Four questions about Medjugorje that everyone asks themselves

1. Why are so many churchmen opposed to any supernatural phenomenon?

First of all, prudence in these facts is explainable and necessary, where diabolical deception is so easy. Pastors must exercise their discernment, without preconceptions. Furthermore, they rightly take care to bring the faithful, first of all, to the source of faith which is the Word of God taught by the Church and to His means of salvation. Many faithful, too simple or zealous or exalted who they are, forget it and give absolute and exclusive value to events, which are so strong calls and salutary warnings, but which must lead us back to the main source of salvation.

Having said that, there are also those who want to close their eyes, even if they have seen, in order not to compromise themselves, when it would be possible, with appropriate and prudent interventions, to lead faithful and manifestations in the right riverbed, that is, in the Church, this especially where it began. a great current of prayer and grace. But some do not feel a priori to get out of a comfortable behavior, shared by public opinion, they are afraid of the truth: they fear the scandal of the cross which, as the Pope says, always accompanies the authentic signs of God (Ut unum sint, n .1). How can you believe that you take the glory of men and do not seek the glory that comes from God alone (Jn 5,44:12,57)? The signs of the times are so clear, that they can be known by everyone, even without waiting for the judgments of authority, if Jesus said: And why don't you judge for yourselves what is right (Lk XNUMX)? But to know the things of God you need a free heart.

2. Why are some brothers looked badly in their communities?

Many brothers and sisters received the grace of a total change of life in Medjugorje and brought it to their communities and groups. Yet, despite their good reasons, they are marked by the finger, sometimes they are considered advocates of sects and disruptors of the common order and, as such, marginalized. Without doubt, God allows this so that they affirm less and less themselves to disappear in the Church, participating fully in the life of it, to the point of suffering and dying for it, perhaps becoming wheat fallen on the ground that will bring fruit and leaven of life. For their part, they must use great care in humbly freeing themselves from particularistic or strange elements, from closures that feel like ghetto, from singular devotions or practices even if inspired, but not accepted, in humble submission to the shepherds. By accepting obedience to the ecclesial line, they must carry their cross and not pretend to win, to deserve recognition, or worse, to have the exclusivity of the truth. This cross that awaits them is not injustice, but purification that will bear many fruits and the resurrection of souls. In the end, humility and charity pay.

3. Why doesn't Our Lady stop violence in the land where she appears?

This asks Sister C. of BS, echoing so many people who ask themselves simply why Mary does not intervene in so much horror. Even in Fatima - we could answer it Madonna had foreseen the many evils that Russia would have spread in the world and the third world war, if she had not listened to her message and if she had not consecrated the world to her Immaculate Heart (which happened a lot) later, due to the resistance of the bishops, by John Paul II in 1984). And unfortunately we know what happened. Even in Kibeho Maria had announced the carnage 10 years earlier, which then took place in Rwanda last year, but they had not taken it seriously.
And even in Medjugorje, in the midst of such divided peoples, the Queen of Peace at the beginning (1981) appeared in mourning invoking: Peace, Peace, Peace; and later he said: Wars can be stopped with prayer and fasting. Has it been recognized? Did we listen to it? Our Lady cannot constrain the will of men, and even God cannot. Or do we pretend, like the Jews, to see miracles from heaven to believe: Come down from the cross and will we believe you?
"It is not yet too late for our Bishops" - "Around Medjugorje I have no doubts since the beginning of 1981. It is a great damage that our Church has so poorly responded to the messages of conversion of Our Lady. Jesus says we will all end badly if we don't get converted. It is true that our Bishops and our priests constantly invite to conversion. But if Jesus sent His Mother to Medjugorje it is clear that he has linked great graces of conversion to her invitations, which are received there. Precisely with these graces, distributed through His Mother Queen of Peace in Medjugorje, Jesus wanted to bring peace to our people.
I think for this reason that those who hinder a response to the Queen of Peace are charged with a great responsibility: you appear in Medjugorje and invite us to conversion. But it is not too late for our Bishops to invite people to Medjugorje, because these invitations and messages from Our Lady still continue. (Archbishop Frane Franic ', emeritus archbishop of Split - from Nasa Ognista, March 95).

4. Does Medjugorje not give importance to the Word of God?

So Sister Paolina of Cosenza, reporting an observation of her environment. The messages of Medjugorje make express reference to the Holy Scriptures and make reading the Bible one of the first commitments of the people of God. Today I invite you to read the Scriptures every day in your homes: place it in a clearly visible place, so that you always encourage them to read it and pray to it (18.10.84). In a subsequent message he repeats more strongly the invitation: Each family must pray together and read the Bible (14.02.85), what has been done and is done every morning in many families, as well as in the evening liturgy. Pray and read the Scriptures so that in it, through my coming, you can find the message that is for you.
(25.06.91/25.08.93/XNUMX). Read the scripture, live it and pray to be able to understand the signs of this time (XNUMX).
As seen above, the 14.02.'85 is the only time that the Madonna uses the verb "morati", that is "duty" in a message, instead of the usual "invite". "At the beginning, in the meetings of the Jelena group, I saw myself reading the Bible and, after a bit of silence, the members expressed what they felt" - says Archbishop Kurt Knotzinger in a comprehensive article on this theme (Medjugorje an invitation to prayer, n.1, 1995 - Tocco da Casauria, PE). So it is now customary in the various prayer groups. We can say that the messages of Medjugorje contain only the Word of God, in an easily accessible garment, and are a pressing invitation to implement it because the people of God have forgotten it: this is repeated even today in Medjugorje.

Source: Eco di Maria nr. 123