the Hierarchy. We deprive ourselves of the "gratia capitis"; we gradually reach the darkening of the spirit, the hardening of the heart: sufficiency, pride and soon… catastrophe.

Give me more and more confidence. Your light is me; your strength is me; your power, it's me. Without me you would be only darkness, weakness and sterility. With me there is no difficulty that you cannot conquer, but do not derive glory or vanity from it. You would unduly attribute to yourself what does not belong to you. He works more often in dependence on me.

Trust me. If sometimes I need your suffering to compensate for many ambiguities and human resistances, do not forget that you will never be tried beyond your strength corroborated by my grace. "My yoke is soft and my load light." It is out of love, to you and to the world, that I associate you with my redemption; but I am more than all tenderness, delicacy, goodness.

I will always give you the material (health, resources, collaborations, etc.) and spiritual (gift of speech, thought and pen) aids you will need to carry out the mission I have entrusted to you. And all this day after day, in dependence on me, the one that makes your activity and your sufferings fruitful.

Guide those whom I entrust to you on the paths of a humble and trusting love in my divine tenderness. If the souls had more trust in me and treated me with respectful and deep affection, how they would feel more helped and at the same time more loved! I live it in the depths of each of them, but there are few who care about me, my presence, my desires, my help. I am the One who gives and wants to give more and more, but it is necessary that you want me and rely on me.

I have always guided you and my mysterious hand has supported you and very often, unbeknownst to you, it has prevented you from wavering. Therefore grant me all your trust, with great humility and lucid awareness of your weakness, but with great faith in my power.

Communicate to my eternal youth. You yourself will be surprised when you see me in paradise. Not only am I eternally young, but I make all the members of my mystical body young. Not only am I Joy, but I revive all the cells of my body with ineffable joy. Stay young in spirit and repeat to yourself, whatever happens: "Jesus loves me and is always present".


Join my prayer. It is constant, it is powerful, it is adequate for all the needs of my Father's glory and the spiritualization of humanity.

Throw your prayer in mine. You yourself pray with me. I know your intentions better than you do. Trust them all together. Join what I ask: unite blindly, as the one who does not know takes refuge in the one who knows, as the one who can do nothing takes refuge in the one who can do everything.

Be the drop of water lost in the powerful jet of the Living Fountain that gushes up to the heart of the Father. Let yourself be hired, let yourself be carried away, and stay in peace. You work good by adhering to me more than with repeated and sterile efforts, because they are solitary.

You would be amazed to see what you do when you throw yourself into me and join my prayer in the darkness of faith.

I don't stop you from having intentions and letting me know them, but above all participate in mine. Since you are a small part of me, you are more interested in my intentions than in yours.

I am substantial prayer, adequate adoration to the immensity of the Father, praise worthy of his infinite perfections (no one knows the Father as the Son): thanksgiving for his total goodness, atoning oblation for all the sins of men, request conscious and lucid for all the temporal and spiritual needs of humanity.

I am a universal prayer corresponding to all the duties of the universe towards the Father: material universe, human universe ...

- in correspondence to all the needs of creation and of all creatures,

- prayer through everything and through everyone, but in need of your union, your adherence so that the meritorious character of human prayer may be added to it.

If you knew how much I am in search of this meritorious contribution from my brothers, who gives to the prayer that I am that fullness, that complement that I grant them to be able to offer me!

Join my prayer in you, in others, in the Eucharist.

In you, because I am present to you, never ceasing to offer to the Father all that you are, all that you think, all that you do, in homage of love, of adoration, of thanksgiving. I am ready to welcome all your questions and take them on me. You could achieve so much if you really knew how to insert your prayer into mine!

In others, since I am present in a unique and very different way, in each of your brothers, in all those around you, in all those who are apparently far away, but who are so close to me through me .

In the Eucharist, since in it I am present in the fullness of my humanity, in a state of oblation, for the benefit of all those who accept to assimilate their offering to mine.

Center of all human hearts, I bestow full dimension on all invocations, from whatever part of the universe they rise.

I am present, as a living treasure capable of transforming into divine impulses, purified from all human waste, the contributions of each.

I made myself host to be among you as the One who serves. But I am a servant to whom little is asked and who is too often left aside. Make me count; especially since you only need time for your passage down here.

If I knew your power over me, while I just wait for your call! Then you would not fear your apparent outward inactivity, because what matters more than anything else is my interior activity, aroused by your soul communion with me. Desires are already prayer and prayers are only valid for what desires are worth, as an objective and as an intensity.

There are few who when they pray "call me-no". Too often it is a question of lip recitations that quickly become annoying both for the One to whom they are addressed and for the one who utters them without attention! How many wasted energies, how much time lost, while a little love would be enough to animate everything!

The desire for my coming shouts deep in your heart. is the cry of the first Christians: Maran Atha, come Lord!

Call me to come and take possession of you.

Call me into Holy Mass, so that with Communion I may enter you fully and insert you into me.

Call me in the hour of work, so that my thoughts affect your spirit and guide your conduct.

Call me at the hour of prayer, so that I may introduce you to the incessant dialogue with my Father. Who prays in me and I in him bears much fruit.

Call me in the hour of suffering, so that your cross becomes mine and together we carry it with courage and patience.

Call me by saying my name, pronounced with all the fervor you are capable of, and wait for my answer ...

Call me in union with all those who invoke me because they love me and feel the need for my presence and my help.

Call me in the name of those who don't because they don't know me and don't know that without me their life is sterile, or because they don't want to.

Where you cannot be there, your prayer acts. Even from afar you can mature a conversion, make a vocation blossom, alleviate a suffering, assist a dying person, enlighten a manager, pacify a family, sanctify a priest.

You can make me think, give birth to an act of love, make charity grow in a heart, reject a temptation, calm angers, sweeten harsh words.

What cannot be done in the invisible immensity of my Mystical Body! You have no idea of ​​the mysterious connections that unite you to each other and of which I am the fulcrum.

Put yourself under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and then punish me to do the adoration of the Father. Enter into my prayer, but be active in it with the humble and loving will to join in my praise. Your intelligence cannot understand. How could you, who are nothing, possess the Infinite? But for me, with me and in me, you give full praise to the Father.

Remain thus, in silence, without saying anything ... Pay this homage to the Father through me, in your name and in your brothers' name, in union with the sick, the infirm, all those who suffer and experience the misery of the world without God; in union with all consecrated souls who live the total gift of self in contemplation and true charity. Make it also in the name of all men who do not know me, who are indifferent, agnostic or hostile. You do not know what light can arouse, in an apparently closed soul, a tribute or an invocation launched in its place.

Many believe that their natural dynamism, their intelligent intelligence, their strength of character are sufficient to achieve their ends. Poor things! How big will be their disappointment and their revolt at the first failure.

I never disappoint those who rely on me. Why do you ask so little? What can't you get?

I am the One who prays in you and collects your miseries and needs to present them to the Father.

I am He who makes up for your shortcomings, and by sending you my Spirit, I increase my charity in your heart.

I am the tender friend always present, always put-remembering, always ready to forgive you and hold you on my heart.

I am the One who will come to look for you one day: I will take you into myself and make you share the joys of the Trinitarian life with your many brothers.

When you pray, do it with immense confidence in my omnipotence and in my inexhaustible mercy. Never think: «This is impossible… He will not be able to conceive it!…».

If I knew to what extent I want the weeds to be eradicated from my field… but not too soon. It would risk eradicating the growing wheat along with the weeds. There will come a day when you will reap in joy, when, conquering evil and the evil one, I will attract everyone to me to make you share the happiness of unity, all the more enjoyed the more conquered through the hard experience of the oppositions.

Adora: recognize that I am everything and that you do not exist except for me. But for me, what are you not? a particle, of course, but a particle of me. Remember that you are dust and you will return dust, but dust assumed, spiritualized, deified in me and for me.

Do you want something? And what? Let it not be a superficial desire, but a deep aspiration in which your whole being is engaged. When you become truly a soul of desire, there is nothing that you cannot ask me or my Father.

When your desire identifies with me, when you ask to possess me and be possessed by me, when you ardently aspire to my dominion, to my grip, to my imprint, be sure to be granted, even if you do not feel any brutal mutation. sca, no external changes. My action is exercised little by little and operates in the invisible. But after a while you will see a new disposition in you, a more habitual orientation of your thoughts and wishes, a more spontaneous option in my favor and for the benefit of others: this was the tangible result you aspired to.

When you truly desire the advent and growth of my kingdom in all hearts, when you desire the increase of contemplative vocations, of missionaries and spiritual educators, apostles of my Eucharist, of the Virgin and of the holy Church - also if in appearance and for a certain period the statistics seem to go in the opposite direction - none of your desires are lost, and the seeds of vocation to the mystical life that they will have earned will bear much fruit.

Ask me to always be able to do my will, where I want and how I want. Then your life will be fruitful. Ask me to know how to love intensely with my heart all those I give you to love: my Father in Heaven, our Spirit, my and your Mother, your angel and all the angels, the saints, your brothers, your friends, your sons and daughters according to the spirit and all men. Then my beneficial action will grow thanks to you until it becomes uniform and universal.

Seek me first in you, then in others and in my "signs" which are the small events of every day. Seek me always and intensely renewing the desire to find me, so that I will guide you and purify you more and more. Then all the rest will be given to you in excess, to you and to your invisible but innumerable posterity. So, day after day, for the time you have to spend down here, I will prepare you in the "light of glory", where many brothers have already gone before you.

«O Jesus, grant me to be in you and for you what you want me to be; to think in you and for you what you want me to think.

Allow me to do in you and for you all that you want me to do.

Allow me to say in you and for you what you want me to say.

Grant me to love in you and for you all those you give me to love.

Give me the courage to suffer in you and for you, with love, what you want me to suffer.

Let me seek you, always and everywhere, so that you will guide me and purify me according to your divine will ».

This prayer was repeated by Father Cour-tois every day during his last years of life. He gladly made her known and recommended his daily performance.


Be in peace. Keep your soul serene even in the midst of the sucks of current events, unforeseen events, events.

Receive my message calmly through these spokespersons with sometimes intrusive and brutal ways. Strive to decipher my words of love through badly outlined graffiti.

Isn't their content essential? And their content is always: "My son, I love you".

Trust and be in peace for your past so many times purified. Believe in my mercy.

Trust and be in peace for the present. You do not feel that I am close to you, in you and with you, that I guide and lead you, that in the dramatic moments of your life, as in so many hours of calm, I never abandon you, I am always present to intervene in time oppor -not you?

Trust and be in peace for the future. Yes, the end of your life will be dynamic, peaceful and fruitful. I want to use you even when you have the impression of being useless. Unbeknownst to you, I will pass through you again, in the way that I like best.

Draw joy into me. Aspirate it until you are submerged and spread it around you.

Don't forget my password: SERENITY. A serenity founded on hope, on trust in me, on total abandonment to my Providence.

Participate in the joy of heaven and the joy of your Lord-king. Nothing prevents you from feeding on it.

Think about it and think about the joy of others, both on earth and in heaven.

You don't have to be rich or healthy to be happy. Joy is a gift from my heart which I grant to all those who open themselves to the lives of others; in fact selfish joy does not last. Only the joy of the gift is lasting. This characterizes the joy of the blessed.

Give joy: this is the secret of your happiness, even if hidden, in the most ordinary things.

Ask me often for good humor, vivacity and, why not? the frank and smiling joy.

Turn to me, I look at you: smile at me intensely.

In your prayer, even if you spent time looking at me without speaking and smiling at me, it would not be lost. I want you joyful in my service, joyful when you pray, joyful when you work, joyful when you receive, joyful even when you suffer. Be joyful because of me, be joyful to please me, be joyful by communicating to my joy.

You know well: I am the true Joy. The true and substantial Alleluia in the bosom of the Father is me, and there is nothing more I desire than to share in my immense joy.

Why are so many men sad, since they were created for joy? Some are overwhelmed by the worries of material life, while it would be enough to rely on my Providence to find at least the serene. Others are dominated by unbridled pride, by a disappointed and disappointing ambition, by acid and exacerbating jealousy, by the spasmodic search for temporal goods which are never enough to satiate their soul. Others are victims of the sensual fever which makes their hearts impervious to the taste of spiritual things. Finally, others, having not been able to understand the pedagogy of love that all suffering represents, turn against it, breaking their heads against obstacles instead of leaving it on my shoulders, where they would find consolation and comfort and would learn to value their cross and letting oneself be carried by it, instead of being crushed by it.

Ask that my joy grows in the hearts of men, especially in that of priests and nuns. They must be the custodians par excellence of my joy and become the providential channels for all who approach them.

If they knew how much harm they do and do when they do not open generously to the inner song of my divine joy in them and do not agree with its rhythm. It will never be repeated enough that everything that makes them bitter and sad does not come from me, and that joy, the joy of faith and the joy of the cross, is the royal way to reach me and allow me to grow in them.

Joy, to last and grow, needs to be continually renewed in the intimate contact of living contemplation, in the generous and frequent practice of small sacrifices, in the loving acceptance of providential humiliations.

The Father is Joy. Your Lord is Joy. Our Spirit is Joy. Being part of our life means entering into our joy.

Offer me all the joys of the earth, the physical joys of play and sport, the intellectual joy of the discoverer, the joys of the spirit, the joys of the heart, the joys of the soul above all.

Adore the infinite Joy that I am for you in the host of the tabernacle.

Feed on me and when you feel the heart overflowing with my joy, expand rays and waves of joy in favor of all those who are sad, isolated, melancholic, tired, exhausted, crushed. In this way you will help many of your brothers.


Ask me often about the intelligence of the Eucharist. Con-templa:

What the Eucharist offers you

First a presence, then a remedy, finally a nourishment.

A presence: yes, my present presence as a Risen One, a glorious presence even if humble and hidden, a total presence as the sap of the Mystical Body, a living and lively presence.

Active presence, which asks nothing more than to penetrate all my brothers and sisters, called to become my "fullness", extensions of me, and to take them on in the momentum with which I give myself unceasingly to my Father.

Presence lover, because I am present to give myself, to purify, to continue my life of oblation through you and to take on everything you are and everything you do.

A remedy: against selfishness, against loneliness, against sterility.

Against selfishness, since one cannot expose oneself to the radiations of the Host without infiltrating and setting fire to the soul with the fire of my love. Then my charity purifies, illuminates, intensifies, strengthens the flame that was in your heart, pacifies it, unifies it, fecundates it, orienting it towards the service of others to communicate the fire that I have come to light on earth.

Against loneliness: I am present near you, I never leave you with my thoughts or my eyes. In me you find the Father and the Holy Spirit. In me you find Maria. In me you find all the men your brothers.

Against sterility: Whoever dwells in me and I in him, bears much fruit, an invisible fruit on earth and which you will see only in eternity, but the only valid fruit: my growth in souls.

A nourishment: which enriches, which spiritualizes, which universalizes.

I come to you like the bread of life that came down from heaven, to fill you with my graces, my blessings, to communicate the principle of every virtue and every holiness, to make you participate in my humility, my patience, my charity; to make you share my vision of all things and my views on the world, to give you the strength and courage to put your hand to what I ask of you.

Food that spiritualizes, that purifies everything that would tend to animalize you in you, to give your life the thrust towards God and prepare your progressive divinization. Obviously, all of this cannot happen in the blink of an eye, but day after day, thanks to your state of frequent, spiritual and sacramental communion.

Food that universalizes. I am in you, I come into you as the God made man who carries and summarizes in himself all creation and more than all humanity, with its miseries, needs, aspirations, labors, sufferings. renze, its joys.

The one who communicates to me communicates to the whole world and activates the movement of the world towards me.

What the Eucharist asks of you

First of all, ATTENTION:

1. To my expectation: humble, discreet, silent but often anxious.

How many times do I await a word from you, a movement of the heart, a simple voluntary thought! If you knew how far I need it for you, for me, for others! Do not disappoint me.

Very often, I stand at the door of your heart, and knock… If you only knew how I am spying on the inner movements of your soul!

Of course, I am not asking you to live continuously and consciously fixed on me. The essential thing is that I am the orientation of your profound will; but it is necessary that your spirit does not allow itself to be overwhelmed by vanities, by the things that pass at the expense of the One who dwells in you to help you abide in himself. Ask me for the grace to be more often and more intensely attentive to me, to the things I have to say to you, to ask you, to make you do: Lord, speak, your servant listens to you. Lord, what do you expect from me right now? Lord, what do you want me to do?

2. To my tenderness, infinite, divine, exquisite, ineffable, of which I have made you taste some rays. Ah, if people believed it! If he truly believed that I am the good God, tender, caring, eager to help you, to love you, to encourage you, attentive to your efforts, your progress, your good will, always willing to understand you, to listen to you, to fulfill you!

Of course, I want you to be happy without excessive worry about the future, trusting in my providence and in my mercy. I want your happiness, and in the measure in which you will trust me, neither the test, nor the suffering, which have meaning only in the synthesis of the spirit of love, will be able to crush you. On the contrary, a return of spiritual vitality will be worth you, a pledge of a wonderful apostolic fruitfulness and will be filled with such flashes of joy that your soul will be totally enlightened.

3. To my vital impetus, which pushes me to gather everything in me to offer it to the Father.

Do you think enough that all my life, all the reason for my Incarnation, my Eucharist is right here: unite, gather yourselves, unify yourselves in me and drag you with me in the total gift of my whole being to the Father, so that through me the Father may be all in all?

Do you think I can't hire you except to the extent that you give yourself to me internally?

Open yourself totally to my action; but for this I need to be attentive to my constant desire to take hold of you and to assimilate you, hire you, take care of you.

This attention will help you to multiply, without excessive tension, your inner donations to my love, which will be like many impulses of the heart assimilated to my divine impulses.

The Eucharist also asks you for ADHESION: the adherence of your faith, your hope, your charity.

1. Adherence of your faith, which will allow you to perceive my presence, my radiant activity, my will to unite with you.

this is how you must merge in me, insert yourself in me, fulfill your part role in the great whole that I am, to realize the splendid division of my love, to the glory of my Father.

Stay on the prowl, listening to my wishes, if you want to know them. Open your inner ear to understand what I ask of you.

Believe in my transcendence.

Like a scientist, the more he progresses in a science the more he realizes that he does not know much compared to everything he should know, and the limits of knowledge are lost in a horizon that makes you dizzy ... in the same way, the more you will know me , the more you will feel that what remains unknowable in me is even more wonderful than what you may have already known.

But also believe in my immanence. Because, as I am, I have agreed to make myself one of you. I am God among you, God with you, Emmanuel. I have lived your life and I still live it in every member of my humanity. It is not necessary to look very far to find me and to find me authentically. Ah, if people only knew what a God who gives himself is!

2. Adhesion of your hope.

If you had more confidence in the radiation that overwhelms you when you stand in front of me-Host, how would you be more willing to place yourself under the ray of my influence, how would you love to let yourself be penetrated by my divine radiations!

Don't be afraid of getting burned! Rather, you are afraid of neglecting them and not taking advantage of them enough in the service of others.

You believe in all this, but you have to deduce the practical consequences. If I currently reduce your external activity it is in favor of your internal activity. Eve-ne, you will not have fruitfulness if you do not come to recharge for a long time with me, living in the Sacrament of my love.

I have been living in the Host in your house for a long time!

Of course, I know, it is a question of giving up many secondary things, apparently more urgent or more pleasant, in order to consecrate time in vigilance near me. But shouldn't we give up on ourselves to follow me?

Yes, I know well, you are afraid of not knowing what to say and what to do. You are afraid of wasting time. Yet, you have experienced it several times: I am always ready to inspire you what needs to be said and what needs to be asked of me; and isn't it true that after a few moments of silence and interior communion, you feel more ardent and more loving? So?

3. Adhesion of your love.

Is there perhaps a word that can express so many different realities, apparently so opposite feelings? To love means to come out of oneself. Think about being loved before you think about yourself. Live for him, put everything in communion with him, identify with him.

Where can you draw the oblative impulse of true love if not in the Host, which is total and substantial oblation par excellence?

He often communicates in spirit to the fire that "burns" in the Eucharist.

Try to let something of the burning feelings of my heart pass through you. Make some aspirations and expressions of love from time to time. These "exercises" will fortify the power of love which I placed in you on the day of your baptism and which I would like to develop in each of your communions. Then your adhesion to me will become deep and solid. By dint of repeating these practices, you will become available to be one with me and let yourself be absorbed by my divine and inexpressible sweetness.

What the Eucharist asks of you is to welcome me and to let yourself be absorbed by me, to the point that under the influence of my Spirit we two become one for the glory of the Father. Like the dewdrop it absorbs the ray of the sun that makes it shining and in turn lets itself be absorbed by it; as iron assimilates the fire that penetrates it and allows itself to be absorbed by it to the point of becoming itself a luminous, burning and mal-leaky fire, so you must absorb me and let yourself be absorbed by me.

But all this can only take place under the influence of my Spirit who prepares yours and adapts it to my coming into you. Those who are moved by the Holy Spirit are children of God. Call him to the opera often. He himself is devouring fire.

This mutual absorption will lead to a true fusion. So, I will be your reason to live, to do everything you have to do, to suffer everything I give you to suffer. Mihi live Christus est.

This is true communion, this is what the Eucharist aims at.

Under the eucharistic irradiation you enrich your soul with my presence; I was about to say with my perfume. it is up to you to attract it, keep it for a long time and perfume your environment. What is more silent-knowing and at the same time more penetrating and more eloquent than a perfume?

(Having heard in this period various criticisms against the “Holy Hours”, the expositions of the Blessed Sacrament and the “Blessings”, I asked the Lord what one should think of them).

If I wish to be exposed to your gaze in the Sacramental of the Eucharist, it is not for me but for you.

I know better than anyone to what extent your faith, in order to fix its attention, needs to be attracted by an external sign that expresses a divine reality. Your adorations have the task of supporting the gaze of your faith with the vision of the consecrated Host. It is a concession to your weakness, but it conforms perfectly to the laws of the human spirit. On the other hand, the expression of a feeling reinforces it; and the whole outline of lights, incense and songs, even if modest, predisposes the soul to take in faith a more lucid, however imperfect, awareness of the transcendent presence of God.

In this regard, the law of the Incarnation is valid: as long as you are on earth, you are neither pure spirits nor abstract intelligences; it is necessary that your whole physical and moral being collaborate in the expression of your love to intensify it.

It is possible for some privileged to do without it, at least for a certain time, but why refuse the mass of men of good will what can help them pray better, love better?

In the course of history, have I not often manifested my divine condescension in various ways towards those external means which facilitate education in respect for many people and stimulate greater love?

Under the pretext of radical simplification, will the Phariseeism of those who believe themselves purer than others be avoided? Is there any thought to stimulate the faith and love of simple men who want to come to me with the heart of a child?

Human beings need parties and demonstrations that turn to their intelligence through sensitivity, and give them a taste, not to say nostalgia, of the eternal wedding already in advance.


The whole problem of world evangelization is resolved in having faith in love. How to succeed in persuading men? At this point it is necessary that your ardent and overflowing charity make my love clear, evident. Yes, the problem is all here: to make love grow in the hearts of men who live on earth. Well, love must be drawn from the source, in me. It must be accumulated with a prayerful life and expressed with a speaking life, such as to give him that testimony that allows him to be received and gradually communicated again.

It is a question of "investing with love" the men of the whole world to purify them of their often aggressive, always self-centered animality, and spiritualizing them so that they progress in sharing my divine nature.

it is necessary that they choose love freely, preferring it to hatred, violence, the will to power, the instinct of domination. Such growth in love is not straight; it knows various stages, it even undergoes re-grants. The essential thing is that with my help, it resumes its journey forward.

Love will purify itself with detachment from money and with self-denial. It will develop to the extent that man thinks of others before himself, he will live for others before himself, he will humbly share the worries, pains, sufferings and joys of others; also to the extent that he will understand that he needs others and will know how to receive as much as to give.

I am the salvation, I am the life, I am the light.

There is nothing impossible when those who are invited to tap into the treasure that I am do so out of love and without hesitation.

For love, since love is the wedding garment.

Without hesitation, because if one is afraid when I call him, he sinks and skids. When you are my guest, when you are with my family, you have to see big, want big, give wide to all those who do not deliberately refuse.

There are few who understand this; understand it and make it understand at least you. It is not so much an intellectual understanding as it is a personal experience. Only those who live the experience of my love can find the words that persuade and inflame; but the experience is soon forgotten and suffocated by the pressures of life if it is not often renewed and rejuvenated by new interior embraces.

Being a missionary is not first of all being active in my service, but putting into practice the concrete effectiveness of my redemptive work. As long as you are on earth you cannot see the result of such a missionary oblation. This happens so that the humility necessary for the true apostle is nourished and also because this action in depth is exercised in bare faith: but, really believe it, it is in this way that the masterpieces of my grace are operated in the depths of hearts, the unexpected conversions, and the blessings that fecundate the apostolic works are obtained.

One is he who sows, another is he who reaps. It will happen that one reaps in joy what others will have seeded in tears; but the essential thing is to unite with me who am the eternal sower and the divine reaper, and never attribute to yourself the good that I am doing. In reality, you are all responsible collectively for the evangelization of the world and your reward, proportionate to your courage and your fidelity in union and love, will be such that your joy will surpass all your expectations.

What matters, in all environments, in all countries, both among the laity and among priests, is the multiplication of upright and simple souls who listen to my thoughts and desires and strive to fulfill them in all their life, thus manifesting me without noise in their environment, and attracting towards me all those they meet. this is the authentic apostolate, in detachment from oneself at the service of the problems of others. Who, better than me, can not only propose the solution, but also bring it to completion?

Loving each other is not just looking at each other; it is looking forward together and dedicating oneself together with others.

Isn't mutual concern perhaps one of the practical foundations of communion between two beings who love each other? Isn't it what measures its intensity and stabilizes its permanence? Talk to me often about others with a lot of love and desire. Think of the thirst I have for them and the need they have for me. Work and offer for them. You know well that through you I continue my work and my oblation in their favor.

Look after my interests. This means: work with prayer, with action, with the word, with the pen, with all the means of influence that I have placed in your hands, to make my charity prevail in hearts. That's all. May my charity be victorious and I grow in the world.

The only story that matters is the uninterrupted succession of options for or against Love.

Whatever the movement of ideas, the progress of technology, the updating of theology or pastoralism, what the world most needs, much more than engineers or biologists or theologians, are men who with their life makes me think and reveal me to others; men so penetrated by my presence as to attract others to me and allow me to lead them to my Father.

There are few who think of me with an abundance of love. To too many people I am the Unknown and even the Unknowable. For some I have never existed and I am not even a problem. For others, I am the One who is feared and respected out of fear.

I am not a severe Master, nor a rectifier of wrongs, nor a meticulous accountant of errors and faults. I know better than anyone the extenuating circumstances that diminish their real guilt in many. I look at each one more for what is good in him than for what is defective. I discover in each one his deep aspirations towards the good and therefore, unconsciously, towards me. I am the Misericor-dia, the Father of the prodigal son, always ready to forgive. The categories of moral theology are not my criterion, especially when they are the object of a geometric application.

I am a God of good will who opens his arms and his heart to men of good will to purify them, enlighten them, set them on fire, taking them on in my impulse towards my Father and them.

I am a God of friendship who desires the happiness of all, the peace of all, the salvation of all and who spies on the moment in which my message of love can be favorably received.

Act as a member of my Body. Consider yourself as someone who has no independent existence, but who has to do everything in dependence on me. Be more and more aware that you are nothing to yourself, that you cannot do anything, that you are worth nothing by yourself; but what fruitfulness if you accept me as a responsible Master and as a principle of action!

You also act as a member of others, since all the others are present in me and thanks to me you find them in a pressing topicality. Your charity, enlightened by faith, must make it a duty to think about them frequently in order to recapitulate their anguish and their misery, to assume their profound aspirations, to value all that my Father has laid down as a seed of deep in their hearts. There are many men who are better than they seem and who could progress in the knowledge of my love, if priests and Christians were living witnesses!

Every morning in your prayer ask the Virgin to choose for you a blessed from Heaven, a soul in Purgatory, one of your brothers on earth, so that you can live this day in union with them, with the blessed ad honorem, with the soul of Purgatory ad auxilium, with your brother ad salutem.

They too, for their part, will help you to live more in love. Act in their name, pray in their name, desire in their name, suffer if necessary in their name, hope in their name, love in their name.

I want to feed my fire in you, not because you are the only one who burns, but because it helps to extend the flame of my love into the depths of hearts.

What good would your contacts with men be if you lost contact with me? For them I ask you to strengthen your ties with the Source. Through a kind of spiritual mimicry, the more you will be a contemplative, the more you will resemble me and the more you will allow me to radiate through you. The world today is at the mercy of so many contrary currents, and what can help it to stabilize in the evening is the multiplication of contemplative souls that hasten its assimilation to me. Only the contemplatives are the true missionaries and the true spiritual educators.

He longs to be a high fidelity transmitter. The fidelity of your life ensures the fidelity of my Word and the authenticity of my Voice through yours.

My son, do not forget these words that one time I pronounced thinking of you and of every man living in the world over the centuries: «Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and manifest myself to him ... he loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and dwell in him "(Jn 14,21: 23-XNUMX).

Understand what it means to become the home of God, of the living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; of God who invades you, possesses you and inserts you progressively into the current of light, joy and love that constitutes him?

Do you understand how far the manifestation of God that will reveal itself in you, and through you in your words, your writings and your most ordinary gestures, can reach your spirit, your heart, your life?

So you can become my witness and attract those you meet to me.

Thus your life becomes fruitful, in an outwardly invisible way, but real in the depth of the communion of saints.

On this eve of Pentecost, call in you the sweet and burning flame of love of the Holy Spirit, through which our divine charity aspires to spread itself in the hearts of all men.

Repeat and try me with your decisions, sometimes even the result of sacrifice, that you love me more than yourself.

May the fiery ardor of my love occupy your whole soul and make it alien to everything that is not me or is not for me.


Have only thoughts of benevolence, words of benevolence, even when you have to rectify, straighten, correct.

Talk about others' qualities, never their flaws. Love them all. Open their arms inwardly. Send them the waves of happiness, health, holiness accumulated in you. Everyone would be better if they felt more loved.

The great history of the world is the secret history, through events, of the growth or loss of spontaneity and intensity of charity in hearts, oblativ charity, of course, charity based on asceticism, on self-forgetfulness. advantage of others.

The essential aspect of your mission is to contribute, from within, to a more intense current of love that flows through the world.

Why not try to cheer others up, be liked by them? If you were careful, it would be easy. Would not forgetting oneself, forgetting one's worries to think about others and what they like, sowing a little joy around themselves, wouldn't it help to heal many wounds, to calm so many sufferings? I have placed you at the side of your brothers to facilitate the practice of the gift.

Ask me for the taste of the gift, the sense of the gift. it is a grace to be obtained, a habit to be taken, it is a fold of thought and, even more, a fold of the heart. Mary was all a gift. May it get you the gift of availability.

Smile at everything, even when you feel weak, badly displaced. The merit will be greater. I will attribute a grace to your smile.

Always be welcoming to others. This is your form of charity. This certainly requires giving up things that concern you, but, you know from experience, you have never had to regret a choice in favor of others. I never let myself be won in generosity.

If Christians were good to one another, the face of the world would be transformed. It is an elementary truth, but forgotten with such ease.

Why so often so much gall, so much indignation, so much in-difference, when a little true sympathy would be enough to bring the hearts closer and open the hearts?

Wherever you are, try to be a witness of my divine benevolence towards all. This benevolence is made of respect and love, optimism and trust. Of course, there are those who abuse it, but it is not the majority and who can say the circumstances that mitigate their responsibility?

Discover in each one, or at least guess, what is best. Addressing what is in him aspiration towards purity, the gift of himself, even sacrifice.

Fraternal charity is the measure of my growth in the world. Pray for it to spread. In this way you will help me grow.

Whoever cannot participate in the burden of others is not worthy of having brothers.

Everything is in the way: an amiable smile, a benevolent welcome, the concern of others, a free kindness, a discreet will to say only good about others ... How many things can be for many as many rays of sunshine. A ray of sunshine looks like a thing without consistency; nevertheless it illuminates, warms and shines.

Be good to others. You will never be blamed for an excess of goodness. Often this will require some detachment from you, but you believe that I consider all kindnesses towards others to be done to myself, and it will be a joy for me to return them to you a hundredfold.

Ask the Holy Spirit often to inspire you and provide you with opportunities to be good.

I do not ask you for the impossible, nor the difficult, but to have such an intimate disposition as to wish that all around you are happy, comforted, comforted.

This means loving others in spirit and truth, and not in an abstract and theoretical way; it is in fact in the humble actions of daily life that the authenticity of a charity that is an extension and expression of mine is verified.

How do you want men to feel loved by me if those who represent me on earth do not provide him with a perceptible testimony?

He longs in the name of everyone for what I wish each of them.

At the root of much aggression, there is almost always a more or less conscious element of frustration. Man created in my image was made to love and to be loved. When he is the victim of an injustice, a lack of tenderness or a lack of respect, he turns in on himself and seeks compensation in hatred or malice. Little by little, man becomes a wolf to man, and the door is open to all violence and all wars. This explains my extreme indulgence on the one hand and my insistence on the commandment of love on the other, as St. John transmitted it.

Think often of souls in danger in the world:

- In physical danger: victims of war, forced to seek a refuge far from their home, by endless roads; victims of typhoons, earthquakes; victims of illness, infirmity, agony.

- In moral danger: victims of a first sin, vit-time of abandonment, victims of the dark night.

- Discouraged priestly souls, in which the wind of revolt blows and who find in those who should help them only indifference and contempt.

- Souls of spouses weakened by the fatigue of satiety, by the irritation of overwork, by the exacerbation of opposite characters, always at the mercy of a word or a gesture out of place and forget that their love, in order to last, must come to purify itself and to feed in me.

- Souls of elderly people who close themselves to the new youth of the last age that should prepare them for the eternal transfiguration, who are afraid of death, who desperately cling to insignificant trifles; on the contrary, closing their eyes to hope, they disperse their last energies in bitterness, criticism and revolt.

How many are there in the world those souls who have lost the taste of fighting and living, and do not know that I myself am the secret of happiness, even in the midst of the most unhappy situations!

It frequently releases waves of sympathy, benevolence, and comfort throughout the world. All I transform into consolation graces that restore courage. Help me make-

re happier men. Be a witness of the gospel. Give to those who see you, to those who approach you, to those who listen to you, the impression of having a Good News to announce.

An apparently incomprehensible behavior will take on all its value - with the succession of repentances, reparations and ... my forgiveness - in the global vision of every existence located in its right place, in the whole of the Mystical Body.

In spite of all the miseries and all the denials, I am optimistic.

You have to love with my heart to see with my gaze. Then you will participate in my immense benevolence, in my unalterable indulgence.

I do not see things as you do, who hypnotize yourself on an insignificant detail and do not have the vision of the whole. After all, how many elements escape you! Deep intentions, habits acquired and become hardened that greatly mitigate responsibility, childish emotions that create instability, not to mention hidden atavisms, unknown to the person himself ...

If the Christians, who are my members, accepted every morning to breathe in a little of the charity of my heart for those they meet or talk about during the day, fraternal charity would be quite another thing than a sterile topic of speech or preaching. !

Be all goodness.

Goodness made of benevolence, of "blessing", of benevolence, without any complex of superiority, but with total humility and tenderness.

Goodness that is expressed in the kindness of the welcome, in the availability to service, in the concern for the happiness of others.

Goodness that comes from my heart and, more deeply, from the bosom of our Trinitarian life.

Goodness that gives and forgives until forgetting the offenses, as if they never existed.

Goodness that tends to me, present in the other, the hands, the spirit and above all the heart, without noise of words, without intemperate demonstrations.

Goodness which comforts, which consoles, which restores courage and discreetly helps the other to overcome himself.

Goodness that reveals me much more effectively than many beautiful sermons, and which attracts more than many beautiful speeches to me.

Goodness made of simplicity, sweetness, profound charity that does not leave out any detail to create a nice atmosphere.

Often ask for grace in union with Mary. It is a gift that I never refuse and that many would receive if they prayed to me more constantly.

Beseech him for all your brothers and you will thus contribute to raise a little more the level of goodness, of my goodness, in the world.

Be a reflection, a living expression of my goodness. Address me through those you meet. You will then see how it is easier to be positive, open and welcoming.

Put more and more goodness in your soul because it reflects on your face, in your eyes, in your smile, even in the tone of your voice and in all your behavior.

Young people willingly forgive the elderly for their years if they feel good.

You will have noticed how the goodness, the indulgence, the benevolence halo the forehead of the elderly. But this requires a whole series of small efforts and generous choices in favor of others. The third age is par excellence the age of self-forgetfulness due to the perception of my imminent presence.

The old are far from being useless if, despite their progressive limitations, the apparent or hidden decreases, they know how to find in me the secret of charity, humility and joy. Their serenity can reveal me to a large number of those who approach them and attract many young people to me who believe themselves capable of doing without me because they feel strong and solid.

Where love and charity are found, I AM THERE to bless, to purify, to fertilize.


Be in me a living thanksgiving.

Be a vibrant, constant, joyful THANK YOU.

Say THANK YOU for everything you have received and know.

Say THANK YOU for everything you have received and forgotten.

Say THANK YOU for everything you have received and do not know at all.

You are ability to receive. Expand, extend this ability with your relentless thanksgiving and you will receive even more to be able to give more to others.

Ask. You receive. Say thank you.

Dona. Notify. Divide and say thank you because you have something to donate.

Tell me thank you for choosing you and to go through you to give me to others.

Tell me thanks for the suffering that allows me to complete in your flesh what my Passion is missing for my body which is the Church.

Become one with me in the vibrant and substantial THANKS that I am for my Father.

Live more and more in thanksgiving. I have so often heard you!

Tell me more often THANKS for everything and on behalf of everyone. In that moment you stimulate my Charity towards the world, since there is nothing that disposes me more to give than the attention paid to my gifts. In this way you will become more and more a Eucharistic soul and, why not? A living Eucharist. Yes, tell me thank you for using you in my style, both sweet and strong, in the service of my Kingdom.

What you have received so far is nothing compared to what you still reserve until the end of your life on earth, to make many of your brothers benefit from it, but above all in the light of glory when, penetrated by me without limits and without reservations , you will have become incandescent with my immense love. In total humility, you will realize, at that moment, that you yourself are NOTHING, if not a poor sinner subject to all human ambiguities, from which you have been purified thanks to my inexhaustible merciful-loving tenderness.

Then a vibrant Magnificat will blossom within your being and you yourself will become a living Te Deum, in union with the Virgin and all the elect of Heaven.

From now on and in anticipation of that eternal day, I often renew the presentation of your whole life to the Father, in a gesture of confident oblation, in union with mine.

Yes, you belong to us, but value the time available to decrease your belonging to yourself and to increase the intensity of our possession of you.

Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, who multiplies his silent appeals in every way, offer yourself through me to the Father and let yourself be invaded and submerged by our ineffable presence, by our mysterious transcendence, by our divine tenderness.

Think of us more than yourself, live for us more than for you. The commitments we entrust to you will not only be fulfilled more easily, but they will be truly useful to the Church.

Beyond what appears, what is exists: that is the only profound reality valid for the Kingdom.

I am the only one who can make up for your shortcomings, fill the gaps, intervene in time, prevent or repair your blunders. You cannot do anything without me, but, united with me, there is nothing that you cannot use for the effective service of the Church and the world.

Be grateful for the graces received and for those I have passed through you. But, in faith, also tell me THANK YOU for all your humiliations, your limitations, your physical and moral sufferings. The true meaning of them you will see only in eternity and your heart will leap with admiration for my delicate divine pedagogy.

Tell me also thanks for all those, known and unknown, brothers and sisters who have been forgotten today, who I gave you for traveling companions. They helped you a lot with their prayer that joined mine, with their moral and spiritual, technical and material assistance, and it was I who gave them to you at the right time.

By joining my outbursts of gratitude for what you suffer as well as for what you do, you place yourself in the axis of the infinite abundance of spiritual, divine benefits, and you obtain all the graces of courage and patience you need.


If you only knew how beautiful the smile of the Virgin is! If you could see it, if only for a moment, your whole life would be illuminated by it! It is a smile of goodness, of tenderness, of welcome, of mercy; is a smile of love. What you cannot see with the eyes of the body, you can perceive with the eyes of the soul, through faith.

Often ask the Holy Spirit to make this ineffable smile spring into your thoughts, which is the expression of the "all lover" and of the Immaculate Conception. His smile can heal pains and heal sores. It exerts a penetrating influence on the most closed hearts and projects an unspeakable light on the most darkened spirits.

Contemplate this smile in all the mysteries of his life. Contemplate it in the joy of heaven, in union with the blessed, who find one of the most limpid springs in the rough.

Contemplate it through faith, for it is close to you. See it while looking at you. Look at her smiling at you. She will help you with her smile, since her maternal smile is a light, a strength, a living source of charity.

You too, smile as best you know. Let me smile through you. Join my smile for her.

Trust her. Be more and more delicate towards her. You know what she has been for you during your childhood and in your priestly life.

She will be close to you in your declining life and in the hour of death; she will come looking for you and will present you to me herself, who is the Virgin of the Presentation par excellence.

Communicate often to the feelings of Mary's heart. Express what you feel in your own way.

There is your personal and incommunicable way of interpreting my Mother's dispositions of mind. They truly become yours without ceasing to be yours. In reality, it is the same Spirit that inspires, animates, amplifies and you serve as an accompaniment to the unique and ineffable melody that flows from the heart of my Mother.

Come and take refuge with the Virgin. She will know how to caress your forehead better than anyone and will give value to your tiredness. With his maternal presence he will help you to gradually climb the road of the Cross behind me.

You will certainly listen to his threefold appeal: penance, penance, penance, made in view of a more radiant spiritual transfiguration. For crucem ad lucem.

Above all, live in peace, don't force your talent. In union with her, welcome in the best possible way the grace of the present moment: thus your life, however dark in the eyes of many, will be fruitful for the benefit of a multitude.

Do not forget to often put yourself under the joint action of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin and ask them to increase your love!

Participate in my feelings towards my Mother, feelings made of delicacy, tenderness, respect, admiration, total trust and vehement gratitude.

If she hadn't accepted to be what she was, what could I have done for you? In creation she is truly the faithful projection of the maternal goodness of God. She is such as we have conceived her, such as we could have desired her. If you only knew how enchanting his initiatives are! She is the enchantment of God made woman.

Join me to speak to her, to ask her for help for you, for others, for the Church, for the growth of my mystical body.

Think of his joy in the glory of heaven, where he does not forget any of his children on earth. Think of Mary's maternal royalty. His entirely spiritual royalty is exercised on earth for every man; but it becomes effective only to the extent that it is vitally accepted.

I perform miracles only where his directives are carried out, as in Cana: "Do whatever he tells you".

To the extent that one is faithful to his influence and his appeals, my voice is heard and what I ask is implemented. Thus we do not cease to work together, so that all men collaborate to expand a little more of true love on earth.

Maria will help you never to forget the Only Necessary, not to clutter yourself with useless things, not to confuse the accessory with the important, to know how to make the most fruitful choices. She is always present, ready to help you, to obtain, with her intercession, joys and fruitfulness for the last years of your life here below. But this will happen the more you trust in his tenderness and his power.

Live in thanksgiving towards her. When I am grateful, join her Magnificat, which she never ceases to sing with all the fibers of her heart and which she would like to prolong in all the hearts of her children.

Ask more and more for that clear, luminous and warm faith which she has already obtained for you, but which must grow until the moment of our meeting.

Think of the instant you will see it in the splendor of its eternal glory. How you will reproach yourself for not having loved her enough and filially surrounded her!

Since she gave herself entirely, without delay, without reserve, without recovery, I gave myself entirely to her and she was able to give me to the world.

Incarnation is not just the insertion of the divine into the human, it is the assumption of the human by the god.

In Mary, the assumption of her humanity by my divinity took place in a glorious way. It was convenient that, in body and soul, she was assumed thanks to me in a joy that infinitely compensated for her pains generously offered in a spirit of collaboration in my redemptive work.

In the divine light, Mary sees all the spiritual needs of her children: she would like to help so many blind people to regain the sight of faith, so many paralyzed wills to find the energy and courage necessary to give themselves to me, so many deaf to listen to my appeals and to respond with their whole being. But she cannot do this except to the extent that the praying souls increase, begging her to intercede for staggering humanity.

You are one of his privileged children. Act more and more towards her, like an affectionate and devoted son!

Mary is the All Beautiful, the All Good, the pleading Power. The more you get to know her, the closer you get to me.

His dignity is unique. Am I not the flesh of his flesh, the blood of his blood? Is she not the ideal projection of the Father onto the human creature, the reflection of divine beauty and goodness?

Go to her more filially, with immense confidence. Ask her for everything you feel you need, for yourself and for the world: from peace in hearts, in families, among men, among nations, to maternal support for the poor, the infirm, the sick, the wounded, the dying ...

He entrusts sinners to his merciful intercession.

Have a child's soul towards him. Hold on to her, curl up in her. There are many graces that you could obtain for yourself, for your work and for the world, if you prayed to her more often and if you tried to live more under her influence.

There are certain insights into the inner life which are the consequences of the rays which I make my Mother emanate and which benefit only those who are faithful in having recourse to her.

In these times, many souls allow themselves to be led into blind alleys or through certain shortcuts, towards swamps where their life becomes sterile, since they do not have sufficient recourse to the help so powerful and providential of Mary. They believe, poor things, that they can do without her, as if a child could be deprived, without inconvenience, of maternal concern. Yet Maria cannot do anything for them if they do not ask her to intervene. She is bound by respect for their freedom, and it is necessary that from the earth an urgent appeal to her intercession rises towards her.

What can you do alone in the face of the immensity of work: so many men to evangelise, so many sinners to convert, so many priests to sanctify! You feel poor and helpless. Ask, then, joining my Mother, with intensity and perseverance. Many hearts will be touched, renewed, inflamed.

it is his job to facilitate, protect, intensify your intimate union with me.

United with her, you are deeply united with me.

it is Mary who continues to intercede for you and to intervene, more often than you see, in all the details of your spiritual life, your hard-working life, your suffering life, your apostolic life.

The Church is currently in crisis. This is normal, since my Mother is no longer invoked enough by Christians. But, precisely, if you and all the brothers who have realized once in their life the importance of its mediation, would begin to pray ardently on behalf of those who do not think about it, this crisis would soon turn into apotheosis.

Convince yourself that my power has not diminished: as in past centuries, I can raise up great saints and great saints who will amaze the world; but I want to have need of your collaboration, which allows my Mother, always vigilant on the misery of the world, to intervene… as in Cana.

The progressive spiritualization of humanity does not take place without repercussions, nor without some rupture. Yet my Spirit is always present. But out of pedagogy, out of attention to your human contribution, however minimal, he cannot exercise his influence except in collaboration with his Spouse, your mother, Mary.

The feasts of the Virgin Mary are the feasts of our Mother, mine, yours and that of all mankind. Contemplate her inwardly in her ineffable beauty of the Immaculate Conception who says "yes" to the will of the Father, and of the Transfigured, in the glory of her Assumption.

Contemplate her in the profound, essential, existential goodness of her divine and human motherhood, of her universal motherhood.

Contemplate her in her pleading Almighty which awaits your appeal and that of all men at her intercession.

Contemplate her in her exquisite and delicate intimacy with the three Persons of the Holy Trinity: perfect daughter of the Father, faithful wife of the Holy Spirit, devoted mother of the Incarnate Word up to total oblivion of herself.

She led you to me. She has presented you to me, just as she does not cease, throughout your life, to protect you, until, on the blessed day of your death, she will offer you to me in the light of glory.


How I wish that priests and religious did not seek outside of me the secret of the one, true, profound fruitfulness!

Power dwells in me. Insert yourself in me and I will make you participate in this power.

With a few words, you will cast light.

With a few gestures, you will open the way to my grace. With few sacrifices, you will be the salt that heals the world. With few prayers, you will be the yeast that ferments human pasta.

I have granted you a special grace, to encourage my priests to find the secret of a happy and fruitful priesthood in intimate contact with me. Offer them to me often and join in my prayer for them. The vitality of my Church on earth and the assistance of my Church in heaven in favor of pilgrim humanity largely depend on them.

The world passes and does not bother to listen to me; that's the reason for so many hesitant and wasted lives.

But the most painful thing for my heart and the most nefarious for my Kingdom is that the consecrated persons themselves, for lack of faith, for lack of love do not have an attentive ear towards me. My voice is lost in the desert. Thus, how many priestly and religious lives remain unproductive!

May the priest not trust the compliments and signs of respect bestowed on him. Frankincense is the subtlest poison for a man of the Church. It is an exciting ephemeral, like many narcotics, and after a certain time you risk being intoxicated.

How many acid, bitter, discouraged priests, because they were unable to establish themselves in the plan of redemption! I am ready to purify and guide them, if they accept to be docile to the action of my Spirit. it is your job to present them to me, to offer them fraternally to the rays of my love. Think of the young priests, full of apostolic ardor and overflowing zeal, who believe they can reform the Church without starting to reform themselves.

Think of intellectuals, so useful, indeed much needed, provided that they continue their studies and research with great humility, to serve, without despising anyone.

Think of the priests of mature age, who believe they have full possession of all their means and are so easily led to do without me.

Think of the elderly confreres, exposed to the misunderstandings of young people, who feel outdated and often put aside. They are in the most fruitful period of their life, during which renunciation takes place: it sanctifies them to the extent that they accept it with love.

Think of your dying brothers; gain their trust, surrender to my mercy. Their faults, their mistakes, their blunders have long since been erased. I do not remember if not the momentum of their initial donation, the efforts, the efforts, the weariness they endured for me.

I need priests, the life of which is the concrete expression of my prayer, my praise, my humility, my charity.

I need priests who, with delicacy and infinite respect, take care to sculpt my divine effigy day after day on the faces of those I entrust to them.

I need priests who are dedicated first of all to supernatural realities, to animate all of the real life of man today.

I need priests who are spiritual professionals and not officials or braggart; of meek priests, full of benevolence, patient, rich above all in a spirit of service, who never confuse authority with self-restraint; in short, of priests deeply full of love, who seek only one thing and have only one purpose: that Love be more loved.

Don't you think that I can, in a few minutes, earn you several hours of your work and several souls in your activity? This must be said to the world, especially to the world of priests, whose spiritual fruitfulness should not be measured by the intensity of their desire to produce, but by the availability of their soul to the action of my Spirit.

What matters to me is not to read a lot, to speak a lot, to do a lot, but to allow myself to act through you.

Rest assured that if I occupy in a priest's life, in a priest's heart, in a priest's prayer all the place I desire, then he will find his balance, his full realization, the fullness of his spiritual fatherhood.

How great and terrible is a priest's soul! A priest can at this point continue me and attract towards me, or, alas!, Disappoint and distance me, sometimes wanting to attract to himself.

A priest without love is a body without a soul. More than any other, the priest must be at the mercy of my Spirit, let himself be led and animated by him.

Think of the fallen priests, many of whom have many excuses: lack of training, lack of asceticism, lack of fraternal and paternal support, misuse of their possibilities, whence disappointment, discouragement, temptations and the rest ... They are never have been happy, and how many times have they felt nostalgia for the divine! Don't you think that in my heart I have more power in forgiving than they have in sinning? Welcome them fraternally in your thoughts and prayers. it is also through them, in which not everything is bad, that I work the redemption of the world.

See me in each of them, sometimes wounded and disfigured, but worship in them what remains of me and you will revive my Resurrection in all.

Basically, there is only one category of priests that saddens me deeply. They are those who, due to progressive professional deformation, have become proud and hard. Will to power, affirmation of their "I" have progressively emptied their soul of that profound charity which should inspire all their attitudes and all their practices.

How bad a hard priest does! How good a good priest does! Repair first. Support the seconds. I forgive many things to the priest who is good. I withdraw from the priest who has hardened. In him there is no place for me. I choke on it.

The inner and outer noise prevents many men from listening to my voice and understanding the meaning of my appeals. It is therefore important that in this hyperactive and overheated world the areas of silence and calm multiply, where men can find me, converse with me, give themselves to me freely.

To make a country a Christian community, where the best in man can develop, this country must be placed in a state of prayer. Well, the teachers of prayer are priests par excellence, and their influence is related to their intimacy with me.

Offer me often the sufferings of your brother priests: sufferings of the spirit, of the body, of the heart; unite them with those of my Passion and of the Cross so that, from this union, they will draw their full value of pacification and co-redemption.

Ask my Mother to help you on this mission and think especially of it in the celebration of the mes-sa, in union with her and her maternal presence.

Do not forget. Redemption is above all a work of love before it is a work of organization.

Ah! if all your brother priests decided to believe that I love them; that without me they cannot do anything, yet that I need them to be able to hand-celebrate to the extent that my heart desires!

I am in each of those consecrated virgins who offered their youth and their life in the service of the Missions, in the service of my Church. They are present, charity of their hearts, energy of their wills, mone-texts of their efforts, of their sacrifices, and I pass through them to reach the souls.

Offer me these living hosts in which I hide, in which I work, I pray, I desire.

Think of the thousands of women who have consecrated themselves to me and who have received the irreplaceable mission of continuing my Mother's action in the Church, on condition that they allow themselves to be invaded by me in contemplation.

What my Church is currently lacking are not the dedications, the initiatives, the activities, but the proportionate dose of authentic contemplative life.

The ideal is that there is, in a consecrated soul, a lot of science together with a lot of love and a lot of humility. But a little less science is worth more with a lot of love and humility, than not a lot of science with a little less love and humility.

Ask me to arouse in the world contemplative souls who, endowed with a universal spirit, take on the part of prayer and expiation of many, currently closed to the calls of my grace.

Remember: Teresa of Avila contributed to the salvation of as many souls as Francis Xavier with her apostolic courses; Teresa of Lisieux deserved to be called Patroness of the Missions.

To save the world are not those who fidget, nor those who construct theories; they are those who, living intensely of my Love, mysteriously propagate it on earth.

I am the High Priest and you are a priest only by participation and by extension of my priesthood. By incarnating in the womb of my Mother, my divine Person took on human nature and thus I recapitulated in myself all the spiritual needs of humanity.

In this way all men can and must be inserted in this movement of sacralization; but the priest is the specialist, the professional of the sacred. Even when he works, albeit manually, nothing is profane in him. But if he works with a clear awareness of his belonging to me, if at least he virtually works for me and in union with me, then I am in him, I work with him for the glory of my Father, in the service of his brothers. He becomes my possessed, my alter ego, and in him I myself attract the men he approaches to my Father.

Share my concerns for my Church and, in a particular way, for my priests. They are my "favorites", even those who, under the raging storm, temporarily abandon me. I feel great pity for them and for the souls that were entrusted to them; but my mercy towards them is inexhaustible, if under the influence of the prayers and sacrifices of their brothers, they throw themselves into my arms ... Their ordination has marked them indelibly, and even if not they can no longer exercise a ministerial priesthood, their life, reaching my redemptive oblation, can be an offering of love that I make use of.

Take advantage of the time I leave you on this earth, the period of your existence in which you can deserve, to ask me intensely that the con-templative souls multiply, the mystical souls. They are the ones who save the world and obtain the spiritual renewal they need from the Church.

At this moment certain pseudo-theologians throw their intellectual lucubrations to the four winds, they believe they purify the faith, while they only disturb it.

Only those who have met me in silent prayer, in humble reading of Sacred Scripture, in profound union with me, can speak about me with competence, since I myself inspire their thoughts and speak through their lips.

The world is bad. My Church is also divided; my body suffers from it. Vocation graces are suffocated and die. Satan is unleashed. As happened in the history of the Church after each Council, he sows discord everywhere; he makes spirits blind to spiritual realities and hard hearts to the calls of my love.

it is necessary that the priests and all consecrated persons react, offer all the sufferings, all the agonies of humanity joining them to mine, pro mundi vita.

Ah! if men understood that I am the source of all virtues, the source of all holiness, the source of true joy!

Who, better than my priests, can reveal these things? Provided, however, that they accept to be my close friends and live accordingly! All this requires sacrifices, but immediately rewarded by the fruitfulness and serene joy that pervades them.

You have to agree to give me the time I ask. When did it happen that fidelity to consecrate an exclusive day from time to time compromised the ministry?

We no longer know how to do penance; therefore there are so few spiritual educators and few contemplative souls.

I am as opposed to pessimism and victimism as I wish you not to be afraid of that passing frustration which can result in a small sacrifice and a slight deprivation, desired or accepted for love.

My word always remains true: If you do not do penance, you will all perish. But, if you are generous, beware of what my Spirit suggests to you and which will never harm your health and the duty of your state; if you are faithful to join the spiritual oblation that I do not cease to offer in you, you will contribute to canceling many sins of the people and above all many betrayals of my consecrated persons; you will obtain abundant graces so that this troubled post-Council period will see the rise, in all environments and in all continents, new hosts of saints who will teach the astonished world again the secret of true joy.

Taken by me, in persona mea, during the mass the priest changes the bread in my body and the wine in my blood.

Taken by me, in persona me, at the confessional he cancels, with absolution, the sins of the repentant sinner. Taken by me, in persona me, he performs, or should perform, all the acts of the ministry.

Hired by me, persona mea, thinks, speaks, prays, feeds, distracts.

The priest no longer belongs to himself, he gave himself to me freely, body and soul, forever. Therefore it can no longer be entirely like other men. He is in the world, but he is no longer in the world. In a special and unique title, he is mine.

He must try to identify with me with the communion of thought and heart, with the sharing of worries and desires, with an ever-increasing intimacy.

With his behavior he must tend to express something of my immense respect for my Father and my inexhaustible goodness towards all men, whoever they are.

He must continually renew the gift of everything himself to me so that I may fully be what I want to be in him.

Many souls allow themselves to be intoxicated by deceptive pleasure and intoxicating ideology, to the point of closing in on themselves and becoming incapable of free movement towards me. Still, I call them, but they don't hear. I attract them, but they have made themselves impervious to my influence.

For this I urgently need the consecrated persons. Ah! if they bothered to put together all the miseries of this mad world and to invoke my help in the name of those whom the devil keeps chained, my grace could more easily overcome many resistances.

Consecrated persons are the salt of the earth. When the salt is no longer salty, what can it do? When I called them, they said "Yes" generously; and I will never forget this. But small weaknesses then caused serious resistance to my grace, sometimes under the pretext of an urgency in the fulfillment of the duty of state.

If they had been faithful to the strong times of prayer, their in-timidity with me would have been safeguarded and their apostolic activities, far from suffering, would have been more fruitful.

Fortunately, many faithful souls still exist in the world. It is they that delay, if not prevent, the great catastrophes that threaten humanity.

Ask that the educators and the spiritual educators become more and more numerous. This fact made possible the renewal of the Church after the trials of the Reformation in the sixteenth century and after the upheaval of the French Revolution. It will again be this that in the next few years will facilitate a new springtime for the Christian community and will gradually prepare, despite the accumulation of obstacles of all kinds, an era of fraternity and progress towards unity.

This will not prevent men from living according to their time, from taking an interest in even the material problems of their time; but it will provide them with light and power to influence the public opinion of their contemporaries and contribute to beneficial solutions.

The invitation to come to me, I address to everyone, but I need the collaboration of men so that my appeal is accepted. My strength of attraction must pass through the reflection of my face in the soul of my members, in particular of consecrated persons.

Through their goodness, their humility, their meekness, their welcome, the irradiation of their joy I want to reveal myself.

Words, of course, are necessary; the structures are useful; but what touches the hearts is my Presence, perceived and almost felt through "mine". There is a radiation that emanates from me that does not deceive.

This I expect more and more from you.

By dint of looking at me, of contemplating me, you are penetrated, impregnated by my divine radiations; and at the right time, your words will be charged with my light and will become effective.

My love for men is not loved. it is so often forgotten, unknown, rejected! These resistances prevent the spirits from opening up to the light and the hearts from opening up to my tenderness.

Fortunately, there are humble and generous souls in all countries, in all living environments and in all ages; their love shelters for a thousand blasphemies, for a thousand refusals.

The priest must be the first host of his priesthood. The offering of oneself must join mine, for the benefit of the multitude. Each of its corners constitutes a missed profit for many souls. Each patient and loving acceptance of it is immediately worth a precious gain for my growth of love in this world.

Trust in my power that shines in your weakness and transforms it into courage and generosity. I wish to see you spend an hour with me alive in the host, but never come alone: ​​recap in you all the souls that I have mysteriously bound to yours and humbly make yourself a channel of my divine radiations.

Nothing becomes useless of small sacrifices, small activities, small sufferings, if they are lived in a state of oblation and love for your brothers.

Be more and more the host of your priesthood. A priesthood that does not involve the oblation of the priest is a one-time priesthood. It risks being sterile and hindering the work of my redemption.

The more spiritualized the priest is, the more he accepts to be a co-redemptor.


Others preached the terror of death. You preach the joys of death.

"I will come to you like a thief." So I said, not to scare you, but out of love, so that you will always be ready and live every moment as you would like to have experienced it at the moment of your definitive rebirth.

If men looked more at their lives in the rearview mirror of death, they would give it its true meaning.

Therefore it is not necessary that they consider death with terror, but with confidence and understand all the value of the meritorious phase of their existence.

Live on earth as if you were returning from heaven. Be down here like the man who came back from beyond. You are a deferred dead. You should have entered eternity a long time ago, and now who on earth would talk about you?

I leave you on earth for a few more years, so that I will lead a life imbued with heavenly nostalgia, in which some glimmers of the sky can be seen filtering.

Have I not given you, several times, the signs of my concern? So what are you afraid of? I am always present and always close to you, even when everything seems to collapse, even and especially at the moment of death. Then you will see what my arms are that will tighten on you and hold you on my heart. You will discover why and for whom your works, your sufferings will be served. You will thank me for guiding you as I did, preserving you from numerous physical and moral dangers, leading you along unexpected, sometimes disconcerting paths, making your life a profound unity in the service of your brothers.

You will thank me, by better understanding the conduct of God towards you and towards others. Your song of thanksgiving will grow, as you discover the mercies of the Lord for you and for the world.

There is no remission without blood effusion. My blood cannot fulfill its precious mission of atonement, except to the extent that humanity lovingly accepts to mix a few drops of its own blood with the blood of my Passion.

Offer me the death of men, so that they will live on my Life.

Think about what our meeting in the light will be like. For this you were created, you worked, you suffered. There will come a day when I will welcome you. Think about it often and offer me the hour of your death in advance, uniting it with mine.

Think of what the after-death will be, the endless joy of a soul irradiated with light and love, who lives in fullness the offertory impulse of all his being for me towards the Father, and receiving for me, returning from the Father, all the richness of divine youth.

Yes, look at death with confidence and take advantage of the end of your life to prepare yourself for it with love.

Think of the deaths of all your brother men: 300.000 every day. What power of co-redemption they would represent if they were offered. Don't forget it: oportet sacerdotem offers. It's up to you to offer them on behalf of those who don't think about it. This is one of the most effective ways to enhance my Calvary sacrifice and to enrich your daily mass.

There are many who do not suspect at all that I will call them tonight: so many road accidents, so many brute thrombosis, so many unexpected causes. There are also many patients who do not suspect the seriousness of their condition at all.

In the evening, fall asleep in my arms; that's how you will die and get to heaven at the time of the big date with me.

Do all things thinking about that moment. This will help you in many circumstances to maintain your serenity, without holding back your dynamism.

For your love I have accepted to die. You cannot show me greater love than accepting to die in union with me.

You won't be disappointed. Dazzled by the exalting splendors that you will discover, you will have only one regret: that of not having loved enough.

Often continue to unite your death to mine and to offer it to the Father through the hands of Mary, under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

In the name of your death combined with mine, you can also ask for immediate help to live better at present, in the wake of divine charity. In doing so, there is nothing you cannot achieve.

Your heart is ever more open to my mercy, humbly confident in my divine tenderness that envelops you from all sides and invisibly fertilizes your ordinary activities, giving them a spiritual value that goes far beyond the boundaries of time.

What is the use of living, if not to grow in love? What is the use of dying, if not to eternally realize one's love and be fulfilled forever in it?

My son, I made you foretaste something of what could have been the feast of heaven, and what you have just faintly perceived is nothing compared to reality. Then you will find out how far I have been and am a tender and loving God. You will understand why I care so much that men love each other, forgive each other and help each other. You will understand the spiritualizing and purifying value of patience and suffering.

Your continuous discovery of the divine depths will be an exquisite and thrilling adventure. Your assimilation by my divinity will transfigure you and make you participate together with all your brothers, also transfigured, in a common and exalting thanksgiving.

The liturgical feasts of the earth, with their multiple reasons for being, are nothing but the prefiguration of the eternal feasts that do not tire and leave the soul completely satisfied and still thirsty.

With my death I made the world alive. With the renewed oblation of my death I continue to give life to men. But I need a surplus of dead to overcome, without harming their freedom, the hesitations, the reticence, the resistance of those who do not want to listen to my call or who, despite having listened to it, do not want to let me penetrate them.

I am the sky! To the extent that you allow yourselves to be taken up by me, according to your degree of charity, you will enjoy infinite joy and you will receive from the Father all light and all glory!

Then there will be no more tears, no suffering, no ignorance, no misunderstandings, no jealousies, no misunderstandings, no messery, but filial thanksgiving towards the Holy Trinity and fraternal thanksgiving to each other.

You will see again the least events of your earthly life, but you will relive them in the synthesis of the love that has allowed them, transfigured, purified them.

Your humility will be great and joyful, and will make you transparent like crystal to all the reflections of divine misery!

You will vibrate in unison with my heart and in harmony with each other, recognizing yourselves as mutual benefactors and contemplating the part of effectiveness that I mutually gave you for the joy of all.

You will have a joyful, peaceful and loving death. The passage is not painful for the one who breathes in an act of love and reaches me in the light. Trust me. As I have been present in all instants of your life on earth, I will be present at the moment of your entry into eternal Life, and my Mother, who has shown herself so good to you, will also be present, with all her sweet sweetness. triad.

Do you think so often, as you should, of the friendly souls in purgatory, who cannot obtain the progressive and luminous incandescence by their means alone? They need some of their brothers on earth to deserve and make in their name that choice of love which they did not know how to make before their death.

Here lies the interest in your remaining down here and in the prolongation of human life. If the elders were better aware of their power and of the repercussions of their small meritorious oblations in favor of the brothers of the earth and of the brothers beyond; if they understood better the value of their last years, during which they can obtain, in peace and serenity, so many graces, and at the same time procure for themselves such an overabundance of eternal light and joy!

For them death will be sweeter, since I promise a special grace of assistance to all those who have lived for others before for themselves. Isn't that what love consists of? Isn't that how one prepares to die by loving?

I know the hour of your death and the way it will happen, but convince yourself that I am the one who has chosen it for you, with all my love, to give your earthly life the maximum of spiritual fruitfulness. You will be happy to leave your body to permanently enter me.

In the great moment of your departure, you will have, together with my presence, every grace, now unimaginable. And the measure of your love will make you fully cooperate with it.

You die as you lived. If you live on love, death will catch you in a breath of love.

I will be there at the end of your journey, after having been your travel companion all your life. Make better use of the time that separates you from the great meeting: every hour join my prayer, communicate to my oblation, penetrate my outbursts of love. Frequently inhale my Spirit, to quicken the beats of your heart. Through him the charity of your God spreads in you.

With the thought of heaven waiting for you, you discover joy in the midst of sufferings and optimism in the midst of the turmoil of the present time. Preach optimism to discouraged souls. If even the storm breaks loose and attacks the boat of my Church, we must not get lost.

Do I not dwell in her until the end of time? Instead of being discouraged, appeals should be made to me: Lord, save us, we perish! Increase faith in my presence and my power.

Then my tenderness will be discovered and my inexhaustible mercy will be found.

How you look at death must be a matter of faith for you, a matter of trust, a matter of love!

Wedding ring! The perception of the sky cannot correspond to an image of experience and therefore lies beyond any sensible impression. This offers you the chance to deserve during the earthly phase of your existence, as where would the credit be if you could know everything right now? There is a time for everything.

Trust! What you do not know from direct experience, you can know it by leaning on my word and trusting me. I have never deceived you and I am not capable of it. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. What I can say is that everything will be much more beautiful than you can conceive and even desire.

Love! Only love allows you, certainly not to see, but to foresee what I have in store for you: and this to the extent that on earth you have suffered and suffered.

the light of glory is so beautiful!

Participation in our Trinitarian joy is so thrilling. the flame of love by which you will be made incandescent for this total communion, in a universal and definitive charity, is so "beyond any definition". If on earth you could have a sensitive and lasting perception of it, your life would become impossible!

If those who are about to die could see the torrent of happiness that can invade them at any moment, not only would they not be afraid, but with what enthusiasm they would like to reach me!

In these days you have thought a lot about your after-death, without neglecting your earthly commitment: have you not observed that the thought of the beyond gives its true dimension to your service in the face of eternity?

The same happens for small sufferings, disappointments, contrarieties. Quid hoc ad aeternitatem? it is in the midst of small and large pains that my universal work of redemption is realized, day after day, without your realizing it.

With thought and desire you are already living your after-death. it is the best touchstone of reality.

Death, you know well, will be more than a departure, an arrival, with more reunions than separations. It will be a finding myself in the light of my Beauty, in the fire of my Tenderness, in the ardor of my Recognition.

You will see me as I am and you will let yourself be fully absorbed by me to be in your place, in the Trinitarian dwelling.

You will greet the Virgin full of glory, you will see how far she is with the Lord and the Lord is with Her. You will tell her your boundless gratitude for her maternal conduct towards you.

You will be able to join your friends in Heaven, your guardian angel and all the friends of the earth, glowing with love and bright with uncontaminated joy.

You will find your sons and daughters according to the spirit, and at the same time you will rejoice for what you owe to the lowest members as to the most important of my glorious Body.

When the hour of our meeting comes, you will understand to what extent the death of my servants is precious to my heart when it is joined to mine.

It is the great means to vivify rebellious humanity and to bring about the spiritualization of the world.


"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for what you want and it will be given to you" (Jn 15,7: XNUMX). Do you not see, finding so many providential signs, to what extent is this word true?

I am in you The one who guides you, sometimes in contrast with your projects that are more than normal and legitimate. How right you are to trust me! The most complicated situations are resolved at the appropriate time, as if by magic.

But two conditions are necessary:

1. stay in me;

2. be listening to my words.

you need to think more of me, live more for me, be more available to me, share everything with me, identify yourself as much as possible to me.

it is necessary that you perceive the reality of my presence in you, a presence at the same time silent and speaking and remain listening to what I say to you without the sound of a word.

I am the Verbum silens, the silent word that penetrates your spirit, and if you are attentive, if you are collected, my light dispels the darkness of your thought, and you can thus understand what I want you to know.

As the intimacy between you and me grows, there is nothing that you cannot obtain from my power, for you and for all those around you, for the Church and for the world. In this way the contemplative can fertilize every activity, which is thus purified from every ambiguity and made profoundly fertile.

The summer of 1970 is drawing to a close.

On September 22, in the evening, Father Courtois wrote in his notebook the latest expressions that we have reported. Then draw a line.

That evening is better than many other nights. After dinner, he stops for a while "with the family", reassuring us with his cordial smile.

Then he retires to his room, after wishing good night.

On that night the Lord comes to seek his faithful servant.

«In the evening, fall asleep in my arms; this is how you will die ... "he wrote, as dictated by Jesus, on October 18, 1964. This serene death, without a shadow of agony, in full sleep, which came about six years after those words were written, does not appear as a another "sign" of the value of his message?