When your guardian angel speaks to you in dreams

Sometimes God can allow an angel to communicate messages to us by means of a dream, as he did with Joseph who was told: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take your wife Mary with you, because what is generated in she comes from the Holy Spirit ... Awakened from sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had ordered "(Mt 1, 20-24).
On another occasion, the angel of God said to him in a dream: "Get up, take the child and his mother with you and fled to Egypt and stay there until I warn you" (Mt 2:13).
When Herod is dead, the angel returns in a dream and says to him: "Get up, take the child and his mother with you and go to the land of Israel" (Mt 2:20).
Even Jacob, while sleeping, had a dream: “A ladder rested on the earth, while its top reached the sky; and behold the angels of God went up and down on it ... Here the Lord stood before him ... Then Jacob woke from sleep and said: ... How terrible this place is! This is the very house of God, this is the door to heaven! " (Gn 28, 12-17).
The angels watch over our dreams, rise to heaven, descend to earth, we could say that they act in this way to bring our prayers and actions to God.
While we sleep, the angels pray for us and offer us to God. How much our angel prays for us! Did we think to thank him? What if we ask the angels of our family or friends for prayers? And to those who are worshiping Jesus in the tabernacle?
We ask the angels for prayers for us. They watch over our dreams.