What St. Francis said to God to obtain the pardon of Assisi

From the Franciscan sources (cf FF 33923399)

One night of the year of the Lord 1216, Francis was immersed in prayer and contemplation in the church of the Porziuncola near Assisi, when suddenly a very bright light spread in the church and Francis saw the Christ above the altar and his Holy Mother on his right, surrounded by a multitude of angels. Francis silently worshiped his Lord with his face on the ground!

Then they asked him what he wanted for the salvation of souls. Francis' response was immediate: "Most Holy Father, although I am a miserable sinner, I pray that everyone, repented and confessed, will come to visit this church, grant him ample and generous forgiveness, with a complete remission of all sins" .

“What you ask, O Brother Francis, is great, the Lord said to him, but you are worthy of greater things and you will have more. I therefore welcome your prayer, but on condition that you ask my Vicar on earth, for my part, for this indulgence ”. And Francis immediately presented himself to Pope Honorius III who was in Perugia in those days and told him with candor the vision he had had. The Pope listened to him carefully and after some difficulty gave his approval. Then he said, "For how many years do you want this indulgence?" Francis snapping replied: "Holy Father, I do not ask for years but souls". And happy he went to the door, but the Pontiff called him back: "How, you don't want any documents?". And Francis: “Holy Father, your word is enough for me! If this indulgence is the work of God, He will think of manifesting his work; I don't need any document, this card must be the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Christ the notary and the Angels the witnesses ".

And a few days later together with the Bishops of Umbria, to the people gathered at the Porziuncola, he said in tears: "My brothers, I want to send you all to Heaven!".