What the Guardian Angel did to Padre Pio and how it helped him

The Guardian Angel helped Pious Father in the fight against Satan. In his letters we find this episode of which Padre Pio writes: «With the help of the good little angel this time he triumphed over the perfidious design of that leg; your letter has been read. The little angel had suggested to me that upon the arrival of your letter I had sprinkled it with holy water before opening it. So I did with your last. But who can say 1st bluebeard anger! he would like to finish me at any cost. He is putting on all his diabolical arts. But it will remain crushed. The little angel assures me, and heaven is with us. The other night he presented himself to me in the guise of our father, sending me a very strict order from the provincial father not to write to you anymore, because it is contrary to poverty and a serious impediment to perfection. I confess my weakness, my father, I wept bitterly believing that this was a reality. And I could never have suspected, even weakly, this being a bluebeard trap, if the little angel had not revealed the deception to me. And only Jesus knows that it took him to persuade me. The companion of my childhood tries to ease the pains that afflict me with these impure apostates, by cradling my spirit in a dream of hope "(Ep. 1, p. 321).

The Guardian Angel explained to Padre Pio the French language that Padre Pio had not studied: "Remove me, if possible, a curiosity. Who taught you French? How come, while before you didn't like it, now you like it "(Father Agostino in the letter dated 20-04-1912).

The Guardian Angel also translated the unknown Greek to Padre Pio. «What will your angel say about this letter? If God wants, your angel could make you understand it; if not, write me ». At the bottom of the letter, the parish priest of Pietrelcina wrote this certificate:

«Pietrelcina, 25 August 1919.
I testify here under the sanctity of the oath, that Padre Pio, after receiving this, literally explained the contents to me. Questioned by me how he could have read and explained it, not even knowing the Greek alphabet, he replied: You know it! The guardian angel explained everything to me.

From the letters of Padre Pio it is known that his Guardian Angel woke him up every morning to dissolve together the morning praises to the Lord:
«At night, even when I close my eyes, I see the veil lower and paradise open; and gladdened by this vision, I sleep in a smile of sweet bliss on the lips and with perfect calm on the forehead, waiting for my little companion from my childhood to wake up and thus dissolve together the morning praises to the delight of our hearts "(Ep. 1, p. 308).