This chaplet against blasphemies gives us great glory in heaven

Jesus revealed to the Servant of God, Sister Saint Pierre:

Every time you repeat this formula you will hurt my love heart. You cannot understand the malice and horror of blasphemy. If my Justice were not held back by Mercy, it would crush the guilty one to whom the same inanimate creatures would avenge themselves, but I have eternity to punish him! Oh, if you knew what degree of glory Heaven will give you saying only once: O admirable Name of God! In a spirit of reparation for blasphemies! ».

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Use a common Corona del S. Rosario.

Start: Ave Maria ...

On the large grains read:

Always be praised,

blessed, loved, adored,

glorified, the Most Holy,

the most holy, the most beloved

yet incomprehensible Name of God

in heaven, on earth or in the underworld,

from all creatures out of the hands of God.

For the Sacred Heart our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Amen.

On small grains:

O admirable Name of God!


Glory to the Father ...