What you need to do to win the devil


In this long and treacherous battle, which rarely gives evident satisfactions, the usual means we have are:
1) Living in the grace of God, as faithful members of the Church.
2) industrious obedience to family, civil and religious superiors (Satan is the rebel par excellence and hates true humility).
3) Frequent participation (also every day) in the Holy Mass.
4) Prayer, personal and family, intense and sincere. - to live the sacrament of Confession with frequency and devotion;
- have a habitual repentance of our sins;
- offer heartfelt forgiveness to those who offend or persecute us and loyally ask others if we are guilty;
- goodwill and order in one's daily duties;
- courageous acceptance of one's crosses;
- choice of free and simple mortifications, to be carried out with criteria and with love.
6) Concrete practice of charity, in corporal and spiritual works of mercy. For the love of God, we must strive to think well, to speak well and to treat our neighbor well every day.
7) Intense devotion to the Eucharistic Jesus. In the Holy Mass he renews his Passion and therefore his perfect victory over the Demon, and in his continuous and active presence in the Holy Tabernacle we are refuge, support, comfort.
8) Devotion to the Holy Spirit, of which we are, body and soul, living temple. How much fury is unleashed in the Devil, when he is exorcised in the name of Baptism and Confirmation that the person has received!

Humility of heart

Devotion, as children with the Mother, to Our Lady, is a guarantee of salvation for all.
She is true Mother of God, and true Mother of the Church. As Mother of each of us, he acts as a person whom God considers indispensable for our Christian "formation".
The humble Queen of the universe is the Lady of Angels and the terror of Hell. This is why under the most specious pretexts, the Devil tries to "downsize", or rather, destroy Marian devotion in the people of God. And he finds many allies even where it would not be expected.
It remains true, on the level of free Providence that it is Mary in charge to bend and crush the head of the ancient Serpent.
With devotion to Our Lady, which leads to purity and simplicity of spirit, devotion to St. Joseph, and to St. Michael the Archangel, to our Guardian Angel, to our Dead also flourishes.
It is good to use with humble faith, and therefore far from superstition, sacred signs and objects (e.g. sign of the Cross, the Crucifix, the Gospel, the Crown of the Rosary, the Agnus Dei, holy water, salt or l blessed oil, the Relics of the Cross and Saints).
Caution is needed in order not to put ourselves in temptations, in dangers. And let us, in difficulties, make prompt recourse to God with acts of love and repentance, with many ejaculations.
We also need to receive special blessings, or real exorcisms, which nullify Satan's hatred and men's malice.

Who we want to help

It is Providence that does everything; we only put our goodwill into forming this spiritual and luminous chain of love around:
- people possessed or disturbed by the devil: some are aware of it, after having done tests on clinical tests and having spent capital on treatments and medicines; others, on the other hand, consider themselves to be poor physical or mentally ill people, tossed left and right;
- people who are really ill-treated, so that they can find peace and well-being of health and family;
- superstitious and determined people to accept the right remedy in true faith and medical treatment. We would also like to help:
- relatives, superiors and friends of the obsessed, so that they know and indicate the right path for their loved ones;
- evil people because they convert, and defeat the evil they have done with the help of the devil;
- people who in the scientific field (doctors, psychologists, etc.) have a duty to advise and treat. That they do not naively see the Devil where he has nothing to do with it, but that they do not exclude him, in principle taken, where he is responsible;
- the exorcists, priests or lay people, because they fulfill this mission with faith and courage, but also with humility, with prudence and competence. Do not mess with the Devil!

A communion of hearts

The aim that we propose, which concerns the restricted sector of Satan's possessions, is concretized in a new, simple and very practicable initiative.
We aim to devote one hour of our day to the fight against the Devil. In the meantime an hour of the evening was chosen (roughly between 21 pm and 22 pm, according to the commitments of each). We want to live it this way: - We recall these intentions every evening, with a thought.
- Let's do at least one prayer, with the mind or with the lips, alone or with others, as short or long as circumstances and our duties allow us.
- In this hour we carry out our duty with great love, whatever it may be, offering it to God in spiritual union with all the other people who pray and suffer for the same purpose.
There is therefore no obligation of any special formula to be recited, of no specific practice to be performed. There is no fault if sometimes you forget. It will be remedied later or the next day.
To those who have time and manner, we recommend after the Rosary, the prayer that can also be done at home by any person, called "Exorcism of Pope Leo XII".

The exorcist priests

The priests, who want to be part of this holy "chain of love", commit themselves to do the exorcism, in the way that each considers most suitable, as if the suffering were present.
Our Lady will think, according to her clear promise, to send the hosts of Angels to help and to spiritually gather this family of God and her. With Mary, Queen of the Universe and Mother of the Church, we will form a valid barrier against Demons.
Priests are also recommended to dedicate the last part of the Liturgy of the Hours and the last crown of their Rosary for this holy purpose.
To do this evening Exorcism, which is completely private and without even the physical presence of the obsessed and the cursed, no authorization is needed. No danger is encountered.
By participating in this "Chain of love", a humble expression of the "Communion of Saints", the Priests fulfill an explicit command from the Lord: "Drive out the Demons! », And welcome an invitation from their Heavenly Mother.
While carrying out a precious act of priestly charity, they increase in themselves Faith and Grace by overcoming laziness, diffidence and human respect.

Precious rings

It can be part of this "Chain of love", adhering to this spiritual meeting of prayer and charity: - every person not accustomed to the fires of straw, but who intends to persevere serenely in the commitment made;
- the obsessed, tormented by the Devil, praying as they manage, preferably together with their relatives and friends;
- those sick people who have enough faith and courage to think of others and want to bring them spiritual help of prayer and suffering;
- the Sisters of active or contemplative life, especially those whom charity has made directly aware of such painful cases;
- doctors and scholars who deal with this problem with seriousness and scientific humility both in the theoretical study and in practical cases;
- and Priests who feel inspired to collaborate, at least in this way that relies on the "Communion of Saints", for the liberation of the obsessed and for the restoration of the Faith in supernatural realities.

To the glory of God

The good, which will silently derive from this small and large work, which is already spreading in Italy and abroad, will benefit not only the suffering people to whom it is dedicated:
- to those who live in mortal sin, who is the truest victim of Satan, obtaining the grace of conversion; - to whom, through envy or revenge, he also uses the Devil to harm his neighbor, to repent and save himself, before death comes;
- to hasten in the Church the practical solution to the problem of the obsessed, a portion of the people of God that cannot be ignored;
- to weaken and crumble the strength of the diabolical sects, among which Freemasonry excels and among which there are those who sin against the Holy Spirit, worshiping and serving the spirit of evil.
By promoting and carrying out this work desired by Heaven: - glory is given to God in the exercise of the Faith. It is not the opinion of some theologian but it is the truth of faith that the Devils exist!
- Hope is shown. We resort to God in the certainty that He can and wants to help us.
There is no God of good and an God of evil, in eternal conflict! God is the infinite Being, the infinite Love; Satan is a poor, little creature who failed because of his stupid mania for independence;
- Charity takes place. In fact, we live in communion with God (without God what can we do?), With Paradise, with the Church of Purgatory and the Earth. We are concerned on the human and supernatural level with people who are perhaps among the most needy and together are the most rejected;
- the triumph of the Heart of Jesus and Mary is hastened, whose enemies are the Demons and the men who voluntarily turn themselves into slaves and slaves.

It is a gift from the Madonna!

This "Chain of Love" which rests on Faith and realizes Charity, has been suggested and blessed by Our Lady herself, as can be seen from the following:
Milan, January 4 1972
«... My beloved son, here you are still receiving my graces, the lights of the Holy Spirit and my help. Today I want to give you advice and make a wish that will help you and those who work with the same intentions and with the same heart. I wish you to form like a chain of love around the souls disturbed or possessed by the Evil One.
I therefore invite you and all the Priests who desire it, and who feel how important it is to remove the Demon and help those who suffer, to join at a fixed time, to recite the exorcism in their favor.
I promise you that if you have faith, the recitation of the exorcism will have the same effect as if suffering people were present. This way of communicating with God and souls will serve to revive the faith, to give courage to those who dare not expose themselves, and to make your action powerful.
I invite you to invoke me as Lady of the Angels and their Queen. I will send my Angels to your aid and your power will be great. To urge prayer, to revive hopes, to receive more effectively this exorcism given at a distance, you will invite patients who can or their family members in case they are rebellious, to join their thoughts and their heart in God with the Exorcising priests.
It is a gift, my son, that I make to you during this Christmas period and I bless all those who, Priests, Sisters and lay people, will want to join, offering their sufferings and prayers ».
(From Mother Carmela's Messages)

Source: LOVE CHAIN ​​against Satan and the rebel angels DON RENZO DEL FANTE