This prayer of contemplation obtains us thanks and deliverance from the evil one

To be recited near the Holy Face


- Lord, I am here at your feet,
Lord I want to love you
- Lord, I am here at your feet,
Lord I want to love you


Lord, I am here at your feet, Lord I ask strength from You
Lord, I am here at your feet, Lord I ask strength from You
Lord, I am here at your feet, Lord I give my heart to you
Lord, I am here at your feet, Lord I give my heart to you
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

O God come to save me. / O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning and now and always through the ages. Amen

Come Santo Spirito (x 4 times - sung)

Come, O creator Spirit, visit our minds, fill the hearts you created with your grace.
O sweet comforter, gift of the Most High Father, living water, fire, love, holy soul chrism. Finger of the hand of God, promised by the Savior, radiate your seven gifts, arouse the word in us. Be light to the intellect, burning flame in the heart, heal our wounds with the balm of your love. Defend us from the enemy, bring peace as a gift, your invincible guide will protect us from evil. Light of eternal wisdom, reveal to us the great mystery of God the Father and the Son united in one Love. Glory be to God the Father to the Son who is risen and to the consoling Spirit in the endless centuries. Amen.

Come Santo Spirito (x 4 times - sung)
Send, Father, the Holy Spirit to your Church, and renew the face of the earth.

Let's pray:
O God, who instructed your faithful, illuminating their hearts with the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us to have in the same Spirit the taste of good and to always enjoy his comfort. For Christ our Lord. Amen.

We contemplate the 33 years of Jesus' life, through the recitation of the Holy Rosary, meditating on the word of God after the enunciation of the mystery ... we recite it asking him to guide us in the discovery of his mystery to get to contemplate and repair the outrages to his Holy Face . We also ask the Virgin to take us by the hand during the recitation of this rosary dictated by her according to her intentions as in her Medjugorje messages ...

seven mysteries will be recited alternating the soloist with the assembly ...

First Mystery:
Jesus is born in Bethlehem in a cave. Let us pray for peace

I sing to the first mystery


“Also Joseph, who was from the house and family of David, from the city of Nazareth and from Galilee went up to the city of David, called Bethlehem, in Judea, to be registered together with Mary his wife, who was pregnant. Now, while they were in that place, the days of childbirth were fulfilled for her. He gave birth to his firstborn son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the hotel ... The angel said to the shepherds: "Do not be afraid, here I announce a great joy, which it will be of all the people: today there was born in the city of David a savior, who is Christ the Lord. This is the sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger ”. And immediately a multitude of the heavenly army appeared with the angel who praised God and said: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to the men he loves". (Lk 2,4-7.10-14)

5 Our Father, Glory be to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!
Second Mystery:
Jesus helped and gave everything to the poor. Let us pray for the Pope and for the Bishops.

Song to the second mystery

Our Father, listen to us, with your heart we pray:
always stay with us, we trust in you!
Your hand stretch over all your children,
Your kingdom come among us,
Your kingdom come among us.
For the bread every day, for those who live and for those who die,
for those who cry among us, we pray you!
For those with an empty heart, for those who no longer hope,
for whom love has never seen,
for those who have never seen love.

"The day was beginning to decline and the Twelve approached him saying:" Say goodbye to the crowd, to go to the surrounding villages and countryside to lodge and find food, since here we are in a deserted area. " Jesus said to them, 'Give it to yourself to eat.' But they replied: "We have only five loaves and two fish ..." Then He took the five loaves and the two fishes and, raising his eyes to heaven, blessed them, broke them and gave them to the disciples to distribute them to the crowd. All ate and satiated and parts left to them were taken away twelve baskets. " (Lk 9,12-13.16-17)

5 Our Father, Glory be to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!

Third Mystery:
Jesus totally entrusted himself to the Father and carried out his will. Let us pray for consecrated persons

Sing to the third mystery

I am here, I know your heart, I will quench your thirst with living water;
it's me, today I'm looking for you, heart to heart I'll talk to you,
no more evil will strike you, your God you will not have to fear.
If I write my law in you, I will get you engaged in my heart
and you will worship me in spirit and truth.

"Then Jesus went with them to a farm called Gethsemane and said to the disciples:" Sit here while I go there to pray. And taking Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with him, he began to feel sadness and anguish. He said to them: “My soul is sad to the death; stay here and watch with me. " And advancing a little, he prostrated himself with his face on the ground and prayed saying. “My father, if possible, pass this cup to me! But not as I want, but as you want! "... And again, going away, he prayed saying:" My Father, if this cup cannot pass through me without me drinking it, your will be done ". And leaving them, he went away again and prayed for the third time, repeating the same words ". (Mt 26,36-39.42.44)
5 Our Father, Glory be to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!

Fourth Mystery:
Jesus knew he was giving his life for us and he did this without objection, because he loves us. We pray for families

Sing to the fourth mystery

Accept me, Lord, according to Your Word.
And I know that you Lord will be with me at all times.
I will follow you Lord according to Your Word.
And I know that in You Lord my hope will be fulfilled.

"Jesus raised his eyes to heaven, said:" Father, the hour has come, glorify your Son, so that the Son glorify you. For you have given him power over every human being, so that he may give eternal life to all those you have given him ... for them I consecrate myself, so that they too may be consecrated in truth ". (Jn 17,1-2.19)
5 Our Father, Glory be to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!

Fifth Mystery:
Jesus made his life a sacrifice for us. Let us pray because we too make our sacrifice for him

Sing to the fifth mystery

Love each other brothers as I have loved you,
you will have my joy that nobody will take away from you!
Live together united, as the Father is united to me.
You will have my life if Love is with you!

“This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you. Nobody has a greater love than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. " (Jn 15,12: 14-XNUMX)
5 Our Father, Glory be to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!

Sixth Mystery:
The resurrection of Jesus: let us pray that all hearts will rise.

I sing to the sixth mystery

Put down, O Jerusalem, the garment of affliction;
put on the splendor, glory that comes from God.
Put the diadem and the cloak of justice on your head,
God will show your splendor, the glory of the Savior

“While the women were still uncertain, here are two men appearing close to them in bright robes. When the women were afraid and bowed their faces to the ground, they said to them: “Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, he has risen. Remember how he spoke to you when he was still in Galilee, saying that the Son of man must be handed over to sinners, that he should be crucified and resurrected on the third day. " (Lk 24,4-7) "The seventy-two returned full of joy saying:" Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name. " He said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you the power to walk upon snakes and scorpions and upon all power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Do not rejoice, however, because demons submit to you; rather rejoice that your names are written in the heavens. " (Lk 10,17-20)
5 Our Father, Glory be to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!

Seventh Mystery:
The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for the new outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Sing to the seventh mystery

Great you are or my lord, King you will remain forever
My soul rests only in You, who forgive me and console me.
With you I want to live or King, with You who sit up in the sky,
with you who have everything at your feet:
You are love, you are Jesus the King.

“Then he led them out to Bethany and, raising his hands, blessed them. As he blessed them, he detached himself from them and was carried up to heaven. And they, after worshiping him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were always in the temple praising God. " (Lk 24,50-63)
3 Our Father, Glory be to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!

We contemplate Jesus who sends the Holy Spirit on the apostles, gathered in prayer with Mary.


Come Spirit of God, shower me with love, help me love.
Come and give me your warmth, inflame this heart, teach me to love.
From the depths of my heart I invoke you in pain, please: save me.
My pains gift to you, transform them if you want in glory your Lord

“As the day of Pentecost was about to end, they were all together in the same place. Suddenly a rumble came from the sky, as of a strong wind, and filled the whole house where they were. Tongues of fire appeared to them, dividing and resting on each of them; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages ​​as the Spirit gave them the power to express themselves. " (Acts 2,1-4)

7 Glory to the Father ...
O Jesus, be strength and protection for us!

Jesus, Son of the living God,
Jesus, splendor of the Father.
Jesus, true eternal light
Jesus, king of glory
Jesus, sun of justice
Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary
Jesus, lovable
Jesus, admirable
Jesus, strong God
Jesus, father of the future century
Jesus, angel of the great council
Jesus, very powerful
Jesus, very patient
Jesus, most obedient
Jesus, meek and humble of heart
Jesus, lover of chastity
Jesus, that you love us so much.
Jesus, God of peace
Jesus, author of life
Jesus, example of all virtues
Jesus, you want our salvation.
Jesus our God
Jesus, our refuge ..
Jesus, father of every poor person
Jesus, treasure of every believer
Jesus, good shepherd
Jesus, true light
Jesus, eternal wisdom
Jesus, infinite goodness
Jesus, our way and our life ...
Jesus, joy of angels
Jesus, king of the patriarchs
Jesus, teacher of the apostles
Jesus, light of the evangelists
Jesus, fortress of the martyrs
Jesus, support of confessors
Jesus, purity of the virgins
Jesus, crown of all the saints ..
Have mercy on us
Be favorable to us
Be favorable to us
Forgive us Jesus
Hear us Jesus
From every sin
From your justice
From the snares of the evil one
With an impure spirit
From eternal death
From resistance to your inspirations
For the mystery of your holy incarnation
For your birth
For your childhood
For your divine life
For your work
For your agony and your passion
For your cross and your abandonment
For your sufferings
For your death and burial
For your resurrection
For your ascension
For giving us the SS. Eucharist
For your joys
For your glory
Free us Jesus
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Forgive us or Lord
Hear us, O Lord
Have mercy on us

My Lord Jesus Christ, that for the love you bring to men, you stay night and day in this Sacrament all full of pity and love, waiting, calling and welcoming all those who come to visit you, I believe you present in the Sacrament Altar. I adore you in the abyss of my nothingness, and I thank you for how many graces you have given me; especially to have given me yourself in this sacrament, and to have given me your Most Holy Mother Mary as a lawyer and to have called me to visit you in this church. Today I greet your most beloved Heart and intend to greet him for three purposes: first, in thanksgiving for this great gift; secondly, to compensate you for all the injuries you have received from all your enemies in this sacrament: thirdly, I intend with this visit to adore you in all places on earth where you are sacramentally less revered and more abandoned. My Jesus, I love you with all my heart. I regret having disgusted your infinite goodness many times in the past. With your grace I propose that you no longer be offended by the future: and in the present, miserable as I am, I consecrate myself completely to you: I give you and renounce all my will, affections, desires and all my things. From today onwards do everything you like with me and my things. Only I ask you and I want your holy love, final perseverance and perfect fulfillment of your will. I commend to you the souls of Purgatory, especially the most devoted of the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary. I still recommend all the poor sinners to you. Lastly, my dear Salvator, I unite all my affections with the affections of your most loving Heart and thus united I offer them to your Eternal Father, and I pray him in your name, that for your love accept them and grant them. So be it.

Spiritual communion
My Jesus, I believe you are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire you in my soul. Since I cannot receive you sacramentally now, at least spiritually come to my heart.
(Take a short break to join Jesus.)
As already come I embrace you and I join you all; don't let me ever separate you from you.

O God, who under the veil of the great sacrament left us the memory of your passion, grant it the grace to venerate the sacred mysteries of the body and your blood in such a way that we continually feel the effect of your redemption in us. Amen

Let's pray

Jesus, I am leaving; here at your feet I leave my poor heart united with the seraphim, who make you a devoted crown. Do not abandon me, my Jesus, in my daily occupations, but enlighten me, help me, defend me; and make sure that your holy presence never escapes my mind. In the meantime, bless me, O Jesus, as you blessed your apostles and disciples one day before going up to heaven, and make this blessing come down upon me, fortify me in life, defend me in death and be the deposit of that blessing which you will give to all the elect on the day of judgment.

I sing about repositioning

You are the vine, we are your branches, hold us tightly.
You are the vine, we are your branches, hold us tightly.
You are the vine, we are your branches, hold us tight against YOU.

Consecration to Jesus through the hands of Mary

Aware of my Christian vocation,
I renew today in your hands, O Mary,
the commitments of my Baptism.
I renounce Satan, his seductions, his works;
and I consecrate myself to Jesus Christ to carry my cross with Him
in daily fidelity to the Father's will.
In the presence of the whole Church I recognize you for my Mother and Sovereign.
To you I offer and consecrate my person, my life and value
of my good past, present and future works.
You dispose of me and what belongs to me to the greater glory of God,
in time and in eternity. Amen.