This prayer is very powerful for obtaining thanks


Prayer to be recited for thirty consecutive days in honor of the thirty years that, according to a pious belief, the Patriarch Saint Joseph lived with Jesus and Mary.

Always be blessed, glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph of the Mountain, an indulgent and lovable father, a compassionate friend of all those who suffer! For that sad pain with which your heart was passed when you considered the sufferings of the savior Infante, and in prophetic vision you contemplated his most ignominious Passion and death, I beg you, have mercy on my poverty and my need; advise me in my doubts and console me in all my anxieties.

You are the good Father and the Protector of the orphans, the advocate of the defenseless and the patron of those who are in need and in despair. Therefore, do not neglect the supplication of your devotee: my sins have attracted the just indignation of God on me and therefore I am surrounded by afflictions.

To you, loving protector of the poor and humble Family of Nazareth, I turn to you asking for help and protection. Listen to me, therefore, and welcome with the solicitude of a father the ardent supplication of a son and obtain-me the object of my desire.

I ask you:

- for the infinite mercy of the Eternal Son of God who induced him to take our nature and be born in this valley of tears.

- For that pain and affliction that flooded your heart when, ignoring the mystery operated in your Immaculate Bride, you resolved to separate from Her.

- For that tiredness, concern and suffering you suffered when you searched in vain for a place in Bethlehem so that the Holy Virgin would give birth and not finding it you were in the need to look for a stable where the Redeemer of the world was born.

- For the pain you had when you attended the painful shedding of precious blood in Circumcision.

- For the sweetness and power of the sacred name of Jesus, which you imposed on the beloved infant.

- For that mortal distress you experienced in hearing the prophecy of the Holy Simeon in which he announced that the Child Jesus and his most holy Mother would be the future victims of his great love for us sinners.

- For the pain and affliction that flooded your soul, when the Angel showed you that his enemies were looking for the Child Jesus to kill him and seeing you obliged to flee to Egypt with him and with his Most Holy Mother.

I ask you:

- for all the pains, the hardships and the travails you suffered in this long and painful journey.

- For all the pain you suffer in Egypt on some occasions when, despite the effort of your work, you were unable to provide food for your poor family.

- For all the treatments to preserve the Divine Child and his Immaculate Mother, during the second trip, when you received the order to return to your native country.

- For the life so peaceful that you had in Nazareth, mixed with many joys and sorrows.

- For all your extreme affliction in remaining for three days without the company of the adorable Child.

- For the joy you had when you found him in the Temple, and for the inexplicable consolation that you felt in the little house of Nazareth, living with the Divine Child.

- For that wonderful submission in remaining subject to your will.

- For the pain you felt constantly reminding you of all that the Child Jesus should have suffered when you would not have been at his side.

- For that contemplation in which you considered that those feet and those hands, now so active in serving you, would one day be pierced by cruel nails; that head resting peacefully on your heart would have been crowned with sharp thorns; that delicate body, which you tenderly supported on your chest and pressed against your heart, would have been scourged, mistreated and nailed to a cross.

I ask you:

- for this heroic sacrifice of your will and the best affections, for which you offered the Eternal Father the last and terrible instant in which the Man-God would have to die for our salvation.

- For the perfect love and conformity with which you received the divine command to leave this world and the company of Jesus and Mary.

- For the great joy that flooded your soul when the Redeemer of the world, triumphing over death and hell, came into possession of his kingdom, leading you to glory with special honors.

- For the glorious Assumption of Mary Most Holy and for that ineffable bliss which will eternally derive from the presence of God.

O most amiable father! I beg you for all the sufferings, afflictions and joys, that you listen to me, and that I obtain the favor of my ardent supplications (here we ask for the grace that you want to obtain through the intercession of Saint Joseph).

Furthermore, I beg you in favor of all those who recommend themselves to my prayers so that they may grant them what is most convenient, according to God's plans. And finally, my beloved Protector and Father San Giuseppe della Montagna, be propitious to us in the last moments. of our life, because we can sing your praises eternally together with those of Jesus and Mary. Amen. San Giuseppe della Montagna, pray for us!