With this devotion, many graces and protection from the devil are obtained, especially in families

Mary's messages: - God wants St. Joseph to be glorified by all men in a special way, because his person is important in recent times for the salvation of the Holy Church and for all humanity.

- My children, love Saint Joseph, my most chaste husband. St. Joseph is commissioned by God to protect you in recent times against satan. Just as St. Joseph defended Me and Jesus in that time when we still lived on earth, so now He will defend each of you against the pitfalls of Satan. Those who will have a deep devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, have the certainty of my blessing and my graces in their lives.

- Saint Joseph is the protector of all families, especially of men, of the spouses. Don't forget to ask for his protection. He intercedes for all and for all families with My Son Jesus. He is the intercessor of all families. Ask for his help when you are in affliction.

- All families consecrate themselves daily to my Immaculate Heart, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. Consecrate your families to the Holy Family every day, have a deep devotion to my Immaculate Heart, to the Heart of my Son Jesus and to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.

- Those who ask for God's blessings through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will receive all graces from Me and My Son Jesus, because my Lord wishes to give you all the graces and virtues through the intercession of St. Joseph .

- Jesus and I wish that alongside the devotion of our Sacred Hearts there is also devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and all my children throughout the world honor with prayers and special prayers the first nine Wednesdays of the month.

- All those who confess and receive Holy Communion on the first Wednesdays of the month by reciting the 7 sorrows and 7 joys of My Most Casting Bridegroom St. Joseph will receive the graces necessary for salvation in the hour of their death.

- I wish that on the first Wednesday after the feast of my Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, it will be considered Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. Ask for the intercession of St. Joseph on this special day and all those who pray with faith and love will receive many graces.

- Try to live every first Friday, every first Saturday and every first Wednesday of the month in a true spirit of prayer, reparation and intimacy with Jesus, with me and with Saint Joseph so that you can receive our graces in abundance.

Messages of Jesus: Whoever has a deep devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will not lose himself eternally. This is my great promise that I make in this holy place. Ask for the protection of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph for the whole Holy Church. May all men know that it is enough to invoke the most holy name of my virginal father Saint Joseph to make all hell tremble and put all demons to flight. I ask that each of My children throughout the world be devoted to the Most Chaste Heart of My Virginal Father, St. Joseph.

Messages of St. Joseph: Through devotion to my most chaste heart, many souls will be saved from the hands of the devil. As I was righteous and I am righteous in the eyes of God, so all those who have devotion to my most chaste heart will be righteous and holy in the eyes of God, because I will enrich them with these graces and virtues, making them grow every day on the road to holiness.

- I promise to those who will honor this most chaste heart of mine and perform good works here on earth in favor of the most needy, mainly the sick and dying, for whom I am comfort and protector, who in the last moment of their life will receive grace of a good death. I myself will be the advocate for these souls with my son Jesus and, together with my Bride Mary Most Holy, we will console them in the last hours of their sufferings here on earth, with our most holy presence, and will rest in the peace of our hearts. My Bride and Holy Mary will lead these souls to the glory of Paradise before their Savior my son Jesus Christ, so that they may rest, reclining near his Sacred Heart, in the ardent furnace of the purest and highest love.

-I promise to all the faithful who will honor this most chaste heart of mine with faith and love, the grace to live the holy purity of soul and body and the strength and means necessary to overcome all the attacks and temptations of the devil. I myself will protect them as my precious part. This grace is not intended only for those who will honor this heart of mine, but also for all their families who need divine help.

- I promise to ask before God, for all those who will appeal to me, honoring my heart, the grace of being able to solve the most difficult problems and the most urgent needs, which in the eyes of men seem impossible to solve, but which for the my intercession with God will become possible.

- I promise all those who will trust in my pure and chaste heart, devoutly honoring it, the grace of being comforted by me in their greatest afflictions of the soul and in the danger of condemnation, if by misfortune they lose divine grace, because of the their serious sins. To these sinners who resorted to me, I promise the graces of my heart for a firm purpose of reparation, repentance and sincere contrition of their sins.

- The fathers and mothers who will consecrate themselves to my heart, like their families, will have my help as much in their afflictions and problems, as in raising and educating their children, since as I raised the Son of the Most High in his Holy Divine Laws, thus I will help all the fathers and mothers who consecrate their children to me to raise them in love and in the Holy Laws of God, so that they will find the safe path of salvation.

- All those who honor this most chaste heart of mine will receive the grace of my protection from all evils and dangers. Those who rely on me will not be torn down by misfortunes, wars, hunger, plagues and other calamities, but will have my heart as a safe haven of protection. Here in my heart everyone will be protected against Divine Justice in the days to come, since those who consecrate themselves to my heart, honoring it, will be looked at by my son Jesus with eyes of mercy. Jesus will spread his love and bring to the glory of His kingdom all those whom I put into my heart.

- All those who will spread devotion to my heart and practice it with love and heart, have the certainty of having their names engraved on it, like the cross of my son Jesus and the M of Mary are imprinted in the form of sores . This also applies to all priests, since I love them with predilection. Priests who have devotion to my heart and spread it, will have the grace, granted by God, to touch the most hardened hearts and to convert the most obstinate sinners.

Mary: Promise of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: All those who honor the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will benefit from my maternal presence in their lives in a special way; I will stand by my every son and daughter, helping and comforting him, with my Motherly Heart, as I have helped and comforted my chaste husband Joseph in this world. And for all that they will ask my Heart with confidence, I promise to intercede before the Eternal Father, My Divine Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, so that they may obtain from the Lord the grace to reach perfect holiness and to imitate My husband Joseph in virtues thus reaching the perfection of love as He lived it.

Jesus: All those who honor the most chaste heart of my virginal father Joseph, will receive the grace on the last day of their life and at the hour of their death, to overcome the deceptions of the enemy of salvation, obtaining the victory and reward you deserve in the Kingdom of my Heavenly Father. Those who devotedly honor this most chaste heart in this world, have the certainty of receiving a great glory in Heaven, a grace that will not be granted to those who will not honor it as I ask. The devoted souls of my virginal father Joseph will benefit from the beatific vision of the Holy Trinity and will have a profound knowledge of the Triune God, the three times Holy. In the Kingdom of Heaven they will also enjoy the presence of my Heavenly Mother and my virginal father Joseph, as well as my heavenly wonders reserved for all of them from eternity. These souls will be dear to the Most Holy Trinity and to my Mother, Most Holy Mary and will surround the most chaste heart of my virginal father Joseph, like the most beautiful lilies. This is my great promise for all men in the whole world devoted to my virginal father Joseph.

“My glorious Saint Joseph take care of my family today, tomorrow and forever. Amen "(3 times).
(Oration taught by the Virgin Mary on May 24, 1996)

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate you on this day (or this night) my mind + my words + my body + my heart + and my soul + so that your holy will may be accomplished through me on this day (or this night). Amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(Prayer taught to the visionary Edson Glauber on December 29, 1996 Feast of the Holy Family)