The prayer recited 3 times has the value of 9 Rosaries

The prayer recited 3 times has the value of 9 Rosaries. A shepherdess of the Bavaria on 20/06/1646 he was with his flock in the pasture. There was an image of the Madonna in front of which the girl had promised that she would recite nine Rosaries every day.

There was a great heat over that region and the cattle did not he left time to pray. Our dear Lady then appeared to her and promised to teach her a prayer that would have the same value as the recitation of nine Rosaries. He was commissioned by the Lady to teach it to others.

The shepherdesshowever, he kept the prayer and the message to himself until his death. His soul, after death, was unable to have peace; God gave her the grace to manifest and she said that she would not find peace if she did not reveal this prayer to men, since her soul was wandering.

Thus he managed to achieve eternal peace.
We report it below recalling that, recited three times after a Rosary, corresponds to the equivalent commitment of nine Rosaries:

Greeting prayer to be repeated three times after each Holy Rosary

God greets you, o Maria. God greets you, o Maria. God greets you, o Maria.
O Maria, I greet you 33.000 (thirty-three thousand) times,
as the archangel Saint Gabriel greeted you.
It is joy for your heart and also for my heart that the archangel brought you the greeting of Christ.
Ave, o Maria ...

If you were God and you had a glorious task that you wanted to accomplish, who would you choose? Anyone with obvious gifts? Or someone who is weak, humble and seems to have very few natural gifts? Amazingly, God very often chooses the weak for the bigger tasks. This is one way he is able to manifest his almighty power (see journal # 464).

Reflect today on the fact that you have a high and lofty view of yourself and your abilities. If so, be careful. God has a hard time using someone who thinks this way. Try to see your modesty and humble yourself before the glory of God. He wants to use you for great things, but only if you allow Him to be the one who acts in and through you. In this way, the glory belongs to Him and the work is done according to His perfect wisdom and is a fruit of His abundant mercy.

Lord, I offer myself for Your service. Help me to always come to You in humility, recognizing my weakness and my sin. In this humble state, please shine so that Your glory and Your power will do great things. Jesus I believe in you.