When you are in trouble there is this very powerful prayer

Each of us can be in one difficult situation even such as to think that there is no way out. Well, we must never lose Faith and Hope in the merciful intervention of Our Lord. Here, then, is a prayer that could be for you when you think the world is collapsing on you ...

O Almighty, I with all my faith please give me comfort. In my difficult situation do not abandon me, oh good Jesus. Open your doors in my way so that your almighty arms open and close to receive that tranquility that I so desire.

(Make your request)

O my God, receive this plea from a wounded heart that is always fighting for me. With Your divine power never make me run away because I don't see any help. Almighty Jesus help me to find refuge forever in Your heavenly homeland,


This is a very powerful prayer that, if uttered with sincere faith from the heart, will be answered. Be sure to share this prayer to all people who need it in their times of trouble and don't forget the thanks for all answered prayers!

Source: Catholicshare.com.