Quarantine and Lent: God seeks something from us

Dear friend, today I want to reflect on the period we are experiencing. As you know the world is on its knees especially our Italy for the coronavirus that is spreading more and more on our territory. For the Church, the problems are increasing since a little public celebration has been banned. All this is taking place in an annual period of the important Catholic Church in fact we are in Lent. Lent for us Catholics is a period of reflection, of penance, of florets and prayers. But how many Catholics do all this? Most of the faithful who perform spiritual activities in Lent are those close to God who seek to give true spiritual meaning in everything they do. Instead a good part in this period do everything they do during the year: I worked, eat, do their business, relationships, shopping, without giving a sense of penance to this period.

Dear friend, I happened to make a reflection tonight that I want to say to you "doesn't it seem strange to you that this forced quarantine for the coronavirus did not happen by chance?".

Don't you think that at this time that we can't have too many distractions but are obliged to stay indoors is a message from Heavenly Father?

Dear friend to me who likes to put the finger of God in everything that happens in the world and in the life of a man I can tell you that together quarantine and Lent is no accident.

The quarantine wants us to reflect that the things that we say "everything" like business, career, entertainment, dinners, trips out, shopping, are taken away from us as nothing. In this period, the very life of some people was taken as a nothing.

But things have not been taken from us such as family, prayer, meditation, being together. The same shopping makes us understand that we can resist without buying luxury things but only the primary goods for living.

Dear friend, the message of God in this period is an obligatory penance. This quarantine was done which ends just before Easter to allow us time to reflect. And who among us in these days has not had time to make a prayer, read a meditation or turn a single thought to God? Perhaps many practitioners have not listened to Mass but many, many people, even atheists and non-believers, or out of fear or reflection, have turned their gaze to the Crucified One, even simply to ask why this is all.

The reason was written over three thousand years ago by the prophet Isaiah "all will turn their gaze to the one who pierced". We now live this period because many of us, even if they didn't want to, have looked at the Crucifix. It will be a little rich but very spiritual Easter. Many of us have discovered a different sense of our existence that the material race in this world had made us abandon.

This is not a quarantine but a real Lent that we all had to do.